170 results filtered with: Scholars
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Clarendon printing house, Oxford: with a glimpse of the Sheldonian Theatre behind. Aquatint by T. Malton.
Malton, Thomas, 1748-1804.Date: 31 December 1802Reference: 21139i- Pictures
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New College, Oxford: from the gardens. Lithograph.
Reference: 20643i- Pictures
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Astronomy and mathematics: Samuel Vince reading in his rooms at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, by the light of a shaded lamp. Aquatint by F. Jukes with engraving by J. K. Baldrey after R. C. Chilton, c.1784.
Chilton, Robert Courbold, 1762-1816.Reference: 46350i- Pictures
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Brasenose College, Oxford: quadrangle, with St. Mary's Church and the Radcliffe Camera behind. Line engraving by J. Basire after J.M.W. Turner.
Turner, J. M. W. (Joseph Mallord William), 1775-1851.Reference: 20073i- Pictures
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Exeter College, Oxford: front. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1835, after F. Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, Frederick, 1787 or 1788-1854.Date: 1 July 1835Reference: 20511i- Books
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Dignorum laude virorum, quos Musa vetat mori, immortalitas, seu vitae theologorum, jure-consultorum, et politocorum, medicorum, atque philosophorum, maximam partem Germanorum, nonullam quoque exterorum / a Melchiore Adamo... pluribus olim minoris formae tomis congestae concinnataeque; nunc verò majoris commoditatis ergò in unum grandioris coactae.
Adam, Melchior, -1622.Date: 1706- Pictures
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Pembroke College, Oxford: quadrangle. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1836, after F. Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, Frederick, 1787 or 1788-1854.Date: 1 May 1836Reference: 20657i- Pictures
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Christ Church, Oxford: Canterbury gate. Wood engraving.
Reference: 20468i- Pictures
A woman holding a flaming sword and a lantern (?), with theologians in disputation over the Old and New Testaments; representing theology. Engraving by E. Delaune, ca. 1560.
Delaune, Etienne, 1518?-1583.Date: 1560Reference: 25879i- Pictures
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Magdalen College, Oxford: new hall. Lithograph.
Reference: 20549i- Books
Samuel Hartlib and universal reformation : studies in intellectual communication / edited by Mark Greengrass, Michael Leslie, and Timothy Raylor.
Date: 1994- Pictures
A scholar-alchemist pores over a book, searching for inspiration. Etching by F. Basan after D. Teniers the younger.
Teniers, David, 1610-1690.Date: 1700-1799Reference: 35974i- Books
Directory of American scholars : a biographical directory / edited by the Jaques Cattell Press.
Date: 1963-1964- Books
John Aubrey and the advancement of learning / William Poole.
Poole, William, 1977-Date: 2010- Pictures
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A procession to St. Mary's Church, Oxford by the convocations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; and the burning of the bones of Protestant theologians in Cambridge. Line engraving by Myers.
Myers, active 1784-1802.Reference: 21252i- Pictures
Chemists and workers operating distilling apparatus in a laboratory. Engraving by P. Galle (?) after J. van der Straet.
Straet, Jan van der, 1523-1605.Reference: 26686iPart of: Nova reperta- Pictures
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New College, Oxford: panoramic view. Lithograph by Mackenzie after himself.
Kane, Sarah Julia.Reference: 20640i- Pictures
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Magdalen College, Oxford: gateway. Wood engraving by M.A. Williams.
Williams, M. A.Reference: 20547i- Pictures
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Christ Church, Oxford: staircase to the Hall. Etching.
Reference: 20441i- Pictures
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford: panoramic view showing All Soul's College, St. Mary's Church and Brasenose College. Pencil drawing by W.W. Burgess, 1901.
Burgess, William Walter, active 1874-1903.Date: 1901Reference: 21023i- Books
Briefwechsel / Wilhelm Schickard ; herausgegeben von Friedrich Seck.
Schickard, Wilhelm, 1592-1635.Date: 2002- Books
New Aldine studies : documentary essays on the life and work of Aldus Manutius / by Harry George Fletcher III.
Fletcher, H. George.Date: 1988- Pictures
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Merton College, Oxford: bird's eye view with key. Line engraving.
Reference: 20556i- Pictures
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Christ among the doctors. Etching by A. Scacciati, 1766, after G.B. Moroni, c. 1570.
Moroni, Giovanni Battista, approximately 1523-1578.Date: [1766]Reference: 22430i- Pictures
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All Souls College, Oxford: cloisters and chapel. Line engraving by J. Le Keux after F. Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, Frederick, 1787 or 1788-1854.Reference: 20062i