339 results filtered with: Women - Diseases
- Books
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Marriage and disease : being an abridged edition of Hèalth and disease in relation to marriage and the married state / edited by H. Senator and S. Kaminer ; translated from the German by J. Dulberg.
Senator, H. (Hermann), 1834-1911.Date: 1907- Books
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Diseases of women : A clinical guide to their diagnosis and treatment / by George Ernest Herman, ... With 252 illustrations.
Herman, G. Ernest (George Ernest), 1849-1914.Date: 1899- Books
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Lectures on the diseases of women / by Charles West.
West, Charles, 1816-1898.Date: 1867- Books
On the diseases of women : including those of pregnancy and childbed / by Fleetwood Churchill.
Churchill, Fleetwood, 1808-1878.Date: 1857- Books
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The diseases of women : a handbook for students and practitioners / by Sir John Bland-Sutton and Arthur E. Giles.
Bland-Sutton, John, Sir, 1855-1936.Date: 1916- Books
Women's health : an essential guide for the modern woman / Karen Evennett.
Evennett, Karen.Date: 1996- Books
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On some diseases of women admitting of surgical treatment / by Isaac Baker Brown ; illustrated by coloured plates and wood engravings.
Brown, Isaac Baker, 1812-1873.Date: 1854- Books
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The diagnosis, pathology and treatment of diseases of women : including the diagnosis of pregnancy / by Graily Hewitt.
Hewitt, Graily, 1828-1893.Date: 1868- Books
Clinical lectures on the diseases of women / delivered in Saint Bartholomew's Hospital by J. Matthews Duncan.
Duncan, J. Matthews (James Matthews), 1826-1890.Date: 1883- Books
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Observations on some of the more important diseases of women / Edited by Thomas Castle.
Blundell, Dr., 1790-1878.Date: 1840- Books
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On some diseases of women admitting of surgical treatment / By Isaac Baker Brown. Illustrated by twenty-four wood engravings.
Brown, Isaac Baker, 1812-1873.Date: 1856- Books
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Report on the progress of practical medicine, in ... midwifery and the diseases of women and children : during the years 1844-5 / by C. West.
West, Charles, 1816-1898.Date: 1845- Books
Diseases of women / by ten teachers ; under the direction of Clifford White ; edited by Sir Comyns Berkeley, Clifford White, Frank Cook.
Date: 1938- Books
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Die Krankheiten der Frauen : für Ärzte und Studirendene / dargestellt von Heinrich Fritsch.
Fritsch, Heinrich, 1844-1915.Date: 1900- Books
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A practical treatise on the diseases peculiar to women : illustrated by cases, derived from hospital and private practice / By Samuel Ashwell.
Ashwell, Samuel, 1798-1857.Date: 1843- Books
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Practical gynecology : a comprehensive text-book for students and physicians / by E.E. Montgomery ; with five hundred and twenty-seven illustrations, nearly all of which have been drawn and engraved specially for this work, for the most part from original sources.
Montgomery, E. E. (Edward Emmet), 1849-1927.Date: 1900- Books
Hippocratis Coi, medicorum principis, Liber prior de morbis mulierum. / Ad Henricum III. Galliarum & Poloniae Regem Christianissimum. Mauricio Cordæo Rhemo interprete & explicatore. Cum tribus indicibus copiosissimis calci subiectis.
Hippocrates.Date: M. D. LXXXV. [1585]- Books
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Observations on some of the more important diseases of women / by James Blundell ; edited by Thomas Castle.
Blundell, Dr., 1790-1878.Date: 1837- Books
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Clinical lectures on the diseases of women : delivered in Saint Bartholomew's Hospital / by J. Matthews Duncan.
Duncan, J. Matthews (James Matthews), 1826-1890.Date: 1880- Books
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Charles Mansfield Clarke ... Beobachtungen über die Krankheiten des Weibes, welche von Ausflüssen begleitet sind : erster-[zweiter] Theil ... / aus dem Englischen übersetzt von P. Heineken.
Clarke, Charles Mansfield, Sir, bart, 1782-1857.Date: 1818-1823- Books
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The principles and practice of obstetric medicine and surgery : in reference to the process of parturition / by Francis H. Ramsbotham ; with notes and additions by William V. Keating.
Ramsbotham, Francis H. (Francis Henry), 1800-1868.Date: 1857- Books
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Compendium der Frauenkrankheiten / von Gustav August Braun.
Braun, Gustav August, 1829-1911.Date: 1863- Books
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C. Hering's domestic physician.
Hering, Constantine, 1800-1880.Date: 1845- Books
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An account of some of the most important diseases peculiar to women.
Gooch, Robert, 1784-1830. [from old catalog].Date: 1848- Books
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Cours élémentaire de maladies de femmes, ou essai sur une nouvelle méthode pour étudier et pour classer les maladies de ce sexe / Par Joseph Marie Joachim Vigarous.
Vigarous de Montagut, Joseph Marie Joachim, 1759-1829.Date: 1801