60 results filtered with: Syphilis - drug therapy
- Ephemera
- Online
Venezuela Gulf Hospital formulary.
Date: [approximately 1930?]- Books
The effect of small doses of mercury in modifying the number of the red blood corpuscles in syphilis : a study of blood-counting with the hématimet̀re / by E.L. Keyes.
Keyes, E. L. (Edward Lawrence), 1843-1924.Date: 1876- Ephemera
- Online
Siomine : tetrayoduro de metenamina / Pitman-Moore Company ; agentes para la isla de Cuba: Kaufmann y Quintana.
Date: [1941]- Books
The salvarsan treatment of syphilis in private practice : with some account of the modern methods of diagnosis / by George Stopford-Taylor and Robert William MacKenna.
Stopford-Taylor, George (George Grayson), -1918.Date: [1914]- Books
- Online
A probationary essay on the use and effects of mercury in the treatment of syphilis : submitted ... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ... / by David Johnston ... October 1823.
Johnston, David.Date: 1823- Books
Über Salvarsan und Neosalvarsan / von P. Ehrlich.
Ehrlich, Paul, 1854-1915.Date: 1913- Ephemera
Drug advertising ephemera : Brazil, 1937-1971.
Date: 2010- Books
Traitement de la syphilis par les injections hypodermiques de sublimé à l'état de solution chloro-albumineuse / par Staub, Chrétien-Édouard.
Staub, Chrétien-Édouard.Date: 1872- Ephemera
Drug advertising ephemera. Box 1.
- Ephemera
- Online
Algias : Mio-Ina, medicación sinergica, antialgica y desensibilizante : vitamina B1 ... / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
Date: [1944?]- Ephemera
- Online
Bismutoterapia liposoluble : Karl Meinicke Bis Ambard : bismuto inyectable soluble ... / Laboratorios Ambard, Santiago de Cuba.
Date: [1949]- Books
Le bismuth dans le traitement de la syphilis / C. Levaditi.
Levaditi, C. (Constantin), 1879-1953.Date: 1924- Books
- Online
Syphilis : its diagnosis and treatment / by F.J. Lambkin ; with preface by Frederick Treves.
Lambkin, F. J.Date: 1911- Books
- Online
"606" in theory and practice / by Paul Ehrlich and J.E.R. McDonagh.
Ehrlich, Paul, 1854-1915.Date: 1911- Ephemera
- Online
La dragée Adrian au chlorure de magnesium pur ...
Date: [1930]- Books
Cases of the diabetes mellitus : with the results of the trials of certain acids, and other substances, in the cure of the lues venerea / by John Rollo.
Rollo, John, -1809.Date: 1798- Books
On the use of salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis / by Alexander Fleming and L. Colebrook.
Fleming, Alexander, Sir, 1881-1955.Date: 1911- Books
The effect of small doses of mercury in modifying the number of the red blood corpuscles in syphilis : a study of blood-counting with the hématimètre / by E.L. Keyes.
Keyes, E. L. (Edward Lawrence), 1843-1924.Date: 1876- Ephemera
- Online
Arsenoterapia Acetylarsan : lo que es oportuno saber del: Acetylarsan / Specia Productos Farmacéticos ; distribuidores para el Perú: Life.
Date: [1951]- Books
The treatment of syphilis with salvarsan / by Wilhelm Wechselmann ; with an introduction by Paul Ehrlich ; only authorized translation by Abr. L. Wolbarst.
Wechselmann, Wilhelm.Date: [1911], ©1911- Books
Principles and practice of chemotherapy : with special reference to the specific and general treatment of syphilis / by John A. Kolmer.
Kolmer, John A. (John Albert), 1886-Date: [1926], ©1926- Ephemera
- Online
Use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root : kidney, liver & bladder cure.
Date: [between 1850 and 1899?]- Books
- Online
Die experimentelle Chemotherapie der Spirillosen (Syphilis, Rückfallfieber, Hühnerspirillose, Frambösie) / von Paul Ehrlich und S. Hata ; mit beiträgen von H.J. Nichols .. [and others].
Ehrlich, Paul, 1854-1915.Date: 1910- Books
The chemotherapy of syphilis and gonorrhoea.
Date: 1949- Books
Serology in syphilis control : principles of sensitivity and specificity with an appendix for health officers and industrial physicians / by Reuben L. Kahn.
Kahn, Reuben L. (Reuben Leon), 1887-1979.Date: 1942