144 results filtered with: Hindu goddesses
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A disguised Ravana luring Sita away. Chromolithograph.
Reference: 26467i- Digital Images
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Illustrated tantric scroll showing rewards devotees receive from worship and obedience to demi-gods. At the top, a mythical creature displaying features of various animals, e. g. tail of a peacock, the bill of a crow etc. Below, to the left, Mahakala and Mahakali, god and goddess of fire are illustrated, with to the right the Hakini or demi-god with seven faces, the middle face having three eyes.
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Ganga on her transport led by a worshipper, with an upside down elephant in the river. Coloured transfer lithograph.
Reference: 26201i- Pictures
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Krishna declaring his love for Radha via a confidante. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
Ravi Varma, 1848-1906.Date: [after 1900] :Reference: 26497i- Pictures
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Dhumávati on a temple chariot. Coloured lithograph.
Reference: 26228i- Books
Devī : goddesses of India / edited by John S. Hawley and Donna M. Wulff.
Date: 1998- Books
Encyclopaedia of gods and goddesses / edited by Nagendra Kr. Singh.
Date: 2000-- Pictures
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Radha and Krishna on a single lotus within an "Om" sign surrounded by rondels of scenes of Krishna's life. Coloured lithograph.
Reference: 26244i- Pictures
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Garuda carrying Vishnu and Lakshmi. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 25962i- Pictures
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Rama enthroned with Sita surrounded by Hanuman, Garuda, Krishna and one other. Chromolithgraph.
Reference: 26466i- Pictures
Durga on her tiger fighting the Buffalo demon. Watercolour drawing.
Reference: 27905i- Pictures
A ten-armed Parvati nursing Ganesha. Watercolour drawing.
Reference: 26155i- Pictures
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Rādhā and Krishna embrace in the countryside. Chromolithograph, 1882.
Date: 1882Reference: 26336i- Pictures
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Shiva holding a deer, with his consort Parvati. Transfer lithograph.
Reference: 25934i- Books
Tantric yoga and the wisdom goddesses : spiritual secrets of ayurveda / by David Frawley.
Frawley, David.Date: [1996]- Pictures
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Page 122: Shiva and Parvati on Nandi bull. Watercolour drawing.
Reference: 27357i- Pictures
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Krishna and Radha on separate lotus leaves. Chromolithograph.
Reference: 26240i- Pictures
Page 70: Hanuman before Rama and Sita with an attendant. Watercolour drawing.
Reference: 27246i- Pictures
Ram Raj Tilak (Coronation of Rama): Rama and Sita on the throne with Hanuman, Bharata, Laksmana and Satrughna. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 25947i- Pictures
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Shiva with the Ganges and Nandi bull with Durga and lion seated on lotuses. Gouache drawing.
Reference: 27811i- Pictures
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Gangā and the river Ganges falling from heaven, while Shiva waits below to stem the fall with Nandi bull, Parvati and the sage Jahnu. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
Ravi Varma, 1848-1906.Reference: 26676i- Pictures
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Ganesha with his two wives and two female attendants, his rat and a lion with two heads all surrounded by roundels. Coloured transfer lithograph by Janaradna Vasudtya.
Vasudtya, Janaradna.Date: 1900Reference: 25921i- Digital Images
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Devi in her benign and ferocious forms
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Radha and Krishna on separate lotuses. Chromolithograph.
Reference: 26243i- Pictures
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Krishna combing Radha's hair with attendant in the background. Chromolithograph.
Reference: 26304i