104 results filtered with: Mineral Waters - therapeutic use
- Books
Taking the waters / [Paul Salt].
Salt, PaulDate: 2005- Books
- Online
Practical directions for the preparation of aërated waters, and the various compounds of carbonic acid gas, by Bakewell's patent apparatus : with observations upon the pharmaceutical and therapeutical agencies ... / By Robert Venables.
Venables, Robert, 1783 or 1784-1872.Date: 1843- Books
A chemical analysis and medical treatise on the Shap spaw, in Westmoreland, with some remarks on a peculiar affection of the heart, the consequence of dyspepsia; together with observations on that corporeal derangement and painful mental sympathy which not unfrequently leads to the commission of suicide / By Ralph Alderson.
Alderson, Ralph.Date: [1828]- Books
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Water from the White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, Va : with practical remarks on its medical properties and applicability to particular diseases / by J.J. Moorman.
Moorman, J. J. (John Jennings), 1802-1885.Date: [1840?]- Books
Über Bittermittel. A, Historisches II. Die Ausichten einiger Schriftsteller des Mittelalters über Bittermittel / Wladimir Ramm.
Ramm, Wladimir.Date: 1997- Books
A treatise on the chemical history and medical powers of some of the most celebrated mineral waters : with practical remarks on the aqueous regimen to which are added, observations on the use of cold and warm bathing / by William Saunders.
Saunders, William, 1743-1817.Date: 1800- Books
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An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston : containing some general remarks on their use in various diseases. Together with observations on the geology and mineralogy of the surrounding country, &c. &c.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1817- Books
Petit traité des eaux minerales de Bains. : Selon les remarques & observations des médecins les plus célébres, & partie des ouvrages de Mr. Kast, premier médecin de sa Majesté le Roi de Pologne, Duc de Lorraine & de Bar, avec la maniere dont on en doit faire usage, & le tems convenable pour les prendres.
Date: [1762]- Books
- Online
A history of the medicinal springs at Saratoga and Ballstown : being a brief account of the situation, composition, operation, and effects, of those celebrated waters : with a catalogue of all the diseases, in which they are beneficial or injurious : and directions how to use or apply them in each : attended with remarks on the proper seasons to visit them, the accommodations, customs, expense of board, &c. : taken from actual experiment and observation / by Timothy Howe ... ; published according to Act of Congress.
Howe, Timothy, 1778-1848.Date: 1804- Books
Diabetes / collected by H. K. Dey.
Dey, H. K.Date: 1977- Books
- Online
Directions for the use of the mineral water and cold bath, at Harrogate, near Philadelphia.
Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813.Date: 1786- Books
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On the medicinal springs of Harrogate / by George Kennion.
Date: [1845]- Books
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Analyse des eaux sulfureuses d'Aix-La-Chapelle / par G. Reumont ... et J.-P.-J. Monheim.
Reumont, G. (Gerhard), 1765-1828.Date: 1810- Books
- Online
Ensayo practico sobre la accion terapèutica de la aguas minerales : novisima recopilacion de cuanto se ha escrito hidrologia general y especial, por los. Sres. Chenu, Anglada, Patissier, Marchant, Bedoya, Limon Montero, Gonzalez, Crespo y otros. ... / Por D. Raimundo de Monasterio y Correa.
Monasterio y Correa, Raimundo de.Date: 1850- Ephemera
Gout ephemera. Box 1.
- Books
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An analysis of the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston : with practical remarks on their medical properties; together with a history of the discovery and settlement of these celebrated watering places, and observations on the geology and mineralogy of the surrounding country.
Steel, John H. (John Honeywood), 1780-1838.Date: 1831- Books
- Online
Bath memoirs, or, Observations in three and forty years practice at the Bath, what cures have been there wrought (both by bathing and drinking these waters) ... / Robert Peirce.
Pierce, Robert, 1622-1710.Date: 1697- Books
- Online
A dissertation on the nature and properties of Malvern water, and an enquiry into the causes and treatment of scrofulous diseases and consumption : together with some remarks upon the influence of the terrestrial radiation of caloric upon local salubrity / by William Addison.
Addison, William, 1802-1881.Date: 1831- Books
- Online
Analysis of Saratoga waters : also, of Sharon, Avon, Virginia, and other mineral waters of the United States : with directions for invalids / by M.L. North.
North, M. L. (Milo Linus), 1789-1856.Date: 1858- Books
Lettre d'un medecin de Sedan, et la responce ou esclaircissement de Monsieur Blondel medecin d'Aix la Chapelle : touchant les vertus, et les proprietés des eaux mineralles d'Aix, & en quelles maladies elles sont profitables.
Blondel, François, 1613-1703.Date: 1661- Books
General treatise on the different sorts of cold mineral waters in England : with a variety of experiments for examining and ascertaining their virtues and uses, and discovering their effects on the blood and juices of the human body. To which is added an account of several experiments made in search after a solvent of the human calculus; and a discourse on the nature and effects of milk, &c / [Thomas Short].
Short, Thomas, 1690?-1772.Date: 1766- Books
Contribution à l'histoire de la pharmacie : Paris, station thermale / Jacques J. Cornu.
Cornu, Jacques J.Date: 1952- Books
Der Einfluss der Karlsbader Mineralwässer auf die Bildung und die Ausscheidung der Galle / [Translation: J. Hanycz].
Benda, Jaroslav, 1925-Date: 1966- Books
- Online
Treatise on the use of the mineral waters of Homburg / by Frederick Muller ; translated from the 7th German edition by C. Murphy Mortimer.
Date: 1859- Books
Arminius-Bad : Altbewährt bei Katarrhen, Hals- und Lungenleiden. Sommer- und Winterkuren. Bad Lippspringe.
Date: [1932?]