159 results filtered with: The American journal of insanity.
- Books
An inquiry whether deaf mutes are more subject to insanity than the blind / by O.W. Morris, one of the instructors at the Deaf and Dumb Institution at New York.
Morris, O. W.Date: 1851- Books
Considerations on the reciprocal influence of the physical organization and mental manifestations / by A.O. Kellogg.
Kellogg, A. O. (Abner Otis), 1818-1888Date: 1859- Books
On medico-legal evidence in cases of insanity : "The occasions upon which medical evidence is required" / by Forbes Winslow.
Winslow, Forbes, 1810-1874Date: 1853- Books
Case of prominence of the eyeballs with diseases of the thyroid gland, and heart / by J.H. Worthington ..., Medical Superintendent of the Friends' Asylum for Insane, Frankford, Penn.
Worthington, J. H.Date: 1856- Books
Baillarger and Falret on a new species of insanity. Remarks on a variety of insanity, the paroxysms of which are characterized by two regular periods, the one of depression and the other of excitement / by Dr. Baillarger.
Baillarger, Dr.Date: 1855- Books
The popular feeling towards hospitals for the insane / by I. Ray ..., Superintendent of the Butler Hospital.
Ray, Isaac, 1807-1881Date: 1852- Books
On instantaneous insanity, considered in a medico-legal point of view / by Dr. P. Boileau de Castelnau.
Boileau, PDate: 1852- Books
Report on the construction of hospitals for the insane / made by the Standing Committee of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, at the meeting in Philadelphia, May 21, 1851.
Date: 1851- Books
The Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, as Chaplain to the Retreat for the Insane at Hartford, Conn. / [Henry Barnard].
Barnard, Henry.Date: 1853- Books
Trial of Furbush / by Dr. Ray, Superintendent of the Butler Hospital, R.I.
Ray, Isaac, 1807-1881.Date: 1852- Books
On the legal rights and responsibilities of the deaf and dumb / by Harvey P. Peet.
Peet, Harvey Prindle, 1794-1873Date: 1856- Books
The legal doctrine of responsibility in cases of insanity, connected with alleged criminal acts / read before the Juridical Society by Forbes Winslow.
Winslow, Forbes.Date: 1858- Books
On the importance of certain premonitory symptoms of severe cerebral disease / by Dr Devay, of Lyons.
Devay, Dr.Date: 1851- Books
Trial of Capt. John Windsor for the murder of his wife : before the Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Georgetown, Delaware, June 25th, 1851, before his Honor, Chief Justice Booth; Harrington and Wootton, Associates.
Date: 1852- Books
Insanity in the State of New York.
Date: 1856- Books
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane.
Date: 1854- Books
The Massachusetts Lunacy Commission.
Date: 1856- Books
On suicide / by John Ordronaux.
Ordronaux, John, 1830-1908.Date: 1864- Books
Law cases bearing on the question of insanity.
Date: 1853- Books
On a particular form of insanity, with a case in illustration.
Date: 1851- Books
Doubtful recoveries / by Dr. I. Ray.
Ray, Isaac, 1807-1881.Date: 1863- Books
On simple sanguineous cyst of the ear in lunatics / by W. Phillimore Stiff ..., Resident Physician to the County Asylym, at Nottingham, England.
Stiff, W. Phillimore.Date: 1858- Books
Trial of Robert C. Sloo, for the murder of John E. Hall : defence, insanity.
Date: 1858- Books
The mental and moral state as influenced by circumstances of personal peril / by Dr. Andrew McFarland.
McFarland, Andrew S., 1940-Date: 1857- Books
Life of Dr. Woodward / by Geo. Chandler ..., Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Lunatic Hospital.
Chandler, George.Date: 1851