87 results filtered with: Technology - History
- Books
Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik aus Graz : Entdeckungen und Erfindungen aus fünf Jahrhunderten : vom "Mysterium cosmographicum" bis zur direkten Hirn-Computer-Kommunikation / herausgegeben von Karl Acham.
Date: [2007], ©2007- Books
Il cuore : arte, scienza e tecnologia / a cura di Tito Longo.
Date: 2002- Books
Science & technology in India through the ages / editors, B.K. Srivathsa, M.A. Narasimhan.
Date: 2003- Books
Actes de les II Trobades d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica : (Peníscola, 5-8 desembre 1992) / coordinadors, Víctor Navarro Brotóns [and others].
Trobades d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica 1992 : Peñíscola, Spain)Date: 1993- Books
- Online
The scientific revolution revisited / Mikuláš Teich.
Teich, Mikuláš.Date: [2015], ©2015- Books
Medieval science, technology, and medicine : an encyclopedia / editors, Thomas F. Glick, Steven J. Livesey, Faith Wallis.
Date: 2005- Books
Traditional science and material culture of early Assam / Dinesh Baishya.
Baiśya, Dīneśa.Date: 2009- Books
Science and technology in world history / David Deming.
Deming, David, 1954-Date: 2010-- Books
Zhongguo ke xue ji shu shi / Li Yuese zhu ; "Zhongguo ke xue ji shu shi" fan yi xiao zu fan.
Needham, Joseph, 1900-1995.Date: 1990-- Books
Dynamos and virgins revisited : women and technological change in history : an anthology / edited by Martha Moore Trescott.
Date: 2003, ©1979- Books
Encyclopedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-Western cultures / H. Selin (ed.).
Date: 2008- Books
Groundbreaking scientific experiments, inventions, and discoveries of the 18th century / Jonathan Shectman.
Shectman, Jonathan, 1972-Date: 2003- Books
Science and civilisation in China. Vol. 5, Chemistry and chemical technology. Part. 11, Ferrous metallurgy / by Donald B. Wagner.
Wagner, Donald B.Date: 2008- Books
Science and technology in medieval European life / Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth.
Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R.Date: 2006- Books
The historical perspective / [prepared by Arthur Marwick, Colin A. Russell and David Goodman for the Course Team].
Marwick, Arthur, 1936-2006.Date: 1973- E-books
- Online
Machines as the measure of men : science, technology, and ideologies of Western dominance / Michael Adas.
Adas, Michael, 1943-Date: 1989- Books
Um olhar sobre o passado : história das ciências na América Latina / Silvia F. de M. Figueirôa, org. ; tradução, Beatriz Mattos Marchesini.
Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
A dictionary of the history of science / Anton Sebastian.
Sebastian, Anton.Date: [2001], ©2001- Books
Science and spectacle in the European Enlightenment / edited by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and Christine Blondel.
Date: [2008], ©2008- Books
The scientific revolution : a very short introduction / Lawrence M. Principe.
Principe, Lawrence.Date: 2011- Books
Measurement and statistics on science and technology : 1920 to the present / Benoît Godin.
Godin, Benoît, 1958-2021.Date: 2005- Books
Chemical Heritage Foundation : [information folder].
Chemical Heritage Foundation.Date: [1996?]- Books
Actes de les V Trobades d'història de la ciència i de la tècnica : Roquetes, 11-13 desembre 1998) / coordinació: Josep Batlló Ortiz, Pere de la Fuente Collell, Roser Puig Aguilar.
Trobades d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica 1998 : Roquetes)Date: 2000- Books
Science and civilisation in China. Vol. 5, Chemistry and chemical technology. Part XII, Ceramic technology / Joseph Needham ; Rose Kerr and Nigel Wood.
Needham, Joseph, 1900-1995.Date: 2004- E-books
- Online
Technology's storytellers : reweaving the human fabric / John M. Staudenmaier.
Staudenmaier, John M.Date: c1985