200 results filtered with: Anthropology, Physical
- Books
Anthropologie du corps et modernité / David Le Breton.
Le Breton, David, 1953-Date: 1995, ©1990- Books
- Online
An essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species : to which are added strictures on Lord Kaims's [sic] discourse, on the original diversity of mankind / by the Reverend Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D. Vice-president, and professor of moral philosophy in the College of New-Jersey ; and member of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge.
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 1750-1819.Date: MDCCLXXXVII [1787]- Books
The physique of the Olympic athlete : a study of 137 track and field athletes at the XVIIth Olympic Games, Rome 1960; and a comparison with weight-lifters and wrestlers / By J.M. Tanner with the assistance of R.H. Whitehouse and Shirley Jarman ; foreword by Sir Arthur Porritt.
Tanner, J. M. (James Mourilyan)Date: 1964- Books
- Online
Einführung in die Rassen und Gesellschaftsphysiologie für die Gebildeten aller Stände / von A. Basler.
Basler, Adolf, 1878-Date: [1925], ©1925- Books
An introduction to physical anthropology / by E.P. Stibbe.
Stibbe, E. P. (Edward Philip)Date: 1930- Books
- Online
The teeth of ten Sioux Indians / by Wilberforce Smith.
Smith, Wilberforce.Date: 1894- Books
Crania polonica : Cmentarzyska warszawskie z XVII-XIX w.
Krzyżaniak, Michał.Date: 1955- Books
The physical characteristics of the aboriginal La Jollan population of Southern California / by Spencer L. Rogers.
Rogers, Spencer Lee, 1905-Date: 1963- Books
- Online
The aborigines of Tasmania. Pt. II. The skeleton / by Sir William Turner.
Turner, Wm. (William), Sir, 1832-1916.Date: 1910- Books
Der Elefant der neuen Welt : Eberhardt August Wilhelm von Zimmermann (1743-1815) und die Anfänge der Tiergeographie / von Petra Feuerstein-Herz.
Feuerstein-Herz, Petra.Date: 2006- Books
- Online
Studien über den prähistorischen Menschen und sein Verhältniss zu der jetzigen Bevölkerung Westeuropas / von N.C. Macnamara.
Macnamara, Nottidge Charles, 1832-1918.Date: 1901- Books
Kinship and the new genetic technologies : an assessment of existing anthropological research : a report compiled for the Commission of the European Communities Medical Research Division (DG-XII) Human Genome Analysis Programme under ethical, social and legal aspects of human genome analysis no. PL9101041 / Marilyn Strathern, project director; Sarah Franklin, research coordinator.
Strathern, Marilyn.Date: 1993- Books
Advances in the biology of human populations : [ninth congress of the Hungarian Biological Society, Budapest, 6th-8th May, 1970 / edited by I. Törő ... [and others].
Date: 1972- Books
The scope and limitations of physical anthropology / by W.E. Le Gros Clark.
Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros (Wilfrid Edward Le Gros), 1895-1971.Date: [1939?]- Books
Morphology and anthropology : a handbook for students / by W.L.H. Duckworth.
Duckworth, W. L. H. (Wynfrid Laurence Henry), 1870-1956.Date: 1915-- Books
Biodiversity and human health / edited by Francesca Grifo and Joshua Rosenthal ; foreword by Thomas E. Lovejoy.
Date: [1997], ©1997- Books
Ciba Foundation symposium on medical biology and Etruscan origins / editors ... G.E.W. Wolstenholme and Cecilia M. O'Connor.
Date: 1959- Books
- Online
An essay on the human color : in three parts / by David B. Slack.
Slack, David B., 1798-1871.Date: 1845- Videos
The real Jurassic Park.
Date: 1994- Books
The illustrated London news. No. 4309, Saturday, November 19, 1921.
Date: 1921- Books
Lehrbuch der Anthropologie in systematischer Darstellung : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der anthropologischen Methoden für Studierende Ärtze und Forschungsreisende / von Rudolf Martin.
Martin, Rudolf, 1864-1925.Date: 1928- Books
- Online
Exhibition and description of the skull of a microcephalic Hindu / by R.W. Reid.
Reid, Robert William, 1851-1939.Date: 1894- Journals
Anthropologischer Anzeiger.
- Books
The enigma of facial expression : medical interest in metoposcopy / John H. Cule.
Cule, John H.Date: 1993- Books
Human growth in the past : studies from bones and teeth / edited by Robert D. Hoppa, Charles M. FitzGerald.
Date: 1999