42 results filtered with: Mineral Waters - analysis
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Lower Blue Lick Spring : the quantitative chemical analysis of the water of the Lower Blue Lick Spring, in Nicholas County, Ky. : with remarks on some other salt springs of the blue limestone formation / by Robert Peter.
Peter, Robert, 1805-1894.Date: [1850?]- Books
- Online
A treatise on the Bath waters / George Smith Gibbes.
Gibbes, George Smith, Sir, 1771-1851.Date: 1800- Books
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Chemical examination of the mineral water of Schooley's Mountain : read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York on the thirteenth day of July, 1815 / by William James M'Neven.
MacNeven, William James, 1763-1841.Date: 1815- Books
Chemistry, medicine, and the legitimization of English spas, 1740-1840 / Christopher Hamlin.
Hamlin, Christopher, 1951-- Books
An account of an analysis made on the Stratford mineral water comprehending near thirty different experiments : with observations thereon, and conclusions drawn from the whole ... In this work the mineral ... contents ... are ... set forth: its wonderful virtues ... are proved ... and the great cures it has performed are accounted for upon the principles of mechanical reasoning / By Charles Perry.
Perry, Charles, 1698-1780.Date: 1744- Books
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An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston : with practical remarks on their medical properties; together with a history of the discovery and settlement of these celebrated watering places, and observations on the geology and mineralogy of the surrounding country / by John H. Steel.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1838- Books
- Online
A chemical analysis of the waters of New Lebanon, in the state of New-York : with observations on their medicinal qualities, and principally as a bath / by William Meade, M.D.
Meade, William.Date: 1818- Books
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An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston : containing some general remarks on their use in various diseases. Together with observations on the geology and mineralogy of the surrounding country, &c. &c.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1817- Books
- Online
Tratado práctico de analisis quimica de las aguas minerales potables y económicas : con sus principales aplicaciones á la higiene y á la industria, consideraciones generales sobre su formacion, termalidad, aprovechamiento, etc. fabricacion de las aguas minerales artificiales / por Ossian Henry, padre, y Ossian Henry, hijo ; traducido por Ramon Ruiz Gomez.
Henry, Ossian (Étienne Ossian), 1798-1873.Date: 1858- Books
Las termas de Socosani en Yura, Arequipa, Perú / por Angel Maldonado.
Maldonado, Angel.Date: 1918- Books
- Online
An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston : with practical remarks on their medical properties; together with a history of the discovery and settlement of these celebrated watering places, and observations on the geology and mineralogy of the surrounding country.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1831- Books
- Online
Analyse des eaux minérales de Spa, avec des observations sur leurs propriétés médicinales; précédée de quelques notices topographiques ... / [Edwin Godden Jones].
Jones, Edwin Godden, 1778-1842.Date: 1816- Books
- Online
Observations on the waters of the Avon New-Bath Spring and Long's Spring, at Avon, Livingston County, N.Y / by S. Salisbury, Jr., M.D.
Salisbury, Samuel, Jr.Date: 1835- Books
Dissertation on the chemical & medical properties of the Bristol Hotwell water : to which are added practical observations on the prevention & treatment of pulmonary consumption / By A. Carrick, M.D.
Carrick, Andrew.Date: 1797- Books
Analyse chimique de l'eau sulfureuse d'Enghien / [Antoine-François de Fourcroy].
Fourcroy, Antoine-François de, comte, 1755-1809.Date: 1788- Books
- Online
Analyse des eaux thermales d'Aix (en Savoie), Département du Mont-Blanc / Par J. M. Socquet.
Socquet, J.-M. (Joseph-Marie), 1769-1839.Date: An XI [i.e. 1803]- Books
- Online
Analysis of Saratoga waters : also of Sharon, Avon, Virginia and other mineral waters of the United States : with directions for invalids / by M.L. North.
North, M. L. (Milo Linus), 1789-1856.Date: 1846