196 results filtered with: Quackery
- Ephemera
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Medicine Jack : serio comic song / written & composed by Alfred Scott Gatty.
Scott-Gatty, Alfred, 1847-1918.Date: [1869?]- Books
How Isaac Newton lost his marbles : and more medical mysteries, marvels and mayhem / by George Biro & Jim Leavesley ; illustrations by Greg Smith.
Biro, George.Date: 1999- Books
- Online
Information for the legislature and people of the State of Pennsylvania, and professional men throughout the United States : in relation to various systems of superstitious frauds, and particularly those inflicted upon the credulous by pretended doctors in medicine : together with an explanation of the homoeopathic and other systems of deception : advice to students of medicine, young physicians, the public, &c.
Date: [1838?]- Books
- Online
Anti-Lancet, or, the destructive practice of bleeding, &c., exposed and denounced : showing the principles of life and death, and the origin of all diseases with a description of the most efficacious medicines ever made known to the world for their relief and cure / by Charles Rooke.
Rooke, Charles.Date: 1874- Books
The odo-magnetic treatment of nervous debility and all diseases resulting from poorness of blood and an enfeebled constitution : nature's own remedy for physical and mental maladies and all the diseases to which mankind is liable, or, the curative properties of odo-magnetism briefly explained / The Magnetic & Health Appliance Co.
Magnetic & Health Appliance Co.Date: [1905?]- Books
Nostrums for kidney diseases and diabetes / prepared and issued by the Propaganda Department of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Date: 1917- Books
- Online
Quack doctors and their doings : a warning to invalids : being an exposure of the frauds of medical impostors upon their suffering and credulous victims : compiled from information supplied by persons who have been duped / by James S. Garrard.
Garrard, James S.Date: 1882- Books
Nostrums and quackery : articles on the nostrum evil, quackery and allied matters affecting the public health : reprinted, with or without modifications, from the Journal of the American Medical Association / prepared, compiled or edited by Arthur J. Cramp.
American Medical Association.Date: 1921- Books
"Deafness cures" / prepared and issued by the Propaganda Department of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Date: 1921- Books
- Online
Medical hand-book : containing a statement of the principal diseases, with testimonials of remarkable cures / by E.D. Spear.
Spear, Edmund Doe.Date: 1872- Books
Läkarkonst, kvacksalveri och vidskepelse : medicinhistoriska kåserier / [Mikaël Söderström].
Söderström, Mikaël.Date: [1926]- Books
The health robbers : how to protect your money and your life / edited by Stephen Barrett.
Date: [1980], ©1980- Books
- Online
Uma palavra sobre o charlatanismo e os charlatões / por J.B.A. Imbert.
Imbert, J. B. A.Date: 1837- Books
- Online
L'exercice de la médecine et le charlatanisme / par P. Brouardel.
Brouardel, P. (Paul), 1837-1906.Date: 1899- Books
- Online
Terrible tractoration!! A poetical petition against galvanising trumpery, and the Perkinistic Institution : in four cantos : most respectfully addressed to the Royal College of Physicians / by Christopher Caustic, M.D. [pseud.].
Fessenden, Thomas Green, 1771-1837.Date: 1804- Books
- Online
Business methods of specialists, or, How the advertising doctor succeeds : an exposition of the inside workings of the complicated structure the advertising specialist has built about himself, the doors of which are seldom open to the professional investigator / by Jacob Dissinger Albright.
Albright, Jacob Dissinger, 1870-Date: 1907- Books
Quacks / from 'A book about doctors', 1861 ; (selected by H.A. Stuart).
Date: 1938- Books
- Online
A plain statement of authenticated facts respecting the system for the prevention and removal of disease / invented and practised by John St. John Long.
Long, John St. John, 1798-1834.Date: 1834- Books
The legal and ethical aspects of medical quackery / by Leonard Le Marchant Minty.
Minty, Leonard Le Marchant.Date: 1932- Ephemera
A bone-setter at work / BLOT! ; illustration: Rishi.
BLOT! (Firm)Date: 2014- Books
- Online
Anniversary address to the New York Medical and Surgical Society / by F. Campbell Stewart.
Stewart, F. Campbell (Ferdinand Campbell), 1815-1899.Date: 1846- Books
- Online
An essay on some of the principles of medical delusion / by J.H. Nutting.
Nutting, J. H.Date: 1853- Books
- Online
Anti-Lancet, or, The destructive practice of bleeding, &c., exposed and denounced : showing the principles of life and death, and the origin of all diseases with a description of the most efficacious medicines ever made known to the world for their relief and cure / by Charles Rooke.
Rooke, Charles.Date: 1870- Books
- Online
Della sorte dei medici specialmente condotti : e dei mezzi più idonei per farla migliore / discorso del d. Odoardo Turchetti.
Turchetti, Odoardo.Date: 1840- Books
- Online
An introductory lecture to the course of the institutes of medicine, &c. in Jefferson Medical College : delivered Nov. 8, 1843 / by Professor Dunglison.
Dunglison, Robley, 1798-1869.Date: 1843