132 results filtered with: Yellow fever
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Yellow fever and malarial diseases embracing a history of the epidemics of yellow fever in Texas : new views on its diagnosis, treatment, propagation and control / ... By Greensville Dowell.
Dowell, Greensville, 1822-1881.Date: 1876- Books
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A letter to Sir James M'Grigor, M.D. F.R.S. C.T.S., director general of military hospitals, &c. on the sanitary management of the Gibraltar fever / by David Barry.
Barry, David, Sir, 1780-1835.Date: 1830- Books
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Memoria sobre la fiebre amarilla observada en la ciudad de la Habana : durante un periodo de veinte y tres años / por D. José A. Benjumeda y Fernandez.
Benjumeda y Fernandez, José A.Date: 1870- Books
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A few general directions with regard to destroying mosquitoes, particularly the yellow fever mosquito / by W. C. Gorgas.
Gorgas, W. C.Date: 1904- Books
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Histoire de l'inoculation préservative de la fièvre jaune, pratiquée par ordre du gouvernement espagnol à l'Hôpital militaire de la Havane / rédigée par Nicolas B.L. Manzini.
Manzini, Nicolás B. L., 1812-1896.Date: 1858- Books
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Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie / bearbeitet von Professor Griesinger.
Griesinger, Wilhelm, 1817-1868.Date: 1864- Books
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Great Britain. Yellow Fever Commission (West Africa)Date: [1913-1916]- Books
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Select dissertations on several subjects of medical science / by Sir Gilbert Blane, bart. Now first collected, with alterations and additions; together with several new and original articles.
Blane, Gilbert, Sir, 1749-1834.Date: 1833- Books
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Further observations on that portion of the second report on quarantine by the General Board of Health, which related to the yellow fever epidemy on board H.M.S. Eclair and at Boa Vista, etc / by J. O. McWilliam.
Date: 1852- Books
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Reports on questions connected with the investigation of non-malarial fevers in West Africa.
Great Britain. Yellow Fever Commission (West Africa)Date: 1915 (Vols 1 and 2; London :- Books
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An account of the bilious remitting yellow fever, as it appeared in the city of Philadelphia, in the year 1793.
Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813.Date: 1796- Books
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An account of the yellow fever...in the city of New York, in the year 1822 : to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the different pestilential diseases, with which this city was afflicted, in the years 1798, 1799, 1803 & 1805, with the opinion of several of our most eminent physicians, respecting the origin of the disease, its prevention and cure...list of...deaths by yellow fever... / taken from official documents.
Hardie, James, 1758-1826.Date: 1822- Books
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An inaugural essay on the bilious typhus which prevailed in Bancker-Street and its vicinity : in the city of New York, in the summer and autumn of 1820 / by Richard Pennell.
Pennell, Richard, -1861.Date: 1821- Books
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Aperçu rapide sur les principales fièvres qui règnent a Marseille dans les différentes saisons de l'année, sur quelques maladies chroniques et sur le cholera-morbus, tant indien qu'Eruopéen, avec l'indication des moyens des'en préserver : suivi d'une esquisse de la fièvre jaune d'Amérique qui se manifesta dans notre port en 1802, avec des notes, et d'un discours sur la sobriété : ouvrage mis à la portée de tout le monde, et publié par souscription, à raison de 1 franc 50 centimes l'exemplaire / par M. Segaud.
Segaud, M. (Jean-Joseph), 1769?-1830.Date: 1831- Books
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Mémoire sur la fiévre jaune, couronne par la Société de Médecine de Bruxelles, dans sa séance du 5 Novembre 1813 / par M. Guitard.
Guitard, J. F. G., 1778-Date: (Aout 1814)- Books
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Observations upon the bulam fever which has of late years prevailed in the West Indies, on the coast of America, at Gibraltar, Cadiz, and other parts of Spain : with a collection of facts proving it to be a highly contagious disease / by William Pym, Esq.
Pym, William, Sir, 1772-1861.Date: 1815- Books
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Über das gelbe Fieber und Deutschlands Medizinal-Anstalten : sowohl gegen diese vermeinte Pest als gegen andere ansteckende Seuchen / von Dr. J.G. Langermann.
Langermann, Johann Gottfried, 1768-1832.Date: 1805- Books
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A treatise on the yellow fever as it appeared in the Island of Dominica in the years 1793-4-5-6 : to which are added, observations on the bilious remittent fever, on intermittents, dysentery, and some other West India diseases : also, the chemical analysis and medical properties of the hot mineral waters in the same island / by James Clark.
Date: 1897- Books
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The natural history of the rise, progress and termination of the epidemic inflammation, commonly called yellow malignant fever, which prevailed in the city of New-York, during the autumn of 1822 / by Peter Donaldson.
Date: 1822- Books
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A letter to John Haygarth, M.D. F.R.S., London and Edinburgh, &c / from Colin Chisholm ... ; exhibiting farther evidence of the infectious nature of this fatal distemper in Granada, during 1793, 4, 5, and 6 ; and in the United States of America, from 1793 to 1805, in order to correct the pernicious doctrine promulgated by Edward Miller and other American physicians relative to the destructive pestilence.
Chisholm, Colin, 1755-1825.Date: 1809- Pictures
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A girl suffering from yellow fever. Watercolour.
Reference: 5449i- Books
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Some account of the last yellow fever epidemic of British Guiana / by Daniel Blair, surgeon general of British Guiana ; edited by John Davy, inspector general of army hospitals, etc.
Blair, Daniel.Date: 1852- Books
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El Dr. Carlos Finlay y su teoria = Doctor Carlos Finaly & his theory / por...Tomás V.Coronado.
Coronado, Tomás V.Date: 1902- Books
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Guide sanitaire des gouvernemens européens, ou, Nouvelles recherches sur la fièvre jaune, et le cholera-morbus ... / par L.J.M. Robert.
Date: 1826- Books
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Épidémiologie de la fièvre jaune au Sénégal pendant l'année 1878 / par A. Le Jemble.
Le Jemble, A. (Alexandre)Date: 1882