150 results filtered with: Psychosomatic Medicine
- Books
Psychosomatic medicine : a clinical study of psychophysiologic reactions / Edward Weiss, O. Spurgeon English.
Weiss, Edward, 1895-1960.Date: 1957- Books
Psychosomatic medicine : the clinical application of psychopathology to general medical problems / Edward Weiss, O. Spurgeon English.
Weiss, Edward, 1895-1960.Date: 1949- Books
Psychosomatic diagnosis / by Flanders Dunbar ; with foreword by Leonard G. Rowntree.
Dunbar, Helen Flanders, 1902-1959.Date: [1943], ©1943- Books
The child and his symptoms : a psychosomatic approach / John Apley and Ronald MacKeith.
Apley, John.Date: [1962], ©1962- Books
- Online
Essai sur la nécessité de connaître l'influence que le moral exerce sur le physique dans les maladies : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 21 février 1840 / par Laurent-Cyprien Borel.
Borel, Laurent Cyprien.Date: 1840- Books
The mother-child interaction in psychosomatic disorders / Ann M. Garner and Charles Wenar ; with Jennie B. Kahn and Jean P. Chapman.
Garner, Ann Margaret, 1916-Date: 1959- Books
Psychology and medicine / S.J. Rachman and Clare Philips.
Rachman, Stanley.Date: 1978- E-journals
- Online
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics
Date: 1965-- Books
Psychological medicine in family practice / A.R.K. Mitchell.
Mitchell, Alexander Ross Kerr.Date: 1971- Books
Integrated medicine : the human approach / by various authors ; edited by Harold Maxwell.
Date: 1976- Books
Molecules of emotion : why you feel the way you feel / Candace B. Pert ; with a foreword by Deepak Chopra.
Pert, Candace B., 1946-2013.Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Theorie der Humanmedizin : Grundlagen ärztlichen Denkens und Handelns / Thure von Uexküll, Wolfgang Wesiack.
Uexküll, Thure von, 1908-2004Date: [1988], ©1988- Books
Origins of psychosomatic and emotional disturbances : a study of mother-child relationships / by Charles Wenar [and others].
Wenar, Charles, 1922-Date: [1962], ©1962- Books
Smith Ely Jelliffe and the development of American psychosomatic medicine / by David Krasner.
Krasner, David, 1932-2011.Date: 1984- Books
Psychosomatic concepts / by Roy R. Grinker.
Grinker, Roy R. (Roy Richard), 1900-1993.Date: 1973- Books
Alles hat seine Zeit : gynäkologische Psychosomatik in Bewegung / P. Nijs, P. Petersen (Herausgeber).
Date: 2000- Books
Medical addenda : related essays on medicine and the changing order.
New York Academy of Medicine. Committee on Medicine and the Changing Order.Date: 1947- Books
Modern trends in psychosomatic medicine / edited by Desmond O'Neil.
Date: 1955- Books
Praktische Psychosomatik / [hrsg.] von Arthur Jores, unter Mitarbeit von J. Bastiaans [and others].
Date: [1976], ©1976- Books
Physiology, emotion & psychosomatic illness : [Symposium on Physiology, Emotion and Psychosomatic Illness, London, 18th-20th April 1972].
Symposium on Physiology, Emotion and Psychosomatic Illness (1972)Date: 1972- Books
Society, stress and disease. Vol. 1, The psychosocial environment and psychosomatic disease / edited by Lennart Levi.
Date: 1971- Journals
- Books
Über den schädlichen Einfluss von Furcht und Schreck bei der Pest (Halle 1722) : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte psychosomatischer Konzepte und zur Psychologie der Seuchenbekämpfung / Christian Sigismund Fingers Dissertation ; in deutscher Übers.
Finger, Christian Sigismund.Date: 1979- Books
Rational medicine / by John W. Todd.
Todd, John W. (John Welhoff), 1880-Date: 1949- Books
Biological and psychological factors in cardiovascular disease / edited by T.H. Schmidt, T.M. Dembroski, and G. Blümchen ; foreword by M.J. Halhuber.
Date: [1986], ©1986