84 results filtered with: Color Vision Defects
- Books
Die Diagnose der praktisch wichtigen angeborenen Störungen des Farbensinnes / von Wilibald A. Nagel.
Nagel, Wilibald A., 1870-1911.Date: 1899- Books
Researches in colour-blindness : with a supplement on the danger attending the present system of railway and marine coloured signals / by George Wilson.
Wilson, George, 1818-1859.Date: 1855- Books
- Online
Pole, William, 1814-1900.Date: [1880]- Archives and manuscripts
Congenital (including birth trauma) and various other diseases and anomalies of the eye
Date: 1907-1950Reference: PP/FPW/B.112/1Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
- Online
Le daltonisme et les altérations du sens visuel en général chez les agents de l'administration des chemins de fer : rapport présenté à M. le ministre des travaux publics / par A. Dekeersmaecker.
Dekeersmaecker, A.Date: 1881- Books
- Online
De la perceptivité normale et surtout anormale de l'oeil pour les couleurs : spécialement de l'achromatopsie ou cécité des couleurs / par Émile Goubert.
Goubert, Émile.Date: 1867- Books
Copy of papers relating to colour blindness in candidates for examination for masters' or mates' certificates.
Date: 1879?]- Archives and manuscripts
Rushton, William
Rushton, William Albert Hugh, FRS, MA, PhD, ScD, MRCS, LRCP (1901-1980)Date: c.1900-1982Reference: PP/RUS- Books
- Online
Color blindness : remarks / by B. Joy Jeffries at the twenty-ninth annual meeting of the board of the supervising inspectors of steam vessels.
Jeffries, B. Joy, 1853-Date: [1881]- Books
Report by the Assistant Secretary of the Marine Department to the Secretary of the Board of Trade upon the colour tests used in the examination of candidates for master's and mates' certificates of competency and others in the British Mercantile Marine : (with appendix) (in continuation of Parliamentary paper C.7080).
Date: 1894- Books
The Hunterian lectures on colour-vision and colour-blindness / by F.W. Edridge-Green.
Edridge-Green, F. W. (Frederick William), 1863-1953.Date: 1911- Books
- Online
The cerebral lesions in a case of complete acquired colour-blindness / by George Mackay and James Crauford Dunlop.
Mackay, George, 1861-1949.Date: [1899]- Books
Report on the sight tests used in the Mercantile Marine for the year ended December 31st, 1896 : (in continuation of Parliamentary paper C.8098).
Date: 1897- Books
- Online
Color-names, color-blindness, and the education of the color-sense in our schools / by B. Joy Jeffries.
Jeffries, B. Joy (Benjamin Joy), 1833-1915.Date: 1882- Ephemera
A fact! A test for color blindness : very curious! / Pears.
Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Books
- Online
A case of colour blindness / by F.W. Edridge-Green.
Edridge-Green, F. W. (Frederick William), 1863-1953.Date: 1912- Videos
Island of the colour blind.
Date: 1996- Books
- Online
De la cécité des couleurs dans ses rapports avec les chemins de fer et la marine / par F. Holmgren ; traduit du suédois avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
Holmgren, Frithiof, 1831-1897.Date: [1877?]- Books
Report by the Assistant Secretary of the Marine Department to the Secretary of the Board of Trade upon the colour tests used in the examination of candidates for master's and mates' certificates of competency and others in the British Mercantile Marine : (with appendix) (in continuation of Parliamentary paper C.-6437.
Date: 1892- Books
- Online
Report of the examination of 27,927 school children for color-blindness / by B. Joy Jeffries.
Jeffries, B. Joy, 1853-Date: 1888- Books
- Online
Two cases of trichromic vision / by F.W. Edridge-Green ; (communicated by F.W. Mott).
Edridge-Green, F. W. (Frederick William), 1863-1953.Date: [1905]- Books
- Online
Colour-blindness and colour-perception / by F. W. Edridge-Green.
Edridge-Green, F. W. (Frederick William), 1863-1953.Date: 1891- Books
- Online
On colour-sight and colour-blindness in its relation to railway and sea signals : read before the Glasgow Philosophical Society, on March 5, 1879 / by J.R. Wolfe.
Wolfe, J. R. (John Reisberg), 1824-1904.Date: 1879- Books
- Online
On the utter neglect of the eyesight question in Board of Trade enquiries into shipping disasters : a criticism of the President of the Board of Trade's reply (Feb. 1st, 1895) to the deputation of ophthalmic specialists / by T.H. Bickerton.
Bickerton, Thomas H. (Thomas Herbert), 1857-1933.Date: [1895]- Books
Report by the Assistant Secretary of the Marine Department to the Secretary of the Board of Trade upon the colour tests, used in the examination of candidates for masters' and mates' certificates of competency and others in the British Mercantile Marine : (with appendix) (in continuation of parliamentary paper C.-5514).
Date: 1889