362 results filtered with: Balneology
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An analysis of the medicinal waters of Llandrindod, in Radnorshire, South Wales : with observations upon the diseases to which they are applicable, and directions for their use. To which is prefixed a topographical account of the place / by Richard Williams.
Williams, Richard, active 1817.Date: 1817- Books
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On the treatment of hyperpyrexia : as illustrated in acute articular rheumatism by means of the external application of cold / by Wilson Fox.
Fox, Wilson, 1831-1887.Date: 1871- Books
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The Bath waters : their uses and effects in the cure and relief of various chronic diseases / by James Tunstall, M.D.
Tunstall, James, -1880.Date: 1850- Books
Popular guide to the use of the Bath waters : with hints on climate, lodgings, hotels, &c., full instructions for bathing and drinking the waters, with special chapters on the Aix massage douche baths, thermal vapour treatment, Nauheim treatment of heart disease by btahs and exercises, massage in its relation to balneology, and treatment of disease by heat / by J.G. Douglas Kerr and A.L. MacKenzie.
Kerr, J. G. Douglas.Date: [between 1900 and 1909?]- Books
La cure balnéaire de Royat : recherches recentes / par P. Petit, A. Mougeot, V. Aubertot.
Petit, P.Date: [1935]- Books
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An inquiry into the medicinal qualities and effects of the aerated alkaline water : illustrated by experiments and cases / by John Moncreiff, apothecary ... to which is prefixed a letter to the publisher, by a respectable physician of Baltimore.
Moncreiff, John.Date: 1810- Archives and manuscripts
Health resorts 1896 Vol I
Date: 1896-1921Reference: PP/FPW/B.139/1Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
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Balneographisches statistisch-historisches Hand- und Wörterbuch, oder, Die Heilquellen und Gesundbrunnen Deutschlands, der Schweiz, Ungarns, Croatiens, Slavoniens und Siebenbürgens, Frankreichs, der Niederlande und die Seebäder an den Küsten der Nord- und Ostsee / von L. Freiherrn von Zedlitz.
Zedlitz-Neukirch, Leopold, Freiherr von, 1792-1864.Date: 1834- Books
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A plain elementary explanation, of the nature and cure of disease : predicated upon facts and experience ; presenting a view of that train of thinking which led to the invention of the patent, portable, warm and hot bath / by Samuel K. Jennings.
Jennings, Samuel K. (Samuel Kennedy), 1771-1854.Date: 1814- Books
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Notice sur les eaux alcalines et ferrugineuses d'Amphionles-Bains (près d'Évian) / par Alphonse Alriq.
Alriq, Alphonse.Date: 1869- Books
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A guide to the use of the Buxton waters / by William Henry Robertson.
Robertson, William Henry, 1810-1897.Date: 1847- Books
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Medical reports, on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever, and febrile diseases; whether applied to the surface of the body, or used as a drink: with observations on the nature of fever; and on the effects of opium, alcohol, and inanition / by James Currie.
Date: 1797- Archives and manuscripts
Health Resorts etc 1916 Vol II
Date: 1908-1919Reference: PP/FPW/B.139/2Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
- Online
Eaux de la Motte / réponse de M. Berriat à la lettre de M. le docteur Montain insérée dans l'Union des provinces du 14 octobre 1844.
Berriat, L.Date: [1844]- Books
Tractatus de balneis Lucensibus Ville & Corsene.
Bendinelli, Matteo, 1447-1530.Date: 1539- Books
- Online
The Bath waters : their uses and effects in the cure and relief of various chronic diseases / by James Tunstall.
Tunstall, James, -1880.Date: 1879- Books
Boppard/Oberer Mittelrhein : das Kneipp- und Mineralheilbad im Spannungsfeld unterschiedlicher Fremdenverkehrsarten / von Helmut Hahn.
Hahn, Helmut.Date: 1983- Books
- Online
The nature and qualities of Bristol-water : illustrated by experiments and observations, with practical reflections on Bath-waters, occasionally interspersed / by A. Sutherland.
Sutherland, Alexander, -1773.Date: 1758- Books
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Ausführliche Beschreibung Dess Welt-berühmten Wildbaads an der Entz.
Date: [1690?]- Books
Einführung in die Balneologie und medizinische Klimatologie : Bäder- und Klimaheilkunde / von H. Vogt und W. Amelung.
Vogt, H. (Heinrich Wilhelm), 1875-Date: 1952- Books
- Online
Vorläufige Nachrichten über den Kurort zu Imnau / von Herrn Hofrath und Leibart Mezler.
Mezler, Franz Xaver, 1756-1812.Date: 1795- Books
- Online
Diagnose und Therapie der Krankheiten des Menschen : mit Zugrundelegung der Lehren und Recepturen der ersten medicinisch-chirurgischen Autoritäten, und Anführung von 1500 Receptformeln im metrischen Gewichte, nebst einem Anhange über Balneologie / von Bernard Kraus.
Kraus, Bernard, 1828-1887.Date: 1877- Books
- Online
Report of the Superintendent of the Hot Springs Reservation, to the Secretary of the Interior, 1887.
Hot Springs Reservation (Ark.)Date: 1887- Books
- Online
A treatise on the chemical history and medical powers of some of the most celebrated mineral waters : with practical remarks on the aqueous regimen. To which are added, observations on the use of cold and warm bathing / by William Saunders.
Saunders, William, 1743-1817.Date: 1805- Archives and manuscripts
Lectures on "Neuroses"
Date: c. 1780Reference: MS.MSL.21