73 results filtered with: Fasting
- Books
Upavāsa tatvam / Ki. Lakṣmaṇa Carmā.
Lakshmana Sarma, K., 1879-1965.Date: 1930- Books
- Online
Die Ernährung der Organismen besonders des Menschen und der Thiere im hungernden Zustande / untersucht von Carl Enzmann.
Enzmann, Carl.Date: 1856- Books
- Online
The life and extraordinary case of abstinence of Ann Moor of Tutbury in Staffordshire, now living in the 51st year of her age, who has for the space of three years and a half lived entirely without food; including the reasons that first induced her to lose her appetite, attested by these two particulars / Mr. Robert Taylor [and] Mr. Allen.
Taylor, Robert.Date: [1813?]- Books
- Online
The starvation method versus gradual carbohydrate reduction as a time saver in the treatment of diabetes / by Henry A. Christian, M.D., Boston.
Christian, Henry A. (Henry Asbury), 1876-1951Date: [1915?]- Pictures
- Online
Mary Thomas, said to have fasted for over seventy years. Etching by J. Ward, 1810.
Ward, James, 1769-1859.Date: 1 June 1813Reference: 4092i- Books
The fast diet : lose weight, stay healthy, and live longer with the simple secret of intermittent fasting / Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer.
Mosley, Michael, 1957-Date: 2013- Books
Fasting and undernutrition : a biological and sociological study of inanition / by Sergius Morgulis.
Morgulis, Sergius, 1885-1971.Date: [1923], ©1923- Books
Nil by mouth / Sîan Busby.
Busby, Siân.Date: [2003]- Pictures
- Online
Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin). Etching.
Reference: 10205i- Ephemera
Ramadan calendar 2008 : fasting information for people with diabetes during Ramadan / Diabetes UK.
Date: 2008- Books
Dispvta dello eccellentissimo filosofo m. Simone Portio ... sopra quella fanciulla della Magna, laquale visse due anni ò piu senza mangiare, et senza bere / Tradotta in lingua Fiorentina da Giouambatista Gelli.
Porzio, Simone, 1496-1554.Date: [1551]- Books
- Online
Human vitality and efficiency under prolonged restricted diet / by Francis G. Benedict [and others].
Date: 1919- Books
Complete history of the case of the Welsh fasting-girl (Sara Jacob) with comments thereon : and observations on death from starvation.
Fowler, Robert.Date: 1871- Archives and manuscripts
Holidays and change of air. Auto-inoculation
Date: 1897-1937Reference: PP/FPW/B.154/2Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
A discourse upon prodigious abstinence: occasioned by the twelve moneths fasting of Martha Taylor, the famed Derbyshire demosell: proving that without any miracle, the texture of humane bodies may be so altered, that life may be long continued without the supplies of meat and drink. With an account of the heart, and how far it is interessed in the business of fermentation / By John Reynolds. Humbly offered to the Royall society.
Reynolds, John, of Kings-Norton.Date: 1669- Books
- Online
A statement of facts, relative to the supposed abstinence of Ann Moore, of Tutbury, Staffordshire : and a narrative of the circumstances which led to the recent detection of the imposture : to which is subjoined an appendix, containing medical and other papers, illustrative of the statement : comp. and pub. at the request of the committee, formed for the investigation of the case / by Legh Richmond.
Richmond, Legh, 1772-1827.Date: 1813- Books
Anorexia nervosa : its history, psychology, and biology / by Eugene L. Bliss and C.H. Hardin Branch.
Bliss, Eugene L.Date: [1960], ©1960- Books
- Online
Du procédé opératoire à suivre dans l'exploration des organes par la percussion médiate : et collection de mémoires sur la physiologie, la pathologie et le diagnostic / par P.A. Piorry.
Piorry, P. A. (Pierre Adolphe), 1794-1879.Date: 1831- Books
Udtog af Prof. Herholdts dagbøger over Rachel Hertz's sygdomme i aarene 1807-1826 ; med tilføiede Bemærkninger / [genudgivet af Johan Schioldann-Nielsen, Kurt Sørensen].
Herholdt, Johan Daniel, 1764-1836.Date: 1987- Books
Wreath on the crown : the story of Sarah Jacob, the Welsh fasting girl / retold by John Cule.
Cule, John H.Date: 1967- Archives and manuscripts
Constipation, etc (2nd series)
Date: 1916-1948Reference: PP/FPW/B.72/2Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
Das Fasten bei den Griechen und Römern / von P.R. Arbesmann.
Arbesmann, Rudolphus, 1895-1982.Date: 1929 [i.e. 1966]- Books
Self-starvation : from the intrapsychic to the transpersonal approach to anorexia nervosa / Mara Selvini Palazzoli ; translated by Arnold Pomerans.
Selvini Palazzoli, Mara.Date: [1974]