206 results filtered with: Politics - history
- Books
Die Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches / von Andreas Birken.
Birken, Andreas, 1942-Date: 1976- Books
Zwischen Hippokrates und Lenin : Gespräche mit ost- und westdeutschen Ärzten über ihre Zeit in der SBZ und DDR / Klaus-Dieter Müller.
Müller, Klaus-Dieter, 1951-Date: 1994- Books
Marriage and murder in eleventh-century Northumbria : a study of 'De obsessione Dunelmi' / by Christopher J. Morris.
Morris, Christopher J.Date: 1992- Books
Was ich erlebte : Aus der Erinnerung niedergeschrieben. Bd. 1, Neudruck des ersten und zweiten Bandes der Erstausgabe Breslau 1840 mit einer Einleitung von Dietrich von Engelhardt / Henrich Steffens.
Steffens, Henrich, 1773-1845.Date: 1995- Books
Society and politics in Wilhelmine Germany / edited by Richard J. Evans.
Date: 1978- Books
Refiguring revolutions : aesthetics and politics from the English revolution to the Romantic revolution / edited by Kevin Sharpe and Steven N. Zwicker.
Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Des dentistes qui ont fait l'Histoire... / Xavier Riaud ; préambule du Docteur Henri Lamendin ; préface de Michel Jourde.
Riaud, XavierDate: [2013]- Books
Population politics in twentieth-century Europe : fascist dictatorships and liberal democracies / Maria Sophia Quine.
Quine, Maria Sophia.Date: 1996- Books
Der "Fall" Wilhelm Reich : Beiträge zum Verhältnis von Psychoanalyse und Politik / herausgegeben von Karl Fallend und Bernd Nitzschke.
Date: [1997]- Books
- Online
Etat des royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger : contenant l'histoire naturelle & politique de ces païs, la maniere dont les Turcs y traitent les esclaves, etc. Avec La tradition de l'église pour le rachat ou le soulagement des captifs / [Anon].
La Faye, Jean Baptiste de.Date: 1704- Books
La física de la monarquía : ciencia y política en el pensamiento colonial de Alejandro Malaspina (1754-1810) / Juan Pimentel.
Pimentel, Juan.Date: 1998- Books
Poverty and political culture : the rhetoric of social welfare in the Netherlands and France, 1815-1854 / Frances Gouda ; foreword by Arjo Klamer.
Gouda, Frances, 1950-Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
La política como única ciencia religiosa en Al-Fārābī / Salvador Gómez Nogales ; prólogo de Miguel Cruz Hernández.
Gómez Nogales, Salvador.Date: 1980- Books
Social policy in Britain 1914-1939 / prepared for the Economic History Society by M.A. Crowther.
Crowther, M. A. (Margaret Anne)Date: 1988- Books
Competing with the Soviets : science, technology, and the state in Cold War America / Audra J. Wolfe.
Wolfe, Audra J.Date: 2013- Books
The intellectual roots of the Italian Enlightenment : Newtonian science, religion, and politics in the early eighteenth century / Vincenzo Ferrone ; translated by Sue Brotherton.
Ferrone, Vincenzo.Date: 1995- Books
Johann Peter Joseph Monheim, 1786-1855 : Apotheker und Chemiker, sozial engagierter Bürger und Politiker zu Aachen / von Felix Monheim.
Monheim, Felix.Date: 1981- Books
Le pouvoir de la maladie : magie et politique dans les Landes de Gascogne, 1750-1826 / Bernard Traimond.
Traimond, Bernard.Date: 1988- Books
Radical spirits : spiritualism and women's rights in nineteenth-century America / Ann Braude.
Braude, Ann.Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
Spain: 1808-1939 / [Raymond Carr].
Carr, Raymond.Date: 1966- Books
Donne, medici e poliziotti a Napoli nell'Ottocento : la prostituzione tra repressione e tolleranza / Lucia Valenzi.
Valenzi, Lucia.Date: 2000- Books
Doctors for democracy : health professionals in the Nepal Revolution / Vincanne Adams.
Adams, Vincanne, 1959-Date: 1998- Books
The civic world of early Renaissance Florence / by Gene Brucker.
Brucker, Gene A.Date: [1977], ©1977- Books
The lights of liberalism : university liberals and the challenge of democracy, 1860-86 / Christopher Harvie.
Harvie, Christopher, 1944-Date: 1976- Books
The women's suffrage movement : a reference guide 1866-1928 / Elizabeth Crawford.
Crawford, Elizabeth.Date: 1999