96 results filtered with: Human dissection
- Books
La dissection des parties du corps humain diuisee en trois liures / faictz par Charles Estienne, docteur en medecine, auec les figeurs et declaration des incisions, composees par Estienne de la Riuiere. Chirurgien.
Estienne, Charles, 1504-approximately 1564.Date: 1546- Books
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Practical anatomy : anew arrangement of the London dissector : with numerous modification and additions, containing a concise description of the muscles, bloodvessels, nerves, viscera, and ligaments of the human body as they appear on dissection : with illustrations / by D. Hayes Agnew.
Agnew, D. Hayes (David Hayes), 1818-1892.Date: 1868- Pictures
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An elderly anatomist contemplates the heart that he has excised from the corpse of a beautiful, young woman. Photogravure by R. Schuster, 1907, after a painting by E. Simonet, 1890.
Simonet y Lombardo, Enrique, 1864-1927.Date: 1906Reference: 25919i- Pictures
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Cross-sections of seven different figures of the pregnant uterus. Engraving by A. Bell.
Reference: 17022i- Books
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A letter to ... the Secretary of State for the Home Department, containing remarks on the report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on anatomy and pointing out the means by which the science may be cultivated with advantage and safety to the public / by G.J. Guthrie.
Guthrie, G. J. (George James), 1785-1856.Date: 1829- Books
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Mr. Warburton's anatomy bill : thoughts on its mischievous tendency : with suggestions for an entirely new one, founded upon an available anti-septic process, in an appeal to medical practitioners, students of anatomy, and the public at large, on the injury to medical science and the hinderances to the decent interment of unclaimed pauper bodies now delivered up for anatomical "examination," consequent upon the rejection of such a process / by William Roberts.
Roberts, W. (William)Date: 1843- Books
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Kurze Anleitung zum Seciren für Studirende der Medicin / von Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm Bischoff.
Bischoff, Th. Ludw. Wilh. (Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm), 1807-1882.Date: 1856- Pictures
A standing man, part dissected, marked with satirical comments on each body part. Pen and coloured wash drawing, 1797.
Date: May 14 1797Reference: 561657i- Pictures
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Cross-sections of seven different figures of the pregnant uterus. Engraving by A. Bell.
Reference: 17027i- Pictures
A woman personifying Anatomy flays a suspended cadaver while two children glean wheat at her feet. Process print, 1931, after A. Bloteling, 1670.
Date: 1931Reference: 25249i- Pictures
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Birds dressed as surgeons or medical students dissect a body. Pen drawing attributed to J. Grandville, 1829.
Grandville, J. J., 1803-1847.Date: [1829]Reference: 16370i- Books
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A short description of the human muscles, arranged as they appear on dissection : together with their several uses, and the synonoma of the best authors / by John Innes.
Innes, John, 1739-1777.Date: 1821- Pictures
Eleven decorated initials from the Basel 1555 edition of Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica. Woodcuts, 1555.
Date: 1555Reference: 24653i- Books
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A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body, with the manner of displaying the parts.
Bell, Charles, Sir, 1774-1842.Date: 1809- Books
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Anatomy, descriptive and surgical / by Henry Gray ; the drawings by H.V. Carter qnd Dr. Westmacott ; the dissections jointly by the author and Dr. Carter ; with an introduction on general anatomy and development by T. Holmes.
Gray, Henry, 1827-1861.Date: 1878- Pictures
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The dissection of an emaciated, grey cadaver by an anatomist who is making an abdominal incision with a scalpel with his right hand while his left hand is placed on the cadaver's hip. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26646i- Books
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Dissection essential to medical science : a lecture delivered at the commencement of the Winter session, 1835-6, at the Sheffield Medical Institution / by Charles F. Favell.
Favell, Charles F.Date: [1836]- Pictures
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An anatomical dissection by Jean Riolan the younger (1580-1657). Engraving of 1649 by Renier van Persyn after a design of 1626 by Crispijn de Passe the second.
Passe, Crispijn van de, -1670.Date: 1649Reference: 24848i- Books
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An address to the British public, on the late horrible system of burking : containing an account of the methods hitherto adopted for supplying the anatomical schools with subjects : and suggestions for remedying the evil, &c. &c. &c. / by a practical anatomist.
Date: 1831- Pictures
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The brains of dissected heads. Photolithograph, 1940, after a woodcut, 1543.
Date: 1940Reference: 24506i- Pictures
A skeletal cadaver dissected to demonstrate the digestive tract, showing the esophagus intersecting the diaphragm and connected to the stomach and the intestines. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26682i