74 results filtered with: Military hygiene
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Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the sanitary state of the army in India : with précis evidence.
Great Britain. Parliament.Date: 1863- Books
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Sketch of the medical history of the native army of Bombay, for the year 1876. : The regiments are placed as they stood in the army list of the 1st July 1876].
Bombay (Presidency). Military Department.Date: 1877- Books
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Handleiding tot de leer van het militair geneeskundig onderzoek (het visiteren) : der manschappen, bij hunne intrede in, en hunne verwijdering uit de dienst : in verband met De ziekten en gebreken, die voorgewend, nagebootst, willekeurig voortgebragt, of voorbedachtelijk verborgen kunnen worden : ten gebruike bij het onderwijs aan 's rijks kweekschool voor militaire geneeskundigen / door A.W.M. van Hasselt.
Hasselt, A. W. M. van (Alexander Willem Michiel), 1814?-1902.Date: 1856- Books
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Report of the Surgeon-General of the Army to the Secretary of War for the fiscal year ending.
United States. Surgeon-General's Office.Date: [1800s-1952?]- Books
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Sketch of the medical history of the native army of Bombay, for the year 1873. : Extracted from the annual returns, from the reports of regimental medical officers and from the inspection reports of deputy surgeons general. Compiled in the office of the surgeon general, Indian Medical Department, Bombay.
Bombay (Presidency). Military Department.Date: 1874- Books
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Manual of military hygiene for the military services of the United States / by Valery Havard ... illustrated with seven plates and two hundred and twenty-eight engravings.
Havard, Valery, 1846-1927.Date: 1909- Books
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Traité d'hygiène militaire / par A. Laveran.
Laveran, Alphonse, 1849-1922.Date: 1896- Books
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Report of a departmental committee on the prevalence of venereal disease among the British troops in India.
Date: 1897- Books
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Contributions to military and state medicine : first volume / by John Martin.
Martin John, 1848?-1925.Date: 1881- Books
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Remarks on the Examining Medical Board for Indian Appointments, as constituted from younger members of scholastic medical establishments in this metropolis and unaided by the advice and experience of Indian Army Medical Officers at home. In a letter to Sir Charles Wood.
Bird, James, 1797-1864.Date: 1854- Books
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On military and camp hospitals, and the health of troops in the field : being the results of a commission to inspect the sanitary arrangements of the French Army, and incidentally of other armies in the Crimean War / by L. Baudens ; translated and annotated by Franklin B. Hough.
Date: 1862- Books
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Das Militärsanitätswesen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika während des letzten Krieges : nebst Schilderungen von Land und Leuten / von H.v. Haurowitz.
Haurowitz, Harry Valentin von, 1799-1882.Date: 1866- Books
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A letter to the Right Honourable the Secretary at War, on sickness and mortality in the West Indies : being a review of Captain Tulloch's statistical report / by Sir Andrew Halliday.
Halliday, Andrew, Sir, 1781-1839.Date: 1839- Books
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Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the regulations affecting the sanitary condition of the army, the organization of military hospitals, and the treatment of the sick and wounded : with evidence and appendix.
Great Britain. Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire Into the Sanitary Condition of the Army.Date: 1858- Books
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Military hygiene and sanitation / By Colonel Charles H. Melville.
Melville, Charles Henderson, 1863-Date: 1912- Books
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Sketch of the medical history of the native army of Bombay, for the year 1874. : [The regiments are placed as they stood in the army list of the 1st July 1874].
Bombay (Presidency). Military Department.Date: 1875- Books
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Essais d'hygiène et de thérapeutique militaires présentés à la Commission sanitaire des États-Unis : annotés et publiés en francais / par Thomas W. Evans.
Evans, Thomas W. (Thomas Wiltberger), 1823-1897.Date: 1865- Books
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Report of the Committee of the Portland Hospital.
Date: 1901- Books
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Practical observations on fever, dysentery, and liver complaints : as they occur amongst the European troops in India : with introductory remarks on the disadvantages of selecting boys for Indian military service / by George Ballingall.
Date: 1818- Books
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Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the regulations affecting the sanitary condition of the army, the organization of military hospitals, and the treatment of the sick and wounded. : [Vol. 2] Appendix LXXIX.
Great Britain. Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire Into the Sanitary Condition of the Army.Date: 1858- Books
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Beiträge zur Militair-Hygiene im Kriege und im Frieden / von Alexander Ochwadt.
Ochwadt, Alexander.Date: 1868- Books
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A manual of practical hygiene : prepared especially for use in the medical service of the Army / by Edmund A. Parkes.
Date: 1864- Books
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A report on the hygiene of the United States Army : with descriptions of military posts / [compiled by John S. Billings].
Date: 1875- Books
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A manual of practical hygiene : prepared especially for use in the medical service of the Army / by Edmund A. Parkes.
Date: 1869