127 results filtered with: Hygiene - history
- Books
The great nation in decline : sex, modernity, and health crises in revolutionary France c.1750-1850 / Sean M. Quinlan.
Quinlan, Sean M.Date: [2007], ©2007- Books
Letters from the Crimea show Lady of the Lamp in a dim light / A.J. McIlroy.
McIlroy, A. J.Date: 1996- Books
Stronger than dirt : a cultural history of advertising personal hygiene in America, 1875 to 1940 / Juliann Sivulka.
Sivulka, Juliann.Date: 2000- Books
Clean : a history of personal hygiene and purity / Virginia Smith.
Smith, Virginia (Virginia Sarah)Date: 2007- Books
Milzbrand-Übertragung durch Rasierpinsel / Dr J.G.
Gerlitt, John.Date: 1935- Books
"Toilette," perfumes and make-up at the Medici court : pharmaceutical recipe books, Florentine collections and the Medici milieu uncovered / Valentina Fornaciai.
Fornaciai, Valentina.Date: 2007- Books
Zur Lebensweisheit und Lebensführung bei Schopenhauer / Heinrich Schipperges.
Schipperges, Heinrich.Date: 1978- Books
I mali e i rimedi della Serenissima / Nelli-Elena Vanzan Marchini.
Vanzan Marchini, Nelli-Elena.Date: 1995- Books
Lebensweisheit als Heilkunst bei Cardanus / Heinrich Schipperges.
Schipperges, Heinrich.Date: 1979- Books
Clean and decent : the fascinating history of the bathroom & the water closet, and of sundry habits, fashions & accessories of the toilet, principally in Great Britain, France, & America / [Lawrence Wright].
Wright, Lawrence, 1906-1983.Date: [1960]- Books
Cultural politics of hygiene in India, 1890-1940 : contagions of feeling / Srirupa Prasad, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA.
Prasad, Srirupa, 1971-Date: 2015- Books
Dirt : the filthy reality of everyday life : 24 March - 31 August 2011 / Wellcome Collection.
Wellcome Collection.Date: 2011- Books
Eine lateinische Fassung von Meister Alexanders Monatsregeln / von Gundolf Keil.
Keil, Gundolf.Date: 1982- Books
The health of prisoners : historical essays / edited by Richard Creese, W.F. Bynum and J. Bearn.
Date: 1995- Books
Society and medical progress / Bernhard J. Stern.
Stern, Bernhard J. (Bernhard Joseph), 1894-1956.Date: [1941], ©1941- Books
Beauty, what it is and how to retain it / by a lady.
Lady.Date: 2012- Books
Le confident des dames : le bidet du XVIIIè au XXè siècle histoire d'une intimité / Fanny Baupré, Roger-Henri Guerrand.
Beaupré, Fanny.Date: 1997- Ephemera
Not undirty : a dirty performance (by a clean artist) presenting foul habits, leaking aspirations, fetid humour, and fermenting imagination : revel in language fir for guttersnipes, revealing havishamesque fashion, replete with scenes of malodorous contamination andgrotty attempts to antidote the squalid undersides of everyday existence / Silvia Ziranek ; Wellcome Collection.
Wellcome Collection.Date: 2011- Books
Hygiene im Mittelalter / von Dr A.G. Varron.
Varron, A. G.Date: 1955- Books
Comment nos pères se soignaient, se parfumaient et conservaient leurs corps : remèdes, parfums, embaumement, suivi d'un aperçu de l'histoire de la médecine et de la pharmacie dans l'ancien comté français de Neuchâtel (Suisse); avec 38 illustratioins dans le texte / préface de M.B. Haussoulier.
Reutter de Rosemont, Louis, 1876-Date: 1917- Books
- Online
The art of preserving health; a poem, in four books / by John Armstrong.
Armstrong, John, 1709-1779.Date: 1748- Ephemera
Dirt : the filthy reality of everyday life : 24 March - 31 August 2011 / Wellcome Collection.
Wellcome Collection.Date: 2011- Books
Pathographien der Tropen : Literatur, Medizin und Kolonialismus um 1900 / Stephan Besser.
Besser, StephanDate: [2013]- Books
Le Paris moderne : histoire des politiques d'hygiène, 1855-1898 / Fabienne Chevallier.
Chevallier, Fabienne.Date: 2010- Books
The non-naturals made easy / Antoinette Emch-Dériaz.
Emch-Dériaz, Antoinette Suzanne.Date: 1992