60 results filtered with: Hemiplegia
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A second note upon homonymous hemiopic hallucinations / by Frederick Peterson.
Peterson, Frederick, 1859-1938.Date: [1891]- Books
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Le facial supérieur dans l'hémiplégie cérébrale : le double centre cortical du facial supérieur : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 20 novembre 1900 / par J. Calmette.
Calmette, J.Date: 1900- Film
Typical gaits and foot exercises.
Date: 1931- Books
Acute hemiplegias and hemisyndromes in childhood / by Werner Isler ; preface to the English edition by Hans Zellweger ; translation by E.H. Burrows.
Isler, Werner, 1919-Date: 1971- Books
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L'hémichorée par lésion organique : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 25 mars 1904 / par Frank Constantin.
Constantin, Frank, 1878-Date: 1904- Books
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Clinical lecture on a case of hemiplegia / by J. Hughlings Jackson.
Jackson, John Hughlings, 1834-1911.Date: [1874]- Books
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The sensory phenomena associated with hemiplegia, as illustrated by twenty-seven cases / by Marion J. Ross, M.D.
Ross, Marion J.Date: [1901]- Books
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Is a brachial monoplegia always most marked in the hand? / by G. Bergmark.
Bergmark, Gustaf, 1881-Date: 1910- Books
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Ein Fall von Hemiplegie bedingt durch ein Sarkoma metastaticum cerebri ... / Georg Schlieben.
Schlieben, Georg (Georg Rudolf Albrecht), 1864-Date: 1895- Books
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De l'hémiplégie pneumonique / par Raphael Lépine.
Lépine, R. (Raphaël), 1840-1919.Date: 1870- Archives and manuscripts
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M0011329: Illustration showing left leg before and after treatment of hemiplegia
Date: 1950Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/100/71Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
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A naked man with hemiplegia, walking with a crutch. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904.Date: 1887Reference: 2010598iPart of: Animal locomotion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements- Books
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Notes of a case of hemiplegia / by T. Lauder Brunton.
Brunton, Thomas Lauder, Sir, 1844-1916.Date: [1891]- Books
Clinical and pathological memoranda. 21, Left hemiplegia, with paralysis of the muscles supplied by the right third nerve, the result of cerebral syphilis, word-blindness / by Byrom Bramwell.
Bramwell, Byrom, Sir, 1847-1931.Date: 1887- Books
Anything you can do I can do / by Stacey A. Bedwell ; illustrated by Rosie Glasse.
Bedwell, Stacey A.Date: 2018- Books
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De l'hémiplégie dans quelques affections nerveuses (Ataxie locomotrice progressive, sclérose en plaques, hystérie, paralysie agitante) / par Blanche A. Edwards.
Edwards-Pilliet, Blanche, 1858-1941.Date: 1889- Books
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Dissertatio medica, de hemiplegia per electricitatem curanda. / Quam pro gradu baccalaureatus consequendo, propugnabit ... Joaannes-Stephanus Deshais.
Deshais, Jean Etienne.Date: 1749- Books
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Die Verhütung der secundären Contractur bei Hemiplegie / von Dr. Geigel.
Geigel, Richard.Date: [1900?]- Videos
Hemiplegia : portraits of neurologists.
Date: Date unknown- Books
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Étude sur les rapports des lésions de la couche optique avec l'hémianesthésie d'origine cérebrale / par J.A. Lafforgue.
Lafforgue, J. A.Date: 1877- Books
Clinical and pathological memoranda. 17-19 / by Byrom Bramwell.
Bramwell, Byrom, Sir, 1847-1931.Date: 1887- Books
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Contribution à l'étude de quelques réflexes dans l'hémiplégie d'origine organique : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 29 juillet 1902 / par Léon Guibert.
Guibert, Léon, 1876-Date: 1902- Books
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Case of hemiplegic epilepsy following fracture of the skull / by Charles B. Ball.
Ball, Charles Bent, 1851-1916.Date: 1883- Books
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An attempt to remove the difficulties attending the applications of Dr. Carpenter's theory of the function of the sensori-motor ganglia to the common form of hemiplegia / by W. H. Broadbent, M.D.
Broadbent, W. H. (William Henry), Sir, 1835-1907.Date: [1866], [©1866]- Books
Case of typhus fever followed by righ hemiplegia and loss of intellectual language, both articulate and written (amnesic aphasia) / by R.E. Scoresby-Jackson.
Jackson, R. E. Scoresby (Robert Edmund), 1835-1867.Date: 1867