338 results filtered with: Fishes
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Eleven fishes, including shark, goat fish, grayling and sea eel. Engraving by I. Taylor.
Reference: 42232i- Pictures
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Four fish, and a detail of a fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
Date: [1884]Reference: 727279iPart of: Namima no nishiki.- Pictures
Page 81: a bearded man offering a fish to the sun god, Surya, with two attendants. Watercolour drawing.
Reference: 27283i- Pictures
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Golden Temple, Amritsar. Coloured transfer lithograph.
Reference: 26054i- Pictures
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Doctrine of signatures: (above) a plant with spots resembling those of a fish, and (below) a fish. Coloured ink drawing by C. Etheridge, 1906, after G.B. Della Porta.
Porta, Giambattista della, approximately 1535-1615.Date: 1906Reference: 524734i- Books
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Beiträge zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Nervus vagus bei Fischen / von Carl Ernst Emil Hoffmann.
Hoffmann, Carl Ernst Emil, 1827-1877.Date: 1860- Pictures
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A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. Engraving by T. Cook, c. 1800, after W. Hogarth.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.Date: 1 April 1800Reference: 26459i- Pictures
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Fish (catfish?) Watercolour by Zayn Al-Din, 1777/1783.
Al-Din, Zayn.Date: 1777-1883Reference: 566629i- Books
Oysters and disease : an account of certain observations upon the normal and pathological histology and bacteriology of the oyster and other shellfish / by W.A. Herdman and Rubert Boyce.
Herdman, William A. (William Abbott), Sir, 1858-1924.Date: 1899- Pictures
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Tobias curing the blindness of Tobit, with Anna and Raphael. Oil painting after G. Zocchi.
Zocchi, Giuseppe, 1711-1767.Reference: 47256i- Books
The fresh-water fishes of Europe : a history of their genera, species, structure, habits, and distribution / by H.G. Seeley.
Seeley, H. G. (Harry Govier), 1839-1909.Date: 1886- Pictures
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Hamilton Bell carrying a vintner's boy on his back from Edinburgh to Musselburgh, accompanied by John Rae, a pair of fishwives walk in the other direction. Coloured etching by J. Kay, 1792, after himself.
Kay, John, 1742-1826.Date: 1792Reference: 544709i- Books
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Zur Dioptrik und Ophthalmoskopie der Fisch- und Amphibienaugen / von J. Hirschberg.
Hirschberg, J. (Julius), 1843-1925.Date: [1882]- Pictures
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Fishermen with a drag-net, burning kelp on the beach, and hooks and other equipment. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
Goussier, Louis-Jacques, 1722-1799.Reference: 493247i- Pictures
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Plants, fish and a landscape from the East Indies, including pepper, cocoa, indigo and coffee plants. Line engraving after C. de Bruins, 1706.
Bruyn, Cornelis de, 1652-1727.Date: [1718]Reference: 20209i- Pictures
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Krishna steering a peacock-headed boat carrying seven maidens and an old lady. Transfer lithograph.
Reference: 26204i- Pictures
Sierra Leone: a variety of indigenous fish, and fishermen gutting fish in the background. Etching.
Date: 1778Reference: 42164i- Pictures
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Ganga on her transport led by a worshipper, with an upside down elephant in the river. Coloured transfer lithograph.
Reference: 26201i- Pictures
Tobias anoints his father's eyes with fish bile. Engraving attributed to C.N.D. de Beauvais after S. Conca
Conca, Sebastiano, 1680-1764.Date: 1750-1759Reference: 20902i- Books
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Of the special senses of fishes, in relation to the art of angling. No. 1. Vision : a paper read before The Gresham Angling Society / by John Brunton ; J. Theodore Cash in the chair.
Brunton, John.Date: [1882]- Books
Francis Day (1829-1889) and his collections of Indian fishes / by P.J.P. Whitehead and P.K. Talwar.
Whitehead, Peter James Palmer.Date: 1976- Pictures
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Fishermen hauling in a net close to the shore, ships stand off-shore in the background. Engraving.
Reference: 493567i- Pictures
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Two fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
Date: [1884]Reference: 727277iPart of: Namima no nishiki.- Pictures
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A rock beauty, a black angel fish, a blue angel fish and a french angel fish swimming in the sea. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
Murayama, Hashime, 1879-1954.Date: 1900-1999Reference: 42024i- Books
Aqvatilivm animalivm historiae. Liber primvs, cvm eorvmdem formis, aere excvsis / [Ippolito Salviani].
Salviani, Ippolito, 1514-1572.Date: 1554 [col. 1558]