90 results filtered with: Placenta
- Books
Die Quetschung der Placenta : ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Placenta praevia / von C. Pfeiffer.
Pfeiffer, C.Date: [1863?]- Books
- Online
Le placenta des carnassiers / par Mathias Duval.
Date: 1895- Pictures
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Four diagrams illustrating difficult births. Engraving by A. Bell.
Reference: 17041i- Books
Feinstruktur der Plazenta : elektronenoptische Untersuchungen über die reifende und reife Plazenta der Ratte / von Hans Franke.
Franke, Hans, 1920-Date: 1969- Books
- Online
De functione placentae uterinae : ad virum illustrem Samuelem Thomam Soemmering epistola scripsit B.N.G. Schreger.
Schreger, Bernhard Nathanael Gottlob, 1776-1825.Date: 1799- Books
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Lectures on the comparative anatomy of the placenta : first series delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons of England, June, 1875 / by Wm. Turner.
Date: 1876- Books
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De dislocatione placentae : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Henricus Jasper.
Jasper, Heinrich.Date: 1841- Pictures
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Nine diagrams illustrating breech and natural births and the obstetrical instruments used to assist them. Engraving by A. Bell.
Reference: 17036i- Books
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Das Nabelbläschen, ein constantes Gebilde in der Nachgeburt des ausgetragenen Kindes / von Bernhard Sigmund Schultze.
Schultze Bernhard Sigmund, 1827-1919.Date: 1861- Books
- Online
Recherches anatomico-physiologiques et chimiques sur la matière colorante du placenta de quelques animaux / par Gilbert Breschet.
Breschet, G. (Gilbert), 1784-1845.Date: [1830]- Books
Angiogenesis in the early human chorion and in the primary placenta of the macaque monkey / by Arthur T. Hertig.
Hertig, Arthur T. (Arthur Tremain), 1904-1990.Date: [1935]- Books
The human placenta : by J.D. Boyd and W.J. Hamilton.
Boyd, J. D. (James Dixon), 1907-1968.Date: 1970- Books
- Online
Quelques considérations pratiques sur la délivrance naturelle et artificielle : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 9 juillet 1836 / par E.-E. Jobin.
Jobin, E.E.Date: 1836- Books
Anomalías morfológicas de la placenta y su significado clínico / por Oscar Agüero.
Agüero, Oscar.Date: [1957]- Pictures
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Four cross-sections of figures of the pregnant uterus. Engraving by A. Bell.
Reference: 17037i- Books
- Online
Das Nabelbläschen : ein constantes Gebilde in der Nachgeburt des ausgetragenen Kindes / von Bernhard Sigmund Schultze.
Schultze, Bernhard Sigmund, 1827-1919.Date: 1861- Pictures
- Online
Three interior diagrams of an adult human uterus. Etching by G. Scotin.
Reference: 16997i- Books
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Du decollement premature du placenta insere normalement / par Louis Dumarcet.
Dumarcet Louis.Date: 1892- Pictures
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Nine diagrams of babies in the womb and two illustrations of obstetrical instruments. Etching by T. Jefferys.
Reference: 17068i- E-journals
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Date: 1980-- Pictures
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Three interior diagrams of a human uterus. Etching by G. Scotin.
Reference: 16998i- Pictures
- Online
A foetus and placenta with umbilical cord. Engraving, 1686, the second, third, fifth and sixth figures after G. de Lairesse, 1685.
Lairesse, Gérard de, 1640-1711.Date: [1686]Reference: 31559i- Books
- Online
Ueber Cysten und cystoide Bildungen der menschlichen Nachgeburt / von Emil Ehrendorfer.
Date: 1893- Books
- Online
Über den Ursprung der Milch und die Ernährung der Frucht im Allgemeinen / von A. Rauber.
Rauber, August Antinous, 1841-1917.Date: 1879- Archives and manuscripts
Young, Maureen (1915-2013)
Young, Maureen (1915-2013)Date: 1930s-c.2011Reference: PP/MYG