162 results filtered with: Mesmerism
- Books
Hypnotismus und Suggestion : eine klinisch-psychologische Studie / von Moriz Benedikt.
Benedikt, Moriz, 1835-1920.Date: 1894- Books
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The mesmerist's manual of phenomena and practice : with directions for applying mesmerism to the cure of diseases, and the methods of producing mesmeric phenomena : intended for domestic use and the instruction of beginners / by George Barth.
Barth, George H.Date: 1851- Books
Das Mesmerismus in Berlin / [Walter Artelt].
Artelt, Walter, 1906-Date: [1965]- Books
- Online
Mesmerism and its opponents / by George Sandby.
Sandby, George.Date: 1848- Books
- Online
Zoistic magnetism: being the substance of two lectures, descriptive of original views and investigations respecting this mysterious agency; delivered ... at Torquay, on the 24th of April and 1st of May, 1849 / by the Rev. W. Scoresby.
Scoresby, William, 1789-1857.Date: 1849- Books
Dickens and mesmerism : the hidden springs of fiction / Fred Kaplan.
Kaplan, Fred, 1937-Date: [1975]- Pictures
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Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
Date: [between 1778 and 1784?]Reference: 44754i- Journals
Report of the Annual Meeting of the London Mesmeric Infirmary.
London Mesmeric Infirmary.Date: 1850- Books
- Online
Erlebnisse auf dem Gebiete des Mesmerismus / von Gustav Siegmund.
Siegmund, Gustav.Date: [1861?]- Books
Animal magnetism, or, mesmerism and its phenomena / by William Gregory.
Gregory, William, 1803-1858.Date: 1896- Books
Mesmerism in India, and its practical application to surgery and medicine / by James Esdaile.
Esdaile, James, 1808-1859.Date: 1851- Books
- Online
Histoire acadeḿique du magnétisme animal, accompagneé de notes et de remarques critiques. Sur toutes les observations et expeŕiences faites jusqu'a ce jour / par C. Burdin jeune et Fréd. Dubois (D'Amiens).
Burdin, Charles, approximately 1778-1856.Date: 1841- Books
Franz Anton Mesmer : Leben, Werk und Wirkungen / mit 9 Abbildungen.
Tischner, Rudolf, 1879-Date: 1928- Pictures
- Online
A mesmerist using animal magnetism on a seated female patient. Wood engraving, ca. 1845.
Date: [approximately 1845]Reference: 11823i- Books
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A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind / By James Cowles Prichard.
Prichard, James Cowles, 1786-1848.Date: 1835- Archives and manuscripts
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865)
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865Date: c.1854Reference: MS.7141- Books
- Online
Prophétie dont l'accomplissement paroît devoir être assez prochain.
Date: [between 1780 and 1789?]- Books
- Online
Facts in mesmerism : with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it / By Chauncy Hare Townshend.
Townshend, Chauncy Hare, 1798-1868.Date: 1841- Books
Hungerford Hall, Strand. Animal magnetism. Soirées Lassaigne. Wonderful experiments, M. Lassaigne, (the first magnetiser in Europe) & Mdlle. Prudence, (the best clairvoyante known) every evening, at eight o'clock precisely (except Thursday).
Lassaigne, Auguste.Date: [1851]- Books
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The introduction of mesmerism, as an anæsthetic and curative agent, into the hospitals of India / by James Esdaile, M.D.
Esdaile, James, 1808-1859.Date: 1852- Digital Images
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'Painles removal of a breast in the mesmeric state'.
- Books
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Teratoscopie du fluide vital et de la mensambulance, ou, démonstration physiologique et psychologique de la possibilité d'une infinité de prodiges réputés fabuleux, ou attribués par l'ignorance des philosophes et par la superstition des ignorans, à des causes fausses ou imaginaires / par C.-R.H[annapier].
Hannapier, C. R.Date: 1822- Books
- Online
Erläuterungen zum Mesmerismus / [Karl Christian Wolfart].
Wolfart, Karl Christian, 1778-1832.Date: 1815- Archives and manuscripts
Patterson, James, (fl. 1858-1859), teacher of deaf and dumb, Manchester
Patterson, James, fl. 1858-1859Date: 1858-1859Reference: MSS.7352-7353- Books
- Online
Récit de l'avocat général de ***, aux chambres assemblées du public, sur le magnétisme animal.
Date: 1785