39 results filtered with: Weights and Measures - history
- Books
Mensuration in ancient India / Saradha Srinivasan.
Srinivasan, Saradha, 1932-Date: 1979- Books
Prix, salaires, poids et mesures / sous la direction Rika Gyselen ; avec la collaboration de J.-Cl. Courtois [and others].
Date: 1990- Books
Synopsis mensurarum et ponderum, ponderationisque mensurabilium secundum Romanos, Athenienses, geōrgoùs, kaì hippoiàtrous : ex praestantissimis authoribus huius generis contracta / opera Michaelis Neandri. Accesserunt etiam, quae apud Galenum hactenus extabant de ponderum & mensurarum ratione vehementer depravata, nunc graecè & latinè multo correctiora, eiusdem Michaelis Neandri opera. Item rerum & verborum in his omnibus memorabilium index.
Neander, Michael, 1529-Date: [1555]- Books
A dictionary of English weights and measures : from Anglo-Saxon times to the nineteenth century / [Ronald Edward Zupko].
Zupko, Ronald Edward.Date: 1968- Books
Le pain, le vin et la juste mesure à la table des moines carolingiens / Jean-Claude Hocquet.
Hocquet, Jean-Claude, 1936-Date: 1985- Books
2000 years of nested cup-weights / by Gerard M.M. Houben.
Houben, Gerardus M. M. (Gerardus Martinus Maria)Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
- Online
The origin and antiquity of our English weights and measures discover'd. By their near agreement with such standards that are now found in one of the Egyptian pyramids. Together with the explanation of divers lines therein heretofore measur'd / By Mr. John Greaves ... As also, some conjectures concerning the time when these pyramids were built; in answer to certain letters, & c.
Greaves, John, 1602-1652.Date: 1745- Books
Unification of weight and measure standards in Islamic medicine / [Sami K. Hamarneh].
Hamarneh, Sami K.Date: 1984- Books
10 000 [Zehntausend] Jahre Waage : Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wägetechnik / herausgegeben von den Bizerba-Werken, Wilhelm Kraut KG., Balingen/Würt, aus Anlass des 100jährigen Jubiläums, 1866-1966.
Haeberle, Karl Erich.Date: [1967])- Books
Gewichte- und Waagemacher im alten Köln (16.-19. Jahrhundert) / [Bruno Kisch].
Kisch, Bruno, 1890-1966.Date: 1960- Books
Revolution in measurement : Western European weights and measures since the age of science / Ronald Edward Zupko.
Zupko, Ronald Edward.Date: 1990- Books
Pesi e misure nella farmacopea medioevale / Piero Cantalupo.
Cantalupo, Piero.Date: 1995- Books
Masse und Gewichte im Staat Luzern und in der alten Eidgenossenschaft / Anne-Marie Dubler ; [Fotos, Fred Wirz].
Dubler, Anne-Marie.Date: 1975- Books
Mass und Messen in kulturgeschichtlicher Sicht / [Richard Vieweg].
Vieweg, Richard, 1896-1972.Date: 1962