196 results filtered with: Quackery
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The funny side of physic, or, The mysteries of medicine, presenting the humorous and serious sides of medical practice. An exposé of medical humbugs, quacks, and charlatans in all ages and all countries / by A. D. Crabtre, M. D.
Crabtre, Addison Darre.Date: 1874- Books
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Quacks and grafters / by Ex-osteopath; being an exposé of the state of therapeutics at the present time, with some reasons why such grafters flourish, and suggestions to remedy the deplorable muddle.
Date: 1908- Books
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Primitive psycho-therapy and quackery.
Lawrence, Robert Means, 1847-1935.Date: 1910- Ephemera
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The drug stores : humorous patter song / written by G.G. Davis ; composed by W.R. Edwards ; sung by Will Edwards.
Davis, George Gibson.Date: [1911]- Books
Doctors and doctors : some curious chapters in medical history and quackery / by Graham Everitt.
Everitt, Graham.Date: 1888- Books
At the bar of public opinion : what some newspaper and magazine editors think of the "patent medicine" business and quackery / [prepared and issued by the Propaganda Department, American Medical Association].
Date: 1917- Books
Gemeen goed :over de rol van het vergif tijdens Nero's principaat / H.F.J. Horstmanshoff.
Horstmanshoff, H. F. J.Date: 1992- Ephemera
Curing the "King's evil" : to the editor of the Mirror / Ruris.
Ruris, pseud.Date: [1829]- Books
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Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
Adair, James Makittrick, 1728-1802.Date: 1787- Books
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An essay on demonology, ghosts and apparitions, and popular superstitions : also, an account of the witchcraft delusion at Salem, in 1692 / by James Thacher.
Thacher, James, 1754-1844.Date: 1831- Books
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A narrative of the life and medical discoveries of Samuel Thomson : containing an account of his system of practice, and the manner of curing disease with vegetable medicine, upon a plan entirely new; to which is prefixed an introduction to his New guide to health, or Botanic family physician; containing the principles upon which the system is founded, with remarks on fevers, steaming, poison, ect. [sic].
Thomson, Samuel, 1769-1843.Date: 1832- Books
- Online
Essays; on conversation, and on quackery / [Anon. by P.B. Duncan].
Duncan, Philip Bury, 1772-1863.Date: 1836- Books
Epilepsy "cures" and "treatments" / prepared and issued by the Propaganda Department of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Date: 1922- Books
Medical blunders : [amazing true stories of mad, bad, and dangerous doctors] / Robert M. Youngson and Ian Schott.
Youngson, R. M.Date: 1996- Books
Magic, medicine & quackery / [Eric Maple].
Maple, Eric.Date: 1968- Books
- Online
By His Majesty's royal letters patent, is particularly recommended, Dr. Sibly's re-animating solar tincture; or, pabulum of life.
Sibly, E. (Ebenezer), 1751-1800.Date: [1834?]- Books
Some quasi-medical institutions.
Date: 1916- Books
- Online
Inquiry respecting Mr. Charles Whitlaw's practice in scrofula and cancer : and the propriety of instituting an asylum, under his care, for these complaints, &c. / by A. Rennie.
Rennie, A.Date: 1828- Books
The new medical follies : an encyclopedia of cultism and quackery in these United States, with essays on the cult of beauty, the craze for reduction, rejuvenation, eclecticism, bread and dietary fads, physical therapy, and a forecast as to the physician of the future / by Morris Fishbein.
Fishbein, Morris, 1889-1976.Date: 1927- Ephemera
Doctor Smethurst very lucky again.
Date: [between 1860 and 1869?]- Ephemera
Jean-Louis Contugi, dit l'Orvietan de Rome, seul heritier du secret de l'orvietan : dispense son unique et eprouvé secret, nommé orvietan.
Contugi, Jean-Louis, approximately 1684-1719.Date: [between 1709? and 1719]- Books
Medical blunders / Robert M. Youngson & Ian Schott.
Youngson, R. M.Date: 1996- Ephemera
Quacks and cures : Friday 10 July, 19.00-23.00 / conceived and curated by Alex Julyan for Wellcome Collection.
Julyan, Alex.Date: 2009- Ephemera
An invaluable remedy : patronized by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.
Williams, John, oculist, active 1808-1830.Date: [1810?]- Books
- Online
Die wichtigsten der bis jetzt bekannten Geheimmittel und Specialitäten mit Angabe ihrer Zusammensetzung und ihres Werthes / zusammengestellt von Eduard Hahn.
Hahn, Eduard.Date: 1876