114 results filtered with: Homosexuality, Male
- Books
Get ready for action : a gay man's guide to safer sex / Scottish AIDS Monitor Gay Men's Project.
Date: [1995?]- Books
Odd men out : male homosexuality in Britain from Wolfenden to Gay Liberation, 1954-1970 / John-Pierre Joyce.
Joyce, John-PierreDate: 2019- Books
Alpha Flight. Vol. 1, no. 106, The walking wounded / Scott Lobdell, words ; Mark Pacella, pencils ; Dan Panosian, inks ; Bob Sharen, colors ; Bobbie Chase, edits.
Lobdell, ScottDate: 1992- Ephemera
- Online
My son is my life : I know he is gay and I don't always understand, but that doesn't change my love for him / The Institute for Gay Men's Health ; GMHC.
Date: [2011?]- Books
A gay couple's journey through surrogacy : intended fathers / Michael Menichiello.
Menichiello, MichaelDate: 2012- Books
Cruising guide : protect ourselves / Health First.
Date: 1999- Books
Condoms : everything a gay man needs to know / Camden Primary Care Trust ; Camden and Islington Gay Men's Team.
Date: 2003- Books
Clued up : a handbook of drugs and services for gay men / [Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust Health Promotion Service] ; photography: Jay-Eff.
Date: 1998]- Books
North Carolina & the problem of AIDS : advocacy, politics, & race in the South / Stephen Inrig.
Inrig, StephenDate: ©2011- Books
Sex & the HIV+ gay man / Health First.
Date: 1996- Books
- Online
Studies in the psychology of sex. Vol. 1, Sexual inversion / by Havelock Ellis. / by Havelock Ellis.
Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939.Date: 1897- Books
Getting it on / [Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust Health Promotion Service].
Date: [1998]- Books
Keep it up : a gay man's guide to staying negative / text: Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team ; illustrations: Mark Blann.
Date: 2005- Books
Testing targets : findings from the United Kingdom gay men's sex survey 2007 : original research report / Ford Hickson, Peter Weatherburn, David Reid [and 2 others].
Hickson, Ford.Date: 2009- Books
Same old scene : life, sex, the scene and sharing solutions / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
Date: 1999- Books
Condoms : everything a gay man needs to know / text: Neville Walker & David Smith for the Gay Men's Team.
Walker, Neville.Date: 2002- Books
Western sexuality : practice and precept in past and present times / edited by Philippe Ariès and André Béjin ; translated by Anthony Forster.
Date: 1985- Books
La prostitution antiphysique / François Carlier. Précédé de La pédérastie / par Ambroise Tardieu ; présenté par Dominique Fernandez.
Carlier, François.Date: [1981], ©1981- Books
Queer aging : the gayby boomers and a new frontier for gerontology / Jesus Ramirez-Valles.
Ramirez-Valles, JesusDate: [2016]- Books
HIV in China : understanding the social aspects of the pandemic / edited by Jun Jung and Heather Worth.
Date: 2010- Books
Smearing the queer : medical bias in the health care of gay men / Michael Scarce.
Scarce, Michael.Date: [1999], ©1999- Ephemera
- Online
I love my boo : we're about trust, respect and commitment : we're proud of who we are and how we love / The Institute for Gay Men's Health ; GMHC.
Date: [2011?]- Books
The importance of gay community in the prevention of HIV transmission / Susan Kippax [and others].
Date: 1990- Ephemera
- Online
In real life people have history : this is why we kiss and tell : talking about where you've been and where you want to go will help you... build a relationship based on trust and communication ... / GMHC, Club1319.
Date: [2011?]- Books
The geography of perversion : male-to-male sexual behaviour outside the West and the ethnographic imagination, 1750-1918 / Rudi C. Bleys.
Bleys, Rudi.Date: 1996