362 results filtered with: Balneology
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Practical observations on the medical powers of mineral waters, and of the various modes of bathing : particularly in scrofula, consumption, cutaneous affections, gout, rheumatism, palsy, disorders of the kidnies, indigestion, female diseases, general debility, nervous and liver complaints, &c. &c. : with remarks on exercise and diet, intended for the use of invalids / by Patrick Mackenzie.
MacKenzie, Patrick.Date: 1820- Books
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Die Nauheimer Sprudel- und Sprudelstrombäder / von August Schott und Theodor Schott.
Schott, August.Date: 1884- Books
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Homoeopathy and hydropathy impartially appreciated : with notes illustrative of the influence of the mind on the body / by Edwin Lee.
Lee, Edwin, -1870.Date: 1866- Books
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The mineral springs of England, and their curative efficacy : with remarks on bathing, and on artificial mineral waters / Edwin Lee.
Date: 1841- Books
Wiesbaden gout-water : its use and effect / by Dr. Buddee, physician.
Buddee, Dr.Date: [1903?]- Books
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Practical observations on the Harrogate mineral waters : with cases / by Andrew Scott Myrtle.
Myrtle, Andrew Scott.Date: 1869- Books
Nature and the medicine man : natural cures v. patent drugs : Look to your health. If you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience.
Date: [between 1920 and 1929?]- Books
An account of the mineral waters of Spa, commonly called the German Spaw: being a collection of observations from the most eminent authors who have wrote on that subject / by Henry Eyre, purveyor for mineral waters to Her Majesty.
Eyre, Henry.Date: 1733- Books
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Examen médical des eaux minérales du Département de l'Isère, d'Uriage, d'Allevard, de La Motte et d'Auriol : suivi d'observations sur diverses maladies / par F.-S.-F. Desavenières.
Desavenières, F.-S.-F.Date: [between 1840 and 1849?]- Books
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An essay on warm, cold, and vapour bathing, with practical observations on sea bathing, diseases of the skin, bilious, liver complaints, and dropsy. / By Sir Arthur Clarke, M.D.
Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.Date: 1820- Books
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The water-cure in chronic disease : an exposition of the causes, progress and terminations of various chronic diseases of the digestive organs ... and of their treatment by water, and other hygienic means / by James Manby Gully.
Gully, James Manby, 1808-1883.Date: [1847?]- Books
The Duveen collection of alchemy & chemistry : supplementing the Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica / with an introductory note by Denis I. Duveen.
H.P. Kraus (Firm)Date: 1953]- Books
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Observations on the use and abuse of the Cheltenham waters : in which are included occasional remarks on different saline compositions / by J. Smith.
Smith, John, 1721-1797.Date: 1786- Books
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The bromo-iodine waters of Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire / by C.J. Williams.
Williams, Cyril John.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Books
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The Bath waters : their uses and effects in the cure and relief of various chronic diseases / By James Tunstall, M.D.
Tunstall, James, -1880.Date: 1850- Books
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Avis aux personnes qui font usage des eaux de Plombières, ou, Traité des eaux minerales / par M. Didelot.
Didelot, Charles Gabriel.Date: 1782- Books
Meine Reise zu den Alexanderquellen in den Jahren 1809 und 1810 : Dr. Friedrich Joseph Haass als Arzt und Naturforscher im nördlichen Kaukasus / Friedrich Joseph Haass ; aus dem Französichen übersetzt und bearbeitet von Dietrich M. Mathias.
Haass, Friedrich Joseph, 1780-1853.Date: 2005- Books
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The mineral waters of Kreuznach described for physicians / by Edward Stabel.
Stabel, Eduard, 1828-Date: 1868- Archives and manuscripts
Health resorts and hygiene in syphilis
Date: 1900-1913Reference: PP/FPW/B.314Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
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A treatise on the properties and medical application of the vapour bath : in its different varieties and their effects : in various species of diseased action / by J. Gibney.
Gibney, Joannes.Date: 1829- Books
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Allgemeine und specielle Balneotherapie : mit Berücksichtigung der Klimatotherapie.
Grube, Karl.Date: 1897- Books
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Observations on the nature, the use and abuse of the Cheltenham waters : including some conjectures and queries on different saline compositions / by J. Smith.
Smith, John, 1721-1797.Date: 1796- Archives and manuscripts
Sea Air, Voyages, Mountain climates etc
Date: 1899-1945Reference: PP/FPW/B.291Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
Heilsame und nutzliche Bad Cur dess Wild-Bads, an der Entz im Hertzogthumbs Würtemberg. : Von desselben warmen Wassers Natur, Art, Eigenschafft, Krafft, Metallen, Mineralien, Tugend, Wirckung, Nutz und Gebrauch. ... / Gestellet von M. Johanne Deucero.
Deucer, Johann.Date: Im Jahr 1653- Books
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Buxton : its baths and climate; comprising a full account of the celebrated waters and climate of Buxton : together with special chapters on baths, bathing and massage : also excursions around Buxton and the Peak / by Samuel Hyde.
Hyde, Samuel, 1851-1900.Date: 1893