226 results filtered with: Soft drink industry
- Ephemera
Soda water.
Date: [between 1920 and 1940?]- Ephemera
The name Amé is derived from the Japanese for 'gentle rain' : just as nature is revived by a cool summer shower, we hope you are revitalised by your first taste of Amé.
Date: [1993]- Ephemera
Find out if you're drinking what you should / Lucozade Sport.
Date: [2000]- Ephemera
"Heart" brand essences and colours : with Duckworth & Co's compliments & heartiest wishes for the new year.
Date: [1921]- Ephemera
Cerevisia Anglicana; or English Herb Diet-Drink : discovered by Joshua Webster, M. D., M. R. C. S. E. / Edward Slee & Co.
Date: [between 1860 and 1869]- Ephemera
Sparkling lime / Duckworth & Co.
Date: [between 1930 and 1950?]- Ephemera
Chautauqua Maid : quality grape juice.
Date: [between 1940 and 1949]- Ephemera
Gate Brand iron brew : a tonic beverage invigorating, refreshing / Redgate Limited.
Date: [between 1900 and 1920?]- Ephemera
Purdey's elixir vitae : more rhythm, less blues / Callitheke UK Limited.
Date: [1994]- Ephemera
Imperial orange champagne : mineral waters / Howell Davies & Co.
Date: 1900-1950- Ephemera
James' super raspberryade : contains sugar and saccharin / T.A. James & Sons.
Date: [between 1930 and 1980]- Ephemera
Get a beautiful, creamy and permanent "head" on your drinks : by using Duckworth's Concentrated Sea Foamine.
Date: [between 1910 and 1919]- Ephemera
Imperial lemon barley : mineral waters / Howell Davies & Co.
Date: [between 1900 and 1950]- Ephemera
Memorandum from Muncherjee & Co. : Duckworth & Co.'s famous essences & colours for aerated water manufacturers.
Date: [1916?]- Ephemera
Dry Ginger Ale : purity and quality.
Date: [between 1950 and 1959]- Ephemera
Your brain uses 20% of your energy : energise it / Lucozade.
Date: [2003]- Ephemera
Finest Lemon Squash : a small quantity added to a tumbler of cold or aerated water forms a refreshing summer beverage.
Date: [between 1920 and 1929]- Ephemera
Remarkable success of "Heart brand" essences at the recent brewer's exhibition held in London November 1923 and open to the world! : only two gold medals offered for competition in the aerated water section.
Date: 1923- Ephemera
Rimmington's sparkling aerated lemonade : contains sugar and saccharin / F.M. Rimmington & Son Ltd.
Date: [between 1940 and 1960?]- Ephemera
Winter Stout : a grand winter drink / Duckworth & Co.
Date: [between 1950 and 1959]- Ephemera
Black ginger quaker brew non intoxicating : "imperial" beverages / Howell Davies & Co.
Date: [between 1920 and 1970]- Ephemera
Football Cup : Special Quality.
Date: [between 1950 and 1959]- Ephemera
[Dr. Joshua Webster's English Diet Drink] Directions : grown persons should begin with one table-spoonful, night and morning, gradually increasing the dose to two, which is the ordinary full dose (in violent cases, three may be taken).
Date: [between 1860 and 1869]- Ephemera
Sparkling Fruit Vino.
Date: [between 1940 and 1949]- Ephemera
Imperial ginger ale / Howell Davies & Co.
Date: [between 1900 and 1950]