908 results filtered with: Malaria
- Books
The healthy life : people, perceptions, politics : 2-5 September 1999, Almuñecar (Granada, Spain) : book of abstracts / European Association for the History of Medicine and Health, International Network for the History of Public Health.
Date: 1999- Books
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Malaria / by Sir Joseph Fayrer.
Fayrer, Joseph, Sir, 1824-1907.Date: [1882]- Books
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Paludisme et trypanosomiase / par A. Laveran.
Laveran, Alphonse, 1849-1922.Date: 1905- Books
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Sur les fièvres miasmatiques de marais, dans le nord d'Afrique, et l'emploi du sulfate de quinine à hautes doses dans leur traitement : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 6 février 1837 / par Pierre-Joseph-Eugène Martenet.
Martenet, Pierre Joseph Eugène.Date: 1837- Books
Die Malaria; ein geschichtlicher Überblick / [Marlene Jantsch].
Jantsch, Marlene.Date: 1948- Books
The imaginations of unreasonable men : inspiration, vision, and purpose in the quest to end malaria / Bill Shore.
Shore, William H.Date: [2010], ©2010- Books
Malaria / L.J. Bruce-Chwatt, [C.C. Draper, W. Peters].
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan.Date: [1971]- Archives and manuscripts
Gwen Prout stamp collection vol.80 Malaria #1
Date: 1947-2015Reference: EPH751:80Part of: Gwen Prout Stamp Collection- Books
Notes on entomological problems of medical importance in the Near and Middle East / by C.C. Deonier.
Deonier, Christian Charles.Date: 1950- Videos
- Online
The life cycle of the malaria parasite.
Date: 1951- Books
Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
Ross, Ronald, Sir, 1857-1932.Date: 1902- Books
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De la vitalité des races du nord dans les pays chauds exempts d'impaludisme / par Lucien Bertholon.
Bertholon, Lucien.Date: 1877- Audio
The lariam legacy.
Date: 2015- Books
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Apuntaciones sobre el estudio del paludismo / por F. Guevara-Rojas.
Guevara Rojas, Felipe, 1878-1916.Date: 1912- Books
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Tractatio de miliarium origine, progressu, natura, et curatione / Auctore Carolo Allionio.
Allioni, Carlo, 1725-1804.Date: 1758- Books
Human malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) in owl monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus) / A. Voller [and others].
Date: [1969]- Books
Malaria in Greece / by Ronald Ross.
Ross, Ronald, Sir, 1857-1932.Date: 1907- Books
Malaria et moustiques / Ronald Ross.
Ross, Ronald, Sir, 1857-1932.Date: 1900- Books
Contributo alle manifestazioni cutanee della malaria, con particolare riguardo a una forma di ectima / Luigi Chimisso.
Chimisso, Luigi.Date: 1914- Books
The traveller's guide to health : vital information you should know before travelling abroad T1 formerly SA 40/41 April 1990 / [prepared by the Department of Health and the Central Office of Information].
Date: 1990- Books
- Online
Dissertatio inauguralis medica exhibens febrem tertianam intermittentem / [Heinrich Schmid].
Schmid, Heinrich.Date: 1676- Books
A symposium on human malaria : with special reference to North America and the Caribbean region / Publication committee: Mark F. Boyd [and others] ; edited by Forest Ray Moulton.
Date: 1941- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0001719: Reproduction of the title page from Van muggen en malaria, 1924
Date: 24 March 1931Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/16/13Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
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Malaria : what it means and how avoided / by Joseph F. Edwards.
Edwards, Joseph F., 1853-Date: 1881- Books
- Online
The influence of tropical climates on European constitutions ; to which is now added, an essay on morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels, as the proximate cause, or characteristic condition of indigestion, nervous irritability, mental despondency, hypochondriasis, &c. &c. preceded by observations on the diseases and regimen of invalids, on their return from hot and unhealthy climates / by James Johnson.
Johnson, James, 1777-1845.Date: 1827