820 results filtered with: Horses
- Books
Horses and roads, or, How to keep a horse sound on his legs / by Free-lance.
Free-lance.Date: 1880- Pictures
A courtyard view showing the university buildings and street life, Berlin, Germany. Stipple engraving.
Reference: 15565i- Books
Les Chevaux dans les temps préhistoriques et historiques / par C.-A. Piétrement.
Piétrement, C. A. (Charles Alexandre), 1826-Date: 1883- Books
- Online
Observations on the breeding of horses, within the Provinces under the Bengal establishment, submitted to the consideration of the President and members of the Board of Superintendence [of the East India Company, 1814].
Moorcroft, William.Date: 1862- Ephemera
- Online
Cordial and Nourishing Powders : for horses... / Fredk. L. Gooch.
Gooch, F. L.Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]- Pictures
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The Queens hospital, Birmingham. Wood engraving by A. Allen after J.J. Bateman after Bateman and Drury.
Bateman, John Jones, -1903.Reference: 15582i- Ephemera
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We sell Cupiss' Constitution Balls for horses, cattle & sheep / [Francis Cupiss Ltd.]
Francis Cupiss Ltd.Date: [between 1910 and 1919?]- Ephemera
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Daily from 10 to 7, will be exhibited at the Cosmorama Rooms 209, Regent Street the smallest horse in the world ...
Date: [Between 1820 and 1850?]- Books
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Essai de bibliographie hippique : [a review] / by William Osler.
Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919.Date: [1918]- Books
Entwicklung der Reitpferdezucht in Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt von 1945 bis 1990 / von Gerhard Gellermann.
Gellermann, Gerhard.Date: 1994- Ephemera
- Online
Verstärktes Restitutions-Fluid : Gebrauchsanweisung.
Date: [1890?]- Pictures
- Online
A tall oak tree (Quercus robur L.) sheltering a horse in Fredville Park. Etching after J.G.Strutt, 1824.
Strutt, Jacob George, 1790-1864.Date: [1831-36]Reference: 18301i- Pictures
- Online
Scenes showing an American style horse ambulance at work in Liverpool, England. Wood engraving, 1886.
Date: 27 November 1886Reference: 25170i- Ephemera
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Horse-blister ointment / prepared by Richard Hine.
Hine, Richard.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Books
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Points of the horse : a familiar treatise on equine conformation / by M. Horace Hayes.
Hayes, M. Horace (Matthew Horace), 1842-1904.Date: [1896?]- Ephemera
- Online
Keep dry : per : carriage paid through : Messrs. Edwards & Sons, 14-18 Nile Street, City Road, London / from Francis Cupiss Ltd., The Wilderness, Diss.
Francis Cupiss Ltd.Date: [between 1930 and 1939?]- Pictures
- Online
The Royal museum and foreground. Lithograph by W. Loeillot.
Loeillot, W., active 1850-1876.Reference: 15566i- Books
Horses and stables / by Lieut.-General Sir F. Fitzwygram.
Fitzwygram, Frederick, Sir, 1823-1904.Date: 1894- Pictures
King William IV as Gilpin rides a horse past the inn at Edmonton followed by two men on galloping horses. Lithograph, 1831.
Date: May 13 1831Reference: 643107i- Pictures
- Online
Boer War: the Doecker Hospital Huts at Netley with patients and a horse-drawn carriage outside. Halftone, 1900, after a photograph by S. Cribb.
Cribb, Stephen, 1875-1963.Date: 24 March 1900Reference: 23741i- Books
Chinese hippology and hippiatry : government bureaucracy and inner Asian influence / Ruth I. Meserve.
Meserve, Ruth I.Date: 1998- Pictures
- Online
A horse rocks to and fro on a curved platform, another rolls a barrel with its hooves. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904.Date: 1887Reference: 2011289iPart of: Animal locomotion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements- Books
Índice de bibiliografía hípica española y portuguesa / catalogada alfabéticamente por orden de autores y por orden títulos de las obras. Bibliotecas de palacio, nacional, de la Escuela de veterinaria de Madrid, de los duques de Medinaceli y Veragua, de D. Sebastián Soto Posada, del marqués de las Torrecilla, del marqués de Toca y de Somió, etc.
Torrecilla, Andrés Avelino Salabert y Arteaga, marqués de la, 1864-Date: 1916-1921- Pictures
Horses and people at the entrance to an inn. Etching by J.M. Martínez Espinosa, 1874.
Martínez Espinosa, Juan José, 1826-1897.Date: [1875]Reference: 2498582i- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
C., M. S.: Segreti per diverse malattie de' cavalli
Date: Late 16th centuryReference: MS.173