86 results filtered with: Diptera
- Books
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Studies on the mouth parts and sucking apparatus in the blood-sucking Diptera. No. 3, Lyperosia minuta, Bezzi / by F.W. Cragg.
Cragg, F. W. (Francis William), 1882-1924.Date: 1913- Pictures
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A variety of insects including beetles, moths, wasps and flies. Engraving by R. Scott after T. Brown.
Brown, Thomas, 1785-1862.Reference: 42064i- Books
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Contributions à l'étude des Ditpères [i.e. Diptères] parasites et Sur une larve de Coléoptère vomie par un enfant, au Senégal / par Raphaël Blanchard.
Blanchard, Raphaël, 1857-1919.Date: 1893- Books
Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region / editor : R.W. Crosskey ; assistant editors : Brian H. Cogan [and others].
Date: [1980]- Books
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Typical flies : a photographic atlas of Diptera, including Aphaniptera / by E.K. Pearce.
Pearce, E. K. (Ethel Katharine), 1856-1940.Date: 1915- Archives and manuscripts
Jobling, Boris
Jobling, Boris, 1893-1986Date: 1920s-1970sReference: WTI/JOB- Books
The transmission of the trypanosoma evansi by horse flies : and other experiments pointing to the probable identity of surra of India and nagana or tsetse-fly disease of Africa / by Leonard Rogers.
Rogers, Leonard, 1868-1962.Date: [1901?]- Books
Des compagnons de toujours ... : puce, pou, morpion, punaise ... et autres parasites de notre peau, dans l'histoire, l'art, la littérature, la chanson, le langage, les traditions populaires. 4, La mouche / J.M. Doby.
Doby, J. M. (Jean-Marie)Date: [1998?]- Books
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On the role of insects, arachnids and myriapods, as carriers in the spread of bacterial and parasitic diseases of man and animals. A critical and historical study / by George H. F. Nuttall.
Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner, 1862-1937.Date: 1900- Books
Anatomical drawings of biting flies / Boris Jobling ; prepared for publication by David J. Lewis.
Jobling, Boris, 1893-1986.Date: 1987- Books
Beiträge zur medizinischen Entomologie und zur Malaria-Epidemiologie des unteren Wolgagebiets / von Erich Martini.
Martini, Erich (Erich Christian Wilhelm), 1880-Date: 1928- Books
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British blood-sucking flies / by F.W. Edwards, H. Oldroyd, and J. Smart.
Edwards, F. W. (Frederick Wallace), 1888-1940.Date: 1939- Books
Krovososushchie dvukrylye (gnus) Kazakhstana / [Redak︠t︡sionnai︠a︡ kollegi︠︡ia I. G. Galuzo and others].
Date: 1966- Books
- Online
Manual of North American Diptera / by Samuel W. Williston.
Williston, Samuel Wendell, 1851-1918.Date: 1908- Books
Paraziticheskie dvukrylye Uzbekistana / [otvetstvennyĭ redaktor É.I. Gan].
Date: 1979- Books
Biting fly control and environmental quality : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, May 16-18, 1972 / edited by Anne Hudson.
Symposium on Biting Fly Control and Environmental Quality (1972 : Edmonton, Alta.)Date: [1973]- Pictures
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A variety of insect life including beetles, wasps and dragonflies. Engraving by R. Scott after T. Brown.
Brown, Thomas, 1785-1862.Reference: 42066i- Pictures
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A snapdragon plant (Antirrhinum orontium) with an associated insect and its anatomical segments. Coloured etching, c. 1830.
Date: 1 December 1830Reference: 24180i- Books
La lucha contra las moscas / Luis Nájera Angulo.
Nájera Angulo, Luis.Date: [1947]- Books
Gribnye komary roda Sciophila Meig. (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) Golarktiki / A. I. Zăi︠t︡sev.
Zaĭt︠s︡ev, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich) (Writer on Hunting)Date: 1982- Books
Insects that carry disease / U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service.
Date: 1960- Books
The horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) of the Ethiopian region / by H. Oldroyd.
Oldroyd, Harold.Date: 1952-57- Books
Bombyliidae of Palestine / by E.E. Austen ... with seventy-two text-figures, a frontispiece and a map by A.J. Engel Terzi, and three photographic plates.
British Museum (Natural History). Department of Entomology.Date: 1937- Film
Fly proboscis.
Date: No date- Books
The Oriental species of the tribe Haematopotini (Diptera, Tabanidae) / by Alan Stone and Cornelius B. Philip.
Stone, Alan, 1904-1999.Date: 1974