91 results filtered with: Urinary Calculi
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A treatise on the nature and cure of gout and gravel. With general observations on morbid states of the digestive organs; and on regimen / By Charles Scudamore.
Scudamore, Charles, 1779-1849.Date: 1823- Books
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Recueil d'experiences et d'observations sur la pierre, et en particulier sur les effets des remedes de Mademoiselle Stephens, pour dissoudre la pierre. Explosition des preuves pour & contre les remedes / Par David Hartley ... [Edited and translated by S.F. Morand and F. de Bremond].
Hartley, David, 1705-1757.Date: 1740- Books
Urinary and renal derangements and calculous disorders : hints on diagnosis and treatment / by Lionel S. Beale.
Beale, Lionel S. (Lionel Smith), 1828-1906.Date: 1885- Books
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A treatise on the origin and component parts of the stone in the urinary bladder : Being the substance of the Gulstonian Lectures, read at the College of Physicians in the year 1790 / by William Austin, M.D.
Austin, William, 1754-1793.Date: MDCCXCI [1791]- Books
Quelques formes cliniques de lithiase urinaire / Madeleine H. Paillard.
Paillard, Madeleine H.Date: 1937- Books
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A disquisition of the stone and gravel : with strictures on the gout, when combined with those disorders / by S. Perry.
Perry, S. (Sampson), 1747-1823.Date: 1785- Books
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A probationary essay, on the extraction of calculi from the urinary bladder, containing some account of certain methods that have been recently proposed. Submitted, by authority of the president and his council, to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, when candidate for admission into their body, in conformity to their regulations respecting the admission of ordinary fellows. March 1825 / [William Thomson].
Thomson, William, 1802-1852.Date: 1825- Books
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An inquiry into the nature and treatment of diabetes, calculus, and other affections of the urinary organs : with remarks on the importance of attending to the state of the urine in organic diseases of the kidney and bladder: and some practical rules for determining the nature of the disease from the sensible and chemical properties of that secretion / by William Prout.
Prout, William, 1785-1850.Date: 1826- Books
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Parallèle des divers moyens de traiter les calculeux : contenant l'examen comparatif de la lithotritie et de la cystotomie sous le rapport de leurs divers procédés, de leurs modes d'application, de leurs avantages ou inconvéniens respectifs / par le docteur Civiale. Avec trois planches.
Civiale, Docteur (Jean), 1792-1867.Date: 1836- Books
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De l'urine et des dépots urinaires considérés sous le rapport de l'analyse chimique, de la physiologie, de la pathologie et des indications thérapeutiques / par Golding Bird ; trad. et annot. par le docteur O'Rorke.
Bird, Golding, 1815-1854.Date: 1861- Books
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Quelques idées sur l'origine et le traitement de la goutte, de la gravelle, de la pierre et d'autre maladies dépendant de la diathèse urique / par L.-Aug. Mercier.
Mercier, L.-Aug. (Louis-Auguste), 1811-1882.Date: 1865- Books
Dissertatio lithologica variis observationibus et figuris illustrata / [John Groeneveld].
Groeneveld, Joannes, 1647-1710?Date: 1684- Books
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Les calculs de l'urèthre chez l'homme : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 21 janvier 1902 / par Ivan Spiridonoff.
Spiridonoff, Ivan, 1877-Date: 1902- Books
Practical observations on urinary gravel and stone; On disease of the bladder, and prostate gland; and, On strictures of the urethra / by Henry Johnston.
Johnston, Henry.Date: 1806- Books
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Les causes de la gravelle et de la pierre : étudiées à Contrexéville pendant neuf années de pratique médicale / par le Dr Debout d'Estrées.
Debout d'Estrées, Albert-Émile, 1841-1916.Date: 1876- Books
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An essay on the virtues of lime-water in the cure of the stone / By Robert Whytt. With an appendix, containing the cases of the Right Hon. Horace Walpole, Esquire; the Reverend Dr. Newcome, Canon of Windsor, &c.
Whytt, Robert, 1714-1766Date: 1755- Books
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A practical treatise on urinary and renal diseases : including urinary deposits / by William Roberts.
Roberts, William, Sir, 1830-1899.Date: 1879- Books
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Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine : présentée et soutenue le 12 août 1839, / par Ch.-Aug. Verger, de Civray (Vienne) ... I. Faire connaître les dispositions normales et les états morbides de l'appareil urinaire qui sont les plus propres à favoriser la formation et le développement des calculs urinaires ... [etc].
Verger, Ch.-Aug.Date: 1839- Books
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Collection de calculs urinaires et d'instruments de chirurgie / du J. Civiale.
Civiale, Docteur (Jean), 1792-1867.Date: 1869- Books
Dissertatio physico medica de lithiasi ... / [Stephanus Marcon-Ducolombier].
Marcon-Ducolombier, Stephanus.Date: 1779- Books
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Urine, urinary deposits, and calculi : and on the treatment of urinary diseases, with numerous illustrations, and tables for the clinical examination of urine / by Lionel S. Beale.
Beale, Lionel S. (Lionel Smith), 1828-1906.Date: 1864- Books
Exercitatio in Hippocratis aphorismum de calculo. Accedunt ejusdem argumenti doctorum epistolae / [Jan van Beverwyck].
Beverwyck, Jan van, 1594-1647.Date: 1641- Books
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Observations on the different methods made use of for the radical cure of the hydrocele, or watry rupture, and on other diseases of the testicle : to which is added a comparative view of the different methods of cutting for the stone, with some remarks on the medicines generally exhibited as solvents of the stone / by William Dease.
Dease, William, 1752?-1798.Date: MDCCLXXXII [1782]- Books
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Psammismus : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / submittit Ludovicus Schwarz.
Schwarz, Ludovicus.Date: [1845]- Books
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A treatise of the urinary passages : containing their description, powers and uses; together with the principal distempers that affect them; in particular the stone of the kidneys and bladder, as deliver'd at the Gulstonian Lecture in the theatre of the Royal College of Physicians, London, on the 17th, 18th, and 19th days of March 1725/26 / by William Rutty.
Rutty, William, 1687-1730.Date: 1726