144 results filtered with: Brain - anatomy & histology
- Books
Hereditary resemblance in the fissures of the cerebral hemispheres / by Edgar Schuster.
Schuster, Edgar.Date: 1914- Books
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Appendix to the anatomy of the brain, containing a paper read before the Royal Society on the 14th of May, 1829, and some remarks on Mr. Charles Bell's animadversions on phrenology ... / By G. Spurzheim.
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.Date: 1830- Books
Brain and spinal cord : a manual for the study of the morphology and the fibre-tracts of the central nervous system / by Emil villiger ; translated by George A. Piersol from the third German ed.
Villiger, Emil, 1870-1931.Date: [1912], ©1912- Books
Studies of the brain during the Italian renaissance / Charles D. O'Malley.
O'Malley, Charles D.Date: 1961- Books
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Atlas of head sections.
MacEwen, William.Date: 1893- Books
Intercortical systems of the human cerebrum : mapped by means of new anatomic methods / by Joshua Rosett.
Rosett, Joshua, 1875-Date: 1933- Books
Description of the brain of a Malay / by Edgar Schuster.
Schuster, Edgar.Date: 1914- Books
Atlas of the vertebrate brain : morphological evolution from cyclostomes to mammals / by Shiro Igarashi, Toshiro Kamiya.
Igarashi, Shirō, 1930-Date: [1972], ©1972- Books
Idea of a new anatomy of the brain / by Charles Bell.
Bell, Charles, Sir, 1774-1842.Date: 1936- Books
Constantino von Monakow y su obra / por F. de Allende Navarro.
Allende Navarro, F. de.Date: 1934- Books
Vzaimootnosheni︠︡ia polushariĭ mozga / V.M. Mosidze, V.L. Ezrokhi.
Mosidze, V. M. (Vakhtang Mikhaĭlovich)Date: 1986- Books
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Observations on the structure of the brain, comprising an estimate of the claims of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim to discovery in the anatomy of that organ / By John Gordon.
Gordon, John, 1786-1818.Date: 1817- Books
An illustrated history of brain function / Edwin Clarke and Kenneth Dewhurst.
Clarke, Edwin (Edwin Sisterson), 1919-1996.Date: 1972- Books
The anatomy of the brain : a manual for students and practitioners of medicine the brain of the sheep (ovis aries) being selected for description and illustration because of its availability and its practical identity with the human brain for laboratory use / by J.F. Burkholder.
Burkholder, J. F. (Jacob F.), 1861-Date: 1904- Books
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Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord / by J. Ryland Whitaker.
Whitaker, J. Ryland (Joseph Ryland)Date: 1892- Books
Elizabeta Pigasievna Kononova (k 110-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia) / O.S. Adrianov.
Adrianov, O. S.Date: 1991- Books
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Beiträge zur Kenntniss vom innern Baue des menschlichen Gehirns : Enthaltend: die Beschreibung des verlängerten Markes, der Varol'schen Brücke und der grossen Hirnschenkel, nebst einer kurzen Skizze des gesammten Hirnbaues / von Anton Förg.
Förg, Anton.Date: 1844- Books
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Zellanordnungen und Faserzüge im Vorderhirn von Siren lacertina / von Paul Röthig.
Röthig, Paul, 1874-Date: 1911- Books
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Bernhard von Gudden's hirnanatomische Experimentaluntersuchungen : zusammengefasst dargestellt / von Dr. Nissl.
Nissl, Franz, 1860-1919.Date: [1895?]- Books
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Icones nervorum capitis / Friderici Arnoldi.
Arnold, Friedrich, 1803-1890.Date: 1834- Books
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La topographie cranio-cérébrale, applications chirurgicales / par René Léon Le Fort.
Date: 1890- Books
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The anatomy of the brain : with a general view of the nervous system / by J.G. Spurzheim ; tr. from the unpublished French ms. by R. Willis ; with an appendix, and eighteen plates.
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.Date: 1834- Books
- Online
The brain : considered anatomically, physiologically and philosophically / by Emanuel Swedenborg ; edited, translated and annotated by R.L. Tafel.
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772.Date: 1882-1887- Books
Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux en général, et du cerveau en particulier, avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l'homme et des animaux par la configuration de leurs têtes / Par F. J. Gall et G. Spurzheim.
Gall, F. J. (Franz Joseph), 1758-1828.Date: 1810-1819- Books
- Online
Normale und pathologische Anatomie und Histologie des Grosshirns : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Histopathologie der Psychosen und extrapyramidalen Erkrankungen / von A. Jakob.
Jakob, Alfons, 1884-1931.Date: 1927-