104 results filtered with: Mineral Waters - therapeutic use
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Scarbroughs spagyrical anatomizer dissected. Or An answer to all that Dr. Tonstal hath objected in his book against Scarbrough Spaw. : The innocency and excellency of that spaw is further asserted. 1. Concerning the rise and growth of the art of physick. 2. Touching the causes of the petrifying property that is in some springs, and more especially that of the dropping well at Knaresbrough. 3. About the signs, symptomes and cures of diseases. As also reflections upon a late piece, called a Vindication of hydrologia chymica. / By Robert Wittie Doctor in Physick.
Wittie, Robert, 1613?-1684.Date: Anno Dom. 1672- Books
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La circulation des eaux, ou l'hydrographie des minerales d'aix et de spa. Divisée en trois parties. ... / Par J.F. Bresmal.
Bresmal, Jean François, approximately 1660-1724.Date: 1700- Books
Disputatio medica inauguralis de thermis / Quam ... ex auctoritate ... rectoris ... Jacobi Le Mort ... nec non ... senatus academici consensu et ... facultatis medicae decreto pro gradu doctoratus ... publicae eruditorum disquisitioni submittit Philippus Conradus Colonius.
Colonius, Philippus Conradus.Date: 1706- Books
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An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bristol-water: and the indications of cure which it answers / By George Randolph.
Randolph, George, 1708-1764.Date: 1750- Books
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An essay of the true nature and due method of treating the gout ... : together with an account of the nature and quality of Bath-waters, the manner of using them, and the diseases in which thry are proper as also of the nature and cure of most chronical distempers, not published before / by Geo. Cheyne.
Cheyne, George, 1671 or 1672-1743.Date: 1723- Books
An account of the mineral waters of Spa, commonly called the German Spaw: being a collection of observations from the most eminent authors who have wrote on that subject / by Henry Eyre, purveyor for mineral waters to Her Majesty.
Eyre, Henry.Date: 1733- Books
The water cure in chronic disease. An exposition of the causes, progress, and terminations of various chronic diseases of the digestive organs, lungs, nerves, limbs, and skin : and of their treatment by water, and other hygienic means / by James Manby Gully.
Gully, James Manby, 1808-1883.Date: 1847- Books
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The Bath waters : their uses and effects in the cure and relief of various chronic diseases / By James Tunstall, M.D.
Tunstall, James, -1880.Date: 1850- Books
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An enquiry into the nature and principles of the Spaw waters. With a mechanical explanation of their virtues and uses in many diseases. To which is subjoined, a cursory enquiry into the nature and properties of the hot fountains at Aix la Chapelle / By Charles Perry, M.D.
Perry, Charles, 1698-1780.Date: 1734- Books
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Abrégé de l'histoire de Spa, ou Mémoire historique et critique sur les eaux minérales et thermales de la province de Liége, et spécialement sur celles de Tongres, Spa et Chaudfontaine, : considérées sous le rapport de leur ancienneté et de leur célébrité. / Par J.-B. L.
Leclercq, Jean-BaptisteDate: 1818- Books
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Some remarks on medicinal mineral waters, natural and artificial : their efficacy in the treatment of chronic diseases, and rules for their employment, especially those of Carlsbad, Ems, Kissingen, Marienbad, Pyrmont, Pullna, Seidschutz, and Heilbrunn / by S. Hanbury Smith.
Smith, Samuel Hanbury, 1810-1894.Date: 1855- Books
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Experimental observations on the water of the mineral spring near Islington, commonly called New Tunbridge Wells ... : To which is subjoined, an account of its medicinal virtues and use; and of the most adviseable methods of drinking it in each kind of case.
Date: 1782- Books
An essay on two mineral springs, recently discovered at Harrogate; and on the springs of Thorp-Arch and Ilkley : including the history, chemical analysis, and medicinal properties of these waters, with some observations on their use / by Adam Hunter ... physician to the House of Recovery at Leeds.
Hunter, Adam, 1794-1843.Date: 1819- Books
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A chemical analysis of the Leamington waters : with a practical dissertation on their medical effects, and instructions for cold and warm bathing / by Amos Middleton.
Middleton, Amos.Date: 1843- Books
Traité des eaux minérales de Verdusan : connues sous le nom d'Eaux minérales du Castera Vivent, avec leur analyse, leurs propriétés & leur usage dans les maladies, fait par ordre du gouvernement / Par M. Raulin.
Raulin, Joseph, 1708-1784.Date: 1772- Books
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Directions for preparing aerated medicinal waters, by means of the improved glass machines made at Leith Glass-Works.
Date: 1787- Books
The International Congress of Hydroclimatology and Thalassotherapy, Opatija, Yugoslavia, May 8-13, 1954 : summaries organized by the Union of Yugoslav Medical Societies, the International Federation of Thermatology and Climatology and International Association of Thalassotherapy.
International Congress of Hydroclimatology and Thalassotherapy (1954 : Opatija, Croatia)Date: [1954]- Books
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Callirhoe; commonly called the Well of Spa, or the Nymph of Aberdene. ... What diseases may be cured by drinking of the Well of Spa at Aberdene, and wht is the true use thereof. As it was printed by Andro Hart, Anno Dom. 1615. And now reprinted at Aberdene by John Forbes Younger ... MDCLXX / Resuscitat by William Barclay.
Younger John Forbes.Date: 1799- Books
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Lettres topographiques et médicales sur Vichy : ses eaux minérales et leur action thérapeutique sur nos organes / par M. Noyer (Victor).
Noyer, Victor.Date: 1833- Books
Healing with water : English spas and the water cure, 1840-1960 / Jane M. Adams.
Adams, Jane M.Date: 2015- Books
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The Bristol and Hotwell guide, or, Useful entertaining pocket companion for all persons residing at, or resorting to Bristol, the Hotwell, or their vicinities ... / Compiled by E. Shiercliff.
Shiercliff, Edward, 1727-1798Date: 1789- Books
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De l'action des eaux minérales, / par G. Sabatin, docteur en médicine. Premier mémoire.
Sabatin, G.Date: 1839- Books
Callirhoe; commonly called the Well of Spa or the Nymph of Aberdene / Resuscitat by William Barclay ... What diseases may be cured by drinking of the Well of Spa at Aberdene, and what is the true use thereof. As it was printed by Andro Hart, Anno Dom. 1615. And now reprinted at Aberdene by John Forbes Younger ... MDCLXX.
Barclay, William, 1570?-1630?Date: 1799- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de aquis Spadanis ... / Eruditorum examini submittit Philippus Ludovicus de Presseux.
Presseux, Philippe Louis de, 1706-1746.Date: [1736]- Books
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A treatise on the origin, nature and virtues of chalybeat waters, and natural hot baths. With a physico-chemical analysis, and medicinal description of the mineral waters at Tunbridge ... Islington, and Shadwell ... with others ... in England: and ... at Cleves in Germany. Likewise, directions for the preparation and use of artificial, hot, mineral-water-baths. To which is added, an appendix, on the Selter water, with ... remarks ... on it's [sic] mixture with tar-water. And also a dissertation on Baron Schwanberg's Liquid shell. With the process for preparing the same. To which is annexed, occasional remarks and queries on the Glastonbury waters / [Diederick Wessel Linden].
Linden, Diederick Wessel, active 1745-1768.Date: 1752