104 results filtered with: Mineral Waters - therapeutic use
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Traité des proprietez et vertus des eaux mineralles, bouës et bains de Bourbonne les Bains, proche Langres en Champagne : divisé en IV. partie. ... / Composé par Nicolas Juy.
Juy, Nicolas.Date: 1728- Books
An essay on the gout, with an account of the nature and qualities of the Bath waters. Intended for the benefit of Richard Tennison, Esq / [George Cheyne].
Cheyne, George, 1671 or 1672-1743.Date: 1720- Books
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An essay of the true nature and due method of treating the gout. Written for the use of Richard Tennison, Esq., together with an account of the nature and quality of the Bath waters, the manner of using them, and the diseases in which they are proper: as also, of the nature and cure of most chronical distempers, not published before / [George Cheyne].
Cheyne, George, 1671 or 1672-1743.Date: 1724- Books
The healing baths of Droitwich Spa / Cora Weaver.
Weaver, Cora.Date: 1999- Books
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An essay of the true nature and due method of treating the gout. Written for the use of Richard Tennison, Esq.; together with an account of the nature and quality of Bath waters, the manner of using them, and the diseases in which they are proper: as also, of the nature and cure of most chronical distempers, not published before / [George Cheyne].
Cheyne, George, 1671 or 1672-1743.Date: 1722- Books
Mineralʹnye vody SSSR / [P.L. Ianovskiǐ].
I͡Anovskiĭ, P. L. (Petr Lʹvovich)Date: 1957- Books
Hydropathy. The theory, principles, and practice of the water cure shewn to be in accordance with medical science and the teachings of common sense ; illustrated with many important cases / by Edward Johnson.
Johnson, Edward, 1785-1862.Date: 1843- Books
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A dissertation on the mineral waters of Saratoga : including an account of the waters of Ballston / by Valentine Seaman, M.D.
Seaman, Valentine, 1770-1817.Date: 1809- Books
El valor del agua en el mundo antiguo : sistemas hidráulicos y aguas mineromedicinales en el contexto de la Galicia romana / Silvia González Soutelo.
González Soutelo, Silvia, 1978-Date: [2011], ©2011- Books
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An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bath-water, and the indications of cure, which it answers ... / by George Randolph.
Randolph, George, 1708-1764.Date: 1752- Books
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L'ami des femmes, ou, Lettres d'un médecin : concernant l'influence de l'habillement des femmes sur leurs moeurs et leur santé, et la nécessité de l'usage habituel des bains en conservant leur costume actuel : suivies d'un appendix contenant des recettes cosmétiques et curatives ... / par P.J. Marie de Saint-Ursin, ancien premier médecin de l'armeé du Nord.
Marie de Saint-Ursin, P.-J., 1763-1818.Date: MDCCCIV [1804]- Books
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Dei Bagni di Lucca : notizie typografiche storiche e medicine / per Alessandro Carina.
Carina, Alessandro.Date: 1866- Books
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Hints on the health and disease of the skin / By Walter Cooper Dendy.
Dendy, Walter Cooper, 1794-1871.Date: 1843- Books
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The Cheltenham waters : their nature and properties, with general directions for their use, and brief notices of the diseases in which they are found beneficial / By a resident physician.
Resident Physician, of Cheltenham.Date: [1836]- Books
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A practical dissertation on the medicinal effects of the Bath waters / [William Falconer].
Falconer, William, 1744-1824.Date: 1798- Books
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The mineral waters and health resorts of Europe : treatment of chronic diseases by spas and climates, with hints as to the simultaneous employment of various physical and dietetic methods ; being a revised and enlarged edition of 'The spas and mineral waters of Europe' / by Hermann Weber and F. Parkes Weber.
Date: 1898- Books
A practical dissertation on the medicinal effects of the Bath waters / by William Falconer.
Falconer, William, 1744-1824.Date: 1790- Books
Moffet-well, or, A topographico-spagyricall description of the mineral wells, at Moffet in Annandale of Scotland / Translated, and much enlarged, by the author Matthew Mackaile, chyrurgo-medicine. As also, The oyly-well ... at St. Catharines Chappel in the paroch of Libberton. To these is subjoyned, a character of Mr. Culpeper and his writings.
Mackaile, Matthew, active 1657-1696.Date: 1664- Books
Czechoslovak spas / [František Nováček].
Nováček, František.Date: 1966- Books
Despine and the evolution of psychology : historical and medical perspectives on dissociative disorders / edited and translated by Joanne M. McKeown and Catherine G. Fine.
Despine, Charles-Humbert-Antoine, 1777-1852.Date: 2008- Books
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A treatise on the mineral spring at the New Tunbridge Wells, near Islington, with rules for drinking the waters : and a plan of diet for invalids labouring under chronic complaints / by the late Hugh Smith, M.D.
Smith, Hugh, 1736?-1789.Date: [1790?]- Books
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Practical illustrations of the scarlet fever, measles, and pulmonary consumption : with observations on the efficacy of sulphureous waters in chronic complaints / by John Armstrong.
Armstrong, John, 1784-1829.Date: 1818- Books
Trophimi Serrier Hydatologia : veram causam diversarum aquae facultatum per explicationem principii rerum omnium demonstrans. In ipsa de ortu & propagine animarum & maximè rationalis gravissima dirimitur controversia. Cum auctoris sententia supra historia Mussipotanea.
Serrier, Trophime.Date: 1660- Books
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A treatise on the Bath waters / George Smith Gibbes.
Gibbes, George Smith, Sir, 1771-1851.Date: 1800- Books
Report, chemical and medical, of the Airthrey mineral springs : and a list of phænogamous plants collected in their vicinity / By William Hutton Forrest.
Forrest, William Hutton, 1798 or 1799-1879.Date: 1831