185 results filtered with: Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
- Books
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The chemistry of pharmacy : an exposition of chemical science in its relations to medicinal substances according to a practical and original plan / by R. Rother.
Rother, Reinhold.Date: 1888- Books
Progress in medicinal chemistry. 3 / edited by G.P. Ellis and G.B. West.
Date: 1963- Books
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Nozioni pratiche sugli effetti salutari del nuovo sale bellunese : e storica narrazione sugli usi e proprietà dell' assenzio di Monte Serva / raccolte da Bartolommeo Zanon farmacista in Belluno.
Zanon, Bartolommeo, 1792-1855.Date: 1828- Books
The untold story of the drug hearings.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association.Date: 1961- Books
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Chemistry : general, medical, and pharmaceutical, including the chemistry of the British pharmacopœia a manual on the general principles of the science, and their applications to medicine and pharmacy / by John Attfield.
Attfield, John, 1835-1911.Date: 1875- Books
Contribution a l'histoire des vitamines ... / [Jean Bocquet].
Bocquet, Jean.Date: 1952- Books
The chemistry and analysis of drugs and medicines / by Henry C. Fuller.
Fuller, Henry C. (Henry Corbin), 1879-Date: 1920- Books
Changes on the scientific side of pharmacy / by W. Palmer Wynne.
Wynne, W. Palmer.Date: [1902]- Books
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Chemistry : general, medical, and pharmaceutical including the chemistry of the British pharmacopœia / by John Attfield.
Attfield, John, 1835-1911.Date: 1869- Journals
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Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Pharmakognosie, Pharmacie und Toxikologie.
- Books
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The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes : with the fygures of styllatoryes / fyrst made and compyled by the thyrte yeres study and labour of ... Master Jherom Bruynswyke ... ; and now newly translate out of Duyche into Englysshe.
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, approximately 1450-approximately 1512.Date: [1528?]- Books
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Sull'acido para-iodiofenilarsinico e sull'ioduro di para-iodiofenilarsenico / E. Mameli, A. Patta.
Mameli, E.Date: 1909- Books
Bentley and Driver's Text-book of pharmaceutical chemistry / revised by John Edmund Driver.
Bentley, Arthur Owen, 1898-1943.Date: 1933- Books
Selective toxicity : the physico-chemical basis of therapy / [Adrien Albert].
Albert, Adrien.Date: 1973]- Books
Descriptive catalogue of essentials oils and organic chemical preparations / comp. by Frederick B. Power.
Power, Frederick B. (Frederick Belding), 1853-1927.Date: [1894], [©1894]- Books
Escritos de Leopoldo Río de la Loza / compilados por Juan Manuel Noriega y publicados por la Secretaría de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes, en commemoración del primer centenario del nacimiento de Río de la Loza.
Río de la Loza, Leopoldo, 1807-1876.Date: 1911- Books
Apologia pro Hippocratis et Galeni medicina adversus Quercetani Librum de priscorum philosophorum verae medicinae materia, : praeparationis modo atque in curandis morbis praestantia. Accessit censura scholae Parisiensis.
Riolan, Jean, 1580-1657.Date: M. D. CIII, [1603]- Books
Praxis chymiatrica / Johannis Hartmanni. Edita à Johanne Michaelis et Georigo Everharto Hartmanno. Huic postremae editioni. Adjecti sunt ... tres tractatus novi. I. De oleis [Joannis Ernesti] ... II. Basilica antimonii Hameri Poppii ... III. Marci Cornachini methodus, quae [sic] omnes humani corporis affectiones ... curantur.
Hartmann, Johann, 1568-1631.Date: 1647- Books
The therapeutic agents of the pyrrole and pyridine group, including the tropinol, scopoline, ecgonine, and granatoline derivatives : the relation between their chemical constitution and pharmacologic action / by W.F. Von Oettingen.
Von Oettingen, W. F. (Wolfgang Felix), 1888-1976.Date: 1936- Books
Textbook of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry / edited by Charles O. Wilson, Ole Gisvold, and Robert F. Doerge ; authors T. C. Daniels [and others].
Date: [1971]- Books
Guerneri Rolfincii ... Chimia in artis formam redacta, sex libris comprehensa / [Werner Rolfinck].
Rolfinck, Werner, 1599-1673.Date: 1662- Books
CRC handbook of antibiotic compounds. Volume VII, Miscellaneous antibiotics with unknown chemical structure / author, János Bérdy.
Bérdy, János.Date: [1981], ©1981- Books
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Ausführliches Lehrbuch der pharmaceutischen Chemie / bearbeitet von Ernst Schmidt.
Date: 1901- Books
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Georgii VVolffgangi VVedelii, Med. Doctoris, Consiliarii ... Pharmaciae acroamaticae disputatio XV. De sulphuribus, tincturis et vitris, eodem praeside, / publicae disquisitioni subjecta à Johanne Georgio Hoyero, ... ad diem Maii M DC LXXXVI.
Wedel, Georg Wolffgang, 1645-1721.Date: [1686]- Film
The preparation of diphtheria antitoxin and prophylactics.
Date: [1945]