29 results filtered with: Trypanosomiasis, African - drug therapy
- Books
The treatment of advanced cases of Rhodesian sleeping sickness by Mel B and arsobal / by F.I.C. Apted.
Apted, F. I. C.Date: 1953- Books
The treatment of T. rhodesiense sleeping sickness : with special reference to its physio-pathological and epidemiological basis / by H. Buyst.
Buyst, H.Date: 1975- Books
Traitement de la maladie du sommeil / par Ayres Kopke.
Kopke, Ayres.Date: 1907- Books
Nitrofurazone in the treatment of sleeping sickness due to Trypanosoma rhodesiense / by F.I.C. Apted.
Apted, F. I. C.Date: 1960