131 results filtered with: Eye - pathology
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Beiträge zur Pathologie des Auges / von J. Jacobson.
Jacobson, Julius, 1829-1889.Date: 1888- Books
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Untersuchungen über die Pigmentierung der Netzhaut / von Camill Hirsch.
Hirsch, Camill.Date: 1905- Books
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Congenital defects of the iris and glaucoma / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1892]- Books
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Notes on glioma retinae : with a report of 60 cases / by J. B. Lawford and E. Treacher Collins.
Lawford, J. B., active 1886.Date: [1896]- Books
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Pseudo-glioma / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1896]- Books
Pathology of the human eye / by John Dalrymple.
Dalrymple, John, 1803-1852.Date: 1852- Books
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A lecture on eclecticism in operations for cataract : delivered at St. Mary's Hospital / by Anderson Critchett.
Critchett, George Anderson, 1845-1925.Date: 1883- Books
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Augenerkrankungen während der Gravidität und im Puerperium : inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe unter dem Praesidium / von Albrecht Nagel.
Nagel, Albrecht, 1833-1895.Date: 1882- Books
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Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie des Auges / herausgegeben von O. Lubarsch und R. Ostertag.
Date: 1901- Books
Pathologie des Auges / von Magda Radnót.
Radnót, Magda.Date: 1958- Books
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Cura radicale del distacco Retinico : mediante la idrodictiotomia / del signor Francesco Valli.
Secondi, Riccardo.Date: 1878- Books
Pathology of the eye / by P.H. Adams.
Adams, P. H. (Philip Edward Homer)Date: 1912- Books
Pathology and bacteriology of the eye / by E. Treacher Collins and M. Stephen Mayou.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1932.Date: [1925], ©1925- Books
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Über Augenerkrankungen sexuellen Ursprunges ber Frauen / von Emil Berger und Robert Loewy ; übersetzt von Beatrice Rossbach.
Berger, Emile, 1855-1926.Date: 1906- Books
Pathologie des Auges / G.O.H. Naumann ; unter Mitarbeit von D.J. Apple, sowie D. v. Domarus [and others].
Naumann, G. O. H.Date: 1980- Books
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Microphthalmos with cystic protrusion from the globe / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1897]- Books
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Researches into the anatomy and pathology of the eye / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: 1896- Books
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Beiträge zur Pathologie des Sehorgans / von J. Hirschberg und A. Birnbacher.
Hirschberg, J. (Julius), 1843-1925.Date: [1883]- Books
Atlas der pathologischen Anatomie des Augapfels / herausgegeben von Herm. Pagenstecher und Carl Genth.
Date: 1875- Books
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On the treatment of cataract, without operation, at the Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields / by Louis François Gondret.
Gondret, Louis-François, 1776-1855.Date: 1838- Books
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On the pathogenesis of anterior polar cataract / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1898]- Books
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Microphthalmos / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1893]- Books
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Bericht über die Ophthalmologische Universitäts-Klinik zu Giessen aus den Jahren 1879-1881 / unter Mitwirkung der Assistenz-Ärzte Dr. Vossius und Dr. Markwald ; herausgegeben von A. v. Hippel.
Date: 1881- Books
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Zur Augentherapie / von B. Wicherkiewicz.
Wicherkiewicz, Bolesław, 1847-1915.Date: [1886]- Books
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Blindness from sympathetic ophthalmitis : restoration of vision by Critchett's operation / by G. E. de Schweinitz.
De Schweinitz, G. E. (George Edmund), 1858-1938.Date: [1900]