44 results filtered with: Nuclear Medicine
- Books
Medicina nucleară : diagnostic ṣi tratament / sub redacţia Tiberiu Pop.
Date: 1983- Books
Nuclear hematology / edited by E. Szirmai.
Date: 1965- Books
Radioactive nuclides in medicine and biology / Edith H. Quimby, Sergei Feitelberg and William Gross.
Quimby, Edith H. (Edith Hinkley), 1891-1982.Date: 1968-- Books
Nuklearmedizin und Ultraschalldiagnostik am Landesunfallkrankenhaus in Feldkirch / Peter Josef Ell.
Ell, Peter Josef.Date: [1976?]- Books
Nuclear ophthalmology / edited by Millard N. Croll [and others].
Date: [1976], ©1976- Books
The heritage of nuclear medicine / editorial panel, Marshall Brucer [and others] ; book coordinator, James A. Sorenson.
Date: 1979- Books
Nuklearmedizin, Funktionsdiagnostik / [Dieter Emrich] ; bearbeitet von K.H. Bremer [and others].
Emrich, Dieter.Date: 1971- Books
- Online
Biological implications of the nuclear age : proceedings of a symposium held at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California, March 5-7, 1969 / Cochairmen: Bernard Shore, Frederick Hatch.
Date: 1969- Journals
Progress in atomic medicine.
Date: 1965-1974- Books
A vital legacy : biological and environmental research in the atomic age.
Date: 1997- Books
Reduction of radiation exposure in nuclear medicine : proceedings of a symposium held at the Kellogg Center for Continuing Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich / edited by Kenneth D. Williams [and others].
Date: [1968]- Books
Neutron-activation analysis in man in vivo : a new technique in medical investigation / J. Anderson [and others].
Anderson, J.Date: [1964]- Books
Use of radioisotopes in animal biology and the medical sciences : proceedings of a conference held in Mexico City, 21 November - 1 December 1961.
Conference on the Uses of Radioisotopes in Animal Biology and the Medical Sciences (1961 : Mexico)Date: 1962-- Journals
The Canadian journal of radiography, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine.
- Books
Atomic energy yearbook / edited by John Tutin.
Date: [1949]- Books
Proceedings of the IIIrd International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine : Karlovy Vary/Carlsbad/ Czechoslovakia, May 29-June 1, 1973 cardiac and pulmonary function, lung scintigraphy ... / [edited by O. Andrysek and J. Mĕs̆tan].
International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine 1973 : Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia)Date: 1974- Books
Love of life : autobiographical sketches / William H. Beierwaltes.
Beierwaltes, William H. (William Henry), 1916-2005.Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
Recent advances in clinical nuclear medicine / edited by William R. Greig, Frank C. Gillespie.
Date: 1975- Journals
The Journal of nuclear medicine.