376 results filtered with: Alcohol
- Archives and manuscripts
Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Medical Education
Date: 1980Reference: SA/DRS/C/3/1/10/25Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Medical Research Council
Date: 1920Reference: SA/DRS/B/3/6/23Part of: DrugScope- Pictures
- Online
The supposed benefits of beer are illusory. Colour lithograph, ca. 1920.
Date: [Reprinted 1930?]Reference: 679992iPart of: Why America went dry.- Archives and manuscripts
Manchester Drugs and Race Unit (MDRU)
Date: 2004Reference: SA/DRS/B/1/256aPart of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
Weber, F. Parkes (Frederick Parkes), 1863-1962.Date: 1886-1962Reference: PP/FPW- Archives and manuscripts
Centre for Education and Information on Drugs and Alcohol (CEIDA)
Date: 1985-1988Reference: SA/DRS/E/1/7Part of: DrugScope- Books
- Online
Alcohol : its place and power / [by James Miller].
Miller, James, 1812-1864.Date: 1861- Archives and manuscripts
Substudies, 1970-1971
Date: c.1971Reference: SA/DRS/D/2/4Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Service Research Notes
Date: 1979-1980Reference: SA/DRS/C/3/1/10/3Part of: DrugScope- Pictures
- Online
The harmful effects of wine. Colour lithograph, ca. 1920.
Date: Reprinted 1930Reference: 679960iPart of: Why America went dry.- Archives and manuscripts
Province of British Columbia
Date: 1967-1988Reference: SA/DRS/D/24Part of: DrugScope- Pictures
Two young men on recumbent bicycles in a park; representing the compatibility of 'cool' adventurousness with abstinence from alcohol. Colour lithograph by Schultze, Walther & Zahel and D. Josefsohn, 199-.
Josefsohn, Daniel.Date: [between 1990 and 1999?]Reference: 729161i- Archives and manuscripts
Victoria Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD)
Date: 1972-1979Reference: SA/DRS/E/1/40Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Australian Medical Society on Alcohol and Drug Related Problems
Date: 1982-1988Reference: SA/DRS/E/1/6bPart of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Ontario Ministry of Health
Date: 1975Reference: SA/DRS/D/22Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Hetherington, Robert J
Hetherington, Robert J, b.c.1924Date: 1950-2003Reference: PP/RJH- Pictures
- Online
A blurred image of a hand holding a drink with a warning about the dangers of alcohol, sex and AIDS for gay men; advertisement by the Stop AIDS Project. Lithograph.
Date: [between 1990 and 1999]Reference: 667465i- Archives and manuscripts
Nottinghamshire County Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT)
Date: 2004-2005Reference: SA/DRS/B/1/324Part of: DrugScope- Pictures
- Online
A man sitting with his arms around 2 women holding bottles, a man lies collapsed on a table in front: preventing HIV/AIDS in Kenya. Colour lithograph by FHI/Impact, ca. 2000.
Date: [2000?]Reference: 755593i- Digital Images
- Online
Angelica archangelica (Angelica)
Rowan McOnegal- Archives and manuscripts
National Staff Committee for Nurses and Midwives
Date: 1980sReference: SA/DRS/B/1/307Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Drugs, Alcohol and Women's Health - an Alliance of Regional Coalitions, report
Date: 1978Reference: SA/DRS/C/3/1/10/31Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
Association of Halfway House Alcoholism Programs of North America, Inc.
Date: 1966-1975Reference: SA/DRS/C/1/22Part of: DrugScope- Archives and manuscripts
The Harbour Centre
Date: 1989Reference: SA/DRS/B/1/184Part of: DrugScope- Books
- Online
Specification of Gabor Naphegyi : preserving animal and vegetable substances.
Naphegyi, Gabor.Date: 1874