58 results filtered with: Philosophy, Medieval
- Books
Perspectives on Maimonides : philosophical and historical studies / edited by Joel L. Kraemer ; with contributions by Lawrence V. Berman [and others].
Date: 1996- Books
Studien über Salomon ibn Gabirol / David Kaufmann.
Kaufmann, David, 1852-1899.Date: 1980- Books
al-Fārābī wa-Tūmās Mūrūs, aw, al-Madīnah al-fāḍilah wa-Jazīrat al-ṭūbá / Fuʼād Afrām Bustānī.
Bustānī, Fuʼād Afrām.Date: 1999- Books
Asṭrologyah u-magyah ba-hagut ha-Yehudit bi-Yeme ha-Benayim / Dov Shṿarts.
Schwartz, Dov.Date: 1999- Books
Eriugena : East and West papers of the Eighth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Chicago and Notre Dame, 18-20 October 1991 / edited by Bernard McGinn and Willemien Otten.
Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
Il commento filosofico nell'Occidente latino, secoli XIII-XV = The philosophical commentary in the Latin West, 13-15th centuries : atti del colloquio Firenze-Pisa, 19-22 ottobre 2000 / organizzato dalla SISMEL (Società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino) e dalla SISPM (Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale), sotto l'egida della SIEPM ; a cura di Gianfranco Fioravanti, Claudio Leonardi e Stefano Perfetti.
Date: 2002- Books
"La Ciudad Virtuosa" de Alfarabi / Joseph Karam.
Karam, Joseph.Date: 1999- Books
Philosophie et sciences à Byzance de 1204 à 1453 : les textes, les doctrines et leur transmission : actes de la table ronde organisée au XXe Congrès international d'études Byzantines, Paris, 2001 / édité par M. Cacouros et M.-H. Congourdeau ; introduction par M.J. Irigoin.
International Congress of Byzantine Studies 2001 : Paris, France)Date: 2006- Books
Le manuscrit Vatican latin 2186 / Jeanne Bignami Odier.
Date: 1999- Books
Liber primus Naturalium : tractatus secundus, De motu et de consimilibus / édition critique par S. van Riet, J. Janssens, A. Allard ; introduction doctrinale par G. Verbeke.
Avicenna, 980-1037.Date: 2006- Books
L'art des conjectures de Nicolas de Cues / Jocelyne Sfez.
Sfez, Jocelyne.Date: 2012- Books
[Notes sur les philosophes arabes connus des Latins au moyen âge.]. VII, Sur le De scientiis d'Alfarabi récemment édité en arabe à Saïda et sur le de Divisione Philosophiae de Gundissalinus / Maurice Bouyges.
Bouyges, Maurice.Date: 1999- Books
Maimonides in his world : portrait of a Mediterranean thinker / Sara Stroumsa.
Stroumsa, Sarah.Date: [2009], ©2009- Books
El saber i les llengües vernacles a l'època de Llull i Eiximenis : estudis ICREA sobre vernacularització = Knowledge and vernacular languages in the age of Llull and Eiximenis : ICREA studies on vernacularization / edited by Anna Alberni [and others].
Date: 2012- Books
Eine vermisste Schrift Farâbîs / von Leo Strauss.
Strauss, Leo.Date: 1999- E-books
- Online
Humanism and scholasticism in late medieval Germany / James H. Overfield.
Overfield, James H., 1942-Date: c1984- Books
La filosofia di Alfarabi / Roberto Hamui.
Hamui, Roberto.Date: 1999- E-books
- Online
A history of balance, 1250-1375 : the emergence of a new model of equilibrium and its impact on thought / Joel Kaye, Barnard College, Columbia University.
Kaye, Joel, 1946-Date: 2014- Books
Interpreting Avicenna : science and philosophy in medieval Islam : proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study Group / edited by Jon McGinnis with the assistance of David C. Reisman.
Avicenna Study Group. Conference 2002 : Mainz, Germany)Date: 2004- Books
Farabis̓ Plato / by Leo Strauss.
Strauss, Leo.Date: 1999- Books
Maimonides the rationalist / Herbert A. Davidson.
Davidson, Herbert A. (Herbert Alan), 1932-2021.Date: 2011- Books
Philosophy and learning : universities in the Middle Ages / edited by Maarten J.F.M. Hoenen, J.H. Josef Schneider, Georg Wieland.
Date: 1995- E-books
- Online
The ages of man : a study in medieval writing and thought / J.A. Burrow.
Burrow, J. A. (John Anthony)Date: 1988- Books
Averroès / Ali Benmakhlouf.
Benmakhlouf, Ali.Date: 2000- Books
L'homme et son univers au moyen âge : actes du septième congrés international de philosophie médiévale (30 aout̂-4 septembre 1982) / édités par Christian Wenin.
Congrès international de philosophie médiévale 1982 : Université catholique de Louvain)Date: 1986