276 results filtered with: Rabies
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An address to the professors of physic and surgery, in the cities of London and Westminster, proposing the institution of a society for investigating the cause, symptoms, and cure of the hydrophobia.
Hyde, Samuel, 1851-1900.Date: 1807- Pictures
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Rabies: a rabid dog attacking a girl. Colour lithograph, 1977.
Date: 1977Reference: 780234i- Books
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Case of hydrophobia / by James A. Sidey, M.D.
Sidey, James Archibald.Date: [1850]- Books
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Remarks on hysteria, in connection with hydrophobia, and other convulsive affections : with a glance into the mesmeric mystery / by John Dalziel.
Dalziel, John.Date: 1853- Books
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Medical reports of cases and experiments : with observations, chiefly derived from hospital practice: to which are added, an enquiry into the origin of canine madness; and thoughts on a plan for its extirpation from the British isles / By Samuel Argent Bardsley. M.D. M.R.M.S. Edinburgh; and M.S. London: physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, Dispensary, Lunatic Hospital, and Asylum; and Vice-President of the Literary, and Philosophical Society, at Manchester.
Bardsley, Samuel Argent, 1764-1851.Date: 1807- Books
Observations on, and plain directions for, all classes of people, to prevent the fatal effects of the bites of animals labouring under hydrophobia ... / By Henry Sully.
Sully, Henry.Date: 1828- Books
La rage / par Auguste Marie.
Marie, Auguste, 1864-1935.Date: [1901]- Books
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Experimental researches on the influence exercised by atmospheric pressure upon the progression of the blood in the veins : upon that function called absorption, and upon the prevention and cure of the symptoms caused by the bites of rabid or venomous animals ... / by David Barry.
Barry, David, Sir, 1780-1835.Date: 1826- Books
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Dissertation sur la rage et l'hydrophobie ... / Par P.F. Labonnardière.
Labonnardière, P. F.Date: 1820- Books
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Doubts of hydrophobia, as a specific disease, to be communicated by the bite of a dog; with experiments on the supposed virus generated in that animal, during the complaint termed madness ... / By Robert White.
White, Robert.Date: 1826- Books
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Ueber das Vorkommen und die Beurtheilung der Hundswuth in alter Zeit.
Marx, K. F. H. (Karl Friedrich Heinrich), 1796-1877.Date: 1872- Archives and manuscripts
Pryce-Lloyd family: medical receipt book
Pryce-Lloyd, EdwardDate: 1791-c. 1800Reference: MS.8469- Books
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Facts establishing the efficacy of the opiate friction in spasmodic and febrile diseases. Also, outlines of an attempt to investigate the nature, causes, and method of cure, of hydrophobia and tetanus ... To which are added, cases and remarks / [Michael Ward].
Ward, Michael, active 1809.Date: [1809]- Pictures
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The Pasteur Institute Hospital, Kasauli, India: Indian patients holding treatment cards awaiting inoculation against rabies. Photograph, ca. 1910.
Date: 1910Reference: 570880i- Books
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Essai sur le tétanos rabien, ou, Recherches et réflexions sur la cause des accidens qui sont quelquefois la suite des morsures faites par les animaux enragés : suivies de quelques notions sur les moyens de prévenir ou de guérir cette maladie / par G. Girard.
Girard, Gaspard, 1754-1830.Date: 1809- Books
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An inaugural dissertation on the disease produced by the bite of a mad dog, or other rabid animal : submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost ; the trustees and medical facutly of the University of Pennsylvania, on the eleventh day of May, 1792, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine / by James Mease, A.M. of Philadelphia.
Mease, James, 1771-1846.Date: MDCCXCII [1792]- Videos
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The Wellcome Trust in Thailand : malaria, rabies and snakebite.
Date: 1987- Pictures
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Louis Pasteur, head and shoulders, with allegorical figures. Colour process print by Phg. Y. Michel after H. Meyer, 1895.
Date: 13 October 1895Reference: 571719i- Pictures
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Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
Renouard, Paul, 1845-1924.Date: [1886]Reference: 17886i- Books
Epidemic / written by Brian Ward ; chief editorial consultant, Rob DeSalle.
Ward, Brian R.Date: 2000- Books
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An essay on the bite of a mad dog; with observations on John Hunter's treatment of the case of Master R---- [Rowley]. And also, a recital of the successful treatment of two cases / By Jessé Foot, Surgeon.
Foot, Jesse, 1744-1826.Date: 1788- Archives and manuscripts
Notes and extracts on books
Date: c.1800-1823Reference: MS.1164Part of: Bidault de Villiers, F. T. (1775-1824)- Books
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On hydrophobia, its prevention, and cure. With a description of the different stages of canine madness: illustrated with cases / [Benjamin Moseley].
Moseley, Benjamin, 1742-1819.Date: 1808- Books
The nature and treatment of rabies or hydrophobia : being the report made for the Medical press and circular / by Thomas M. Dolan.
Dolan, Thomas M. (Thomas Michael), 1844-1907.Date: 1879- Books
A case of hydrophobia one year and nine months after the bite of a monkey / by B. Langley Mills.
Mills, B. Langley.Date: 1888