158 results filtered with: Yellow Fever - epidemiology
- Books
Jungle yellow fever : a new epidemiological entity in South America / Dr. Fred L. Soper.
Soper, Fred Lowe, 1893-1977.Date: [1936]- Books
On the spotted-hæmorrhagic yellow fever of the Peruvian Andes in 1853-57 / by Archibald Smith.
Smith, Archibald.Date: 1862- Books
The progress and diffusion of plague, cholera and yellow fever throughout the world, 1914-1917 / by R. Bruce Low.
Low, R. Bruce.Date: 1920- Books
Official report on the fever which appeared on board His Majesty's ship Bann, on the coast of Africa, and amongst the detachment of Royal Marines forming the garrison of the Island of Ascension in the year 1823 / by William Burnett.
Burnett, William, Sir, 1779-1861.Date: 1824- Books
Notas sobre la fiebre amarilla / R. Jordi Gonzalez.
Jordi González, Ramón.Date: 1979- Books
Sword of pestilence : the New Orleans yellow fever epidemic of 1853 / [John Duffy].
Duffy, John, 1915-1996.Date: 1966- Books
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An account of the yellow or malignant fever : as it occurred in the city of Philadelphia in 1820 / by Samuel Jackson.
Jackson, Samuel, 1787-1872.Date: 1821- Books
A short account of the malignant fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia : with a statement of the proceedings that took place on the subject in different parts of the United States / by Mathew Carey.
Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839.Date: November 30, 1793- Books
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Report of the yellow fever expedition to Parà of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Medical Parasitology / by H.E. Durham.
Durham, H. E. (Herbert Edward), 1866-1945.Date: 1902- Books
Inspecciones anatomicas concernientes á la historia de la fiebre amarilla : verificadas en el hospital militar de esta plaza, durante la epidemia que reinó en el año de 1819.
Date: 1821- Books
Alabama's yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / by Robert Partin.
Partin, Robert.Date: 1957- Books
Discussion on yellow fever on the west coast of Africa / by J.W.W. Stephens.
Stephens, J. W. W. (John William Watson), 1865-1946.Date: 1911- Books
Bring out your dead : the great plague of yellow fever in Philadelphia in 1793 / by J.H. Powell.
Powell, J. H. (John Harvey), 1914-1971.Date: 1949- Books
On yellow fever in the West Indies and west coast of America / by Dr Archibald Smith.
Smith, Archibald.Date: 1861- Books
The natural history of yellow fever in Africa / A.J. Haddow.
Haddow, A. J.Date: 1968- Books
- Online
Papers relating to the yellow fever at Bermuda in 1843, and previous epidemics which had prevailed there in former years / collected by Governor Reid, in 1843 and 1844, and printed by authority of the Acting Governor, Council and Assembly, in 1854.
Date: 1854- Books
On epidemic influences / by Robert Lawson.
Lawson, Robert.Date: 1888- Books
Report of the Medical Officer, 1912-1913. Appendix A, no. 3, A brief account of the incidence of yellow fever throughout the World during 1911 and 1912 / by Bruce Low.
Low, Bruce.Date: 1914- Books
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A treatise concerning the malignant fever in Barbados, and the neighbouring islands: with an account of the seasons there, from the year 1734 to 1738. In a letter to Dr. Mead / By Henry Warren, M.D.
Warren, Henry.Date: MDCCXLI. [1741]- Books
Studies of the distribution of immunity to yellow fever in Brazil. II, The disproportion between immunity distribution as revealed by complement-fixation and mouse-protection tests and history of yellow fever attack at Cambucy, Rio de Janeiro / by Fred L. Soper and Alvaro de Andrade.
Soper, Fred Lowe, 1893-1977.Date: 1933- Books
An account of the malignant fever, laley [sic] prevalent in the city of New-York. Containing I. A narrative of its rise, progress and decline, with the opinions of some medical gentlemen, with respect to its origin, &c. II. The manner in which the poor were relieved during this awful calamity. III. A list of the donations, which have been presented to the committee for the relief of the sick and indigent. IV. A list of the names of the dead, arranged in alphabetical order, with their professions or occupations, and as far as was practicable to obtain information, the names of the countries of which they were natives. V. A comparative view of the fever of the year 1798, with that of the year 1795 / By James Hardie, A.M.
Hardie, James, 1758-1826.Date: 1799- Books
Remarks on the yellow fever of the south and east coasts of Spain : comprehending observations made on the spot, by actual survey of localities, and rigorous examination of fact at original sources of information / by Thomas O'Halloran.
O'Halloran, Thomas.Date: 1823- Books
- Online
Yellow or malignant bilious fever in the vicinity of South Street wharf, Philadelphia, 1853 : read before the College of Physicians Aug. 3 and Sept. 7, 1853 : with an appendix / by Wilson Jewell.
Jewell, Wilson, 1800-1867.Date: 1853- Books
Il Magistrato Centrale di Sanità ai medici della Repubblica italiana [on the epidemic of yellow fever at Leghorn, Sept. 1804].
Italy. Magistrato centrale di sanità.Date: [1804?]- Books
- Online
Étude médicale de quelques questions importantes pour la Louisiane : et exposé succinct d'une endémie paludéenne, de forme catarrhale, qui a sévi à la Nouvelle-Orléans, particulièrement sur les enfants, pendant l'épidémie de fièvre jaune de 1858 / par J.C. Faget.
Faget, J. C. (Jean Charles), 1818-1884.Date: 1859