238 results filtered with: Cataract
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Observations sur l'iris, sur les pupilles artificielles, et sur la keratonyxis, ou, Nouvelle manière d'opérer la cataracte : mémoire présenté a l'institut / par N.-J. Faure.
Faure, Nicolas-Jean, 1782-1856.Date: 1819- Books
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A treatise on some practical points relating to the diseases of the eye / by John Cunningham Saunders ... to which are addded, a short account of the author's life, and his method of curing the congenital cataract, by ... J.R. Farre.
Date: 1816- Books
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On cataract : and its appropriate treatment by the operation adapted for each peculiar case / by Charles Gardiner Guthrie.
Guthrie, Charles W. Gardiner, 1817-1859.Date: 1845- Books
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De la cataracte / par le Docteur Warlomont.
Warlomont, Evariste W., 1820-1891.Date: 1872- Books
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Lectures on cataract : its causes, varieties, and treatment / by George Cowell.
Cowell, George, 1836-Date: 1883- Books
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Recherches sur la cataracte : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 21 juin 1859 / par Bertrand Dubarry.
Dubarry, Bertrand.Date: 1859- Books
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Ueber Staar und Staaroperationen nebst anderen Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen / von Eduard Jaeger.
Jaeger, Eduard, Ritter von Jaxtthal, 1818-1884.Date: 1854- Books
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Therapeutische Miscellen / von A. von Gräfe.
Von Gräfe, A.Date: [1863]- Books
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On the cure of cataract, with a practical summary of the best modes of operating, (Contintental and British).
Neill, Hugh.Date: 1848- Books
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Cataract : a familiar description of its nature, symptoms, and ordinary modes of treatment, particularly with reference to the operation performed by the author at the "Royal Infirmary for Cataract" / by John Stevenson.
Stevenson, John, 1778-1846?Date: 1834- Books
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Aperçu général sur la cataracte : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 17 novembre 1837 / par Ferdinand Battailler.
Battailler, Ferdinand.Date: 1837- Books
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Practical inquiry into the causes of the frequent failure of the operations of depression, and of the extraction of the cataract, as usually performed : with the description of a series of new and improved operations, by the practice of which, most of the causes of failure may be avoided, illustrated by tables of the comparative success of the new and old modes of practice / by Sir William Adams.
Adams, William, Sir, 1783-1827.Date: 1817- Books
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Des causes anatomiques de la cataracte spontanée : these pour le doctorat en médecine / par Henri Chiray.
Chiray, Henri.Date: 1881- Books
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Theoretisch praktische Abhandlung uber den grauen Staar / von Rudolph Abraham Schiferli.
Date: 1797- Books
Studies on the aetiology and pathogenesis of Cataracta zonularis : an academic treatise ... to obtain the degree of doctor of medicine / by gunnar von Bahr.
Bahr, Gunnar von, 1907-Date: 1936- Books
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Observations on the cataract and gutta serena / by James Ware.
Ware, James, 1756-1815.Date: 1804- Books
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An inaugural dissertation on cataract : submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost ; the trustees & medical faculty, of the University of Pennsylvania, on the thirty-first of May 1800, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine / by Frederic Seip, of Philadelphia.
Seip, Frederic.Date: 1800- Books
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Report on the first series of one hundred successive extractions of cataract, without iridectomy / by H. Knapp.
Knapp, Herman, 1832-1911.Date: [1888]- Books
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Practical observations on ectropium, or eversion of the eye-lids : with the description of a new operation for the cure of that disease; on the modes of forming an artificial pupil, and on cataract.
Adams, William, Sir, 1783-1827.Date: 1812- Books
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Beobachtungen über die organischen Veränderungen im Auge nach Staaroperationen. / von Wilhelm Soemmerring.
Soemmerring, Detmar Wilhelm, 1793-1871.Date: 1828- Books
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De la cataracte : quelques remarques concernant l'étiologie : de l'influence de l'état général sur les résultats de l'opération : observations / par H. Romiée.
Romiée, H.Date: 1877- Books
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On the nature and symptoms of cataract : and on the cure of that disease, in its early stages, by a mode of practice calculated to prevent the occurrence of blindness, and to render unnecessary the operations of couching and extraction. Illustrated by cases / by John Stevenson.
Stevenson, John, 1778-1846?Date: 1824- Books
Healthy eyes / by Willis S. Knighton.
Knighton, Willis S.Date: 1940- Videos
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Mechanical forces in intracapsular cataract extraction.
Date: 1952- Books
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A practical inquiry into the causes of the frequent failure of the operations of depression, and of the extraction of the cataract, as usually performed, with the description of a series of new and improved operations, by the practice of which, most of these causes of failure may be avoided. Illustrated by tables of the comparative success of the new and old modes of practice / by Sir William Adams.
Adams, William, Sir, 1783-1827.Date: 1817