72 results filtered with: Livestock
- Books
Animal agriculture : the biology of domestic animals and their use by man / edited by H.H. Cole, Magnar Ronning.
Date: [1974]- Pictures
- Online
A fat judge pinching and admiring the fat on the side of a fat bullock. Etching by J. Gillray, ca 1802.
Gillray, James, 1756-1815.Date: 16 Jan 1802Reference: 40050i- Books
Żubr "Bison bonasus L." w pracach francuskich przyrodników przełomu osiemnastego i dziewiętnastego wieku / Piotr Daszkiewicz.
Daszkiewicz, Piotr.Date: [2000]- Books
- Online
Breeding of farm animals / by Merritt W. Harper.
Harper, Merritt W. (Merritt Wesley), 1877-Date: 1914- Books
Techniques and procedures in animal production research / L.E. Casida [and others].
American Society of Animal Science.Date: 1959- Books
- Online
Animal breeding / Laurence M. Winters ; with chapters on selection and the effectiveness of selection / by William Rempel ; and chapters on fertility and artificial insemination / by John N. Cummings.
Winters, Lawrence M. (Laurence Merriam), 1891-Date: [1954]- Ephemera
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Your organic questions answered / Soil Association.
Soil Association.Date: [2001?]- Pictures
- Online
Three trees by the road to a farm, with wooden hut and haystack. Pencil drawing.
Reference: 22098i- Pictures
A courting couple, and a family travelling with a mule, with sheep, goats and cattle. Etching by J. B. Huet.
Huet, Jean-Baptiste, 1745-1811.Date: [approximately between 1790 and 1799?]Reference: 2438803i- Books
Gentechnik in der Tierzüchtung : Darstellung, Motivation, Stellungnahmen / Gottfried Brem, Martin Förster, Horst Kräusslich ; herausgegeben von Erhard Ratz.
Brem, Gottfried.Date: 1991- Books
Animal agriculture : research to meet human needs in the 21st century / edited by Wilson G. Pond [and others].
Conference on Animal Agriculture (1980 : Boyne Mountain, Mich.)Date: [1980]- Books
Combating endemic diseases of farmed animals for sustainability / BBSRC.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Great Britain)Date: [2007?]- Books
Trace element metabolism in animals : proceedings of WAAP/IBP international symposium, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 1969 / general editor, C.F. Mills.
WAAP/IBP Trace Element Symposium (1969 : Aberdeen, Scotland)Date: 1970- Books
Beastly London : a history of animals in the city / Hannah Velten.
Velten, HannahDate: 2013- Pictures
An Italianate landscape: a herder on foot, with a woman riding side-saddle, accompany cattle and sheep along a road through a valley. Etching attributed to J. Janson the elder, 17--.
Janson, Johannes, the elder, 1729-1784.Date: [between 1700 and 1799]Reference: 2917548i- Books
Farm animals : their breeding, growth, and inheritance / by John Hammond.
Hammond, John, 1889-1964.Date: [1940]- Books
Introduction to livestock production including dairy and poultry / H.H. Cole, editor.
Date: [1966]- Books
Livestock of Southern India / by Captain R. W. Littlewood.
Little Wood, R. W.Date: 1936- Books
Animal health focus.
Date: 1995- Pictures
- Online
An elaborate cross-section of Noah's ark, detailing the storing of provisions and livestock; scenes of loading and construction. Line engraving.
Reference: 15918i- Books
Recent developments in cattle breeding / by G.F. Finlay.
Finlay, G. F. (Gerlad Fonstin), 1890-Date: 1924- Pictures
A herdsman resting on his staff as his herd of livestock also rests. Etching by N. Berchem.
Berchem, Nicolaas Pietersz, 1620-1683.Date: [between 1660 and 1669?]Reference: 2815099i