131 results filtered with: Eye - pathology
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Traité d'électrothérapie oculaire / par P. Pansier ; avec une préface de E. Valude.
Pansier, P. (Pierre), 1864-1934.Date: 1896- Books
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Ophthalmoscopischer Atlas : Tafelerklärung, die physiologischen und pathologischen Formen des Augenhintergrundes für praktische Aertze und Studirende, nach der Natur darestellt / von Hugo Magnus.
Magnus, Hugo, 1842-1907.Date: 1872- Books
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The question of excision of the eye in cases of injury / by R. Affleck Greeves.
Greeves, R. Affleck.Date: [1913]- Books
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Atlas of the external diseases of the eye : including a brief treatise on the pathology and treatment / by O. Haab ; edited by G. E. de Schweinitz.
Haab, O. (Otto), 1850-1931.Date: 1899- Books
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Beiträge zu den embolishen Erkrankungen des Auges / von J. Hirschberg.
Hirschberg, J. (Julius), 1843-1925.Date: [1885]- Books
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Beiträge zur Pathologie des Auges / von Eduard Jaeger Ritter von Jaxtthal.
Jäger, Friedrich, Ritter von Jaxtthal, 1784-1871.Date: 1870- Books
The pathology of the eye / by Herbert Parsons.
Parsons, John Herbert, Sir, 1868-1957.Date: 1904-1908- Books
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The anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the eye / by Henry Howard.
Howard, Henry, 1815-1887.Date: 1850- Books
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Four cases of bilateral glioma of the retina cured by enucleation of the two eyes / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1896]- Books
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The histology of the lachrymal gland in chronic dacryocystitis / by G. E. de Schweinitz.
De Schweinitz, G. E. (George Edmund), 1858-1938.Date: [1900]- Books
Neuro-ophthalmology / by R. Lindsay Rea.
Rea, R. Lindsay (Robert Lindsay), 1882-Date: 1938- Books
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On a case with a tumour in each orbit : death, necropsy / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1892]- Books
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Über das Verhalten der Doppelbilder bei Augenmuskellähmungen / von M. Woinow.
Voinov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 1844-1875.Date: 1870- Books
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Des amblyopies et des amauroses toxiques / par le dr. Galezowski.
Galezowski, Xavier, 1832-1907.Date: 1878- Books
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On the minute anatomy of pyramidal cataract / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1892]- Books
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The diagnosis of ocular paralyses / by Archibald S. Percival.
Percival, A. S. (Archibald Stanley), 1862-Date: [1897]- Books
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Die Albuminurie in ihren Ophthalmoskopischen Erscheinungen / von Hugo Magnus.
Magnus, Hugo, 1842-1907.Date: 1873- Books
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Two cases of glioma of the retina / by G. E. de Schweinitz and E. A. Shumway.
De Schweinitz, G. E. (George Edmund), 1858-1938.Date: [1899]- Books
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Atlas manuel des maladies externes de l'oeil / par O. Haab.
Haab, O. (Otto), 1850-1931.Date: 1900- Books
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Atlas der pathologischen Histologie des Auges / unter mitwirkung des Herrn Prof. Dr. C. Stellwag von Carion ; herausgegeben von C. Wedl.
Stellwag von Carion, Karl, 1823-1904.Date: 1861- Books
Clinical pathology of the eye : a practical treatise of histopathology / by Bernard Samuels and Adalbert Fuchs.
Samuels, Bernard.Date: [1952]- Books
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Commentatio medica exhibens oculi humani anatomiam et pathologiam : eiusdemque in statu morboso exstirpationem / auctore Io. Guilielmo Gottlob Voit.
Voit, Jo. Guilielmo Gottlob.Date: 1810- Books
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Auge : Allgemeine Pathologie und pathologische Anatomie des Auges / Th. Axenfeld, A.-E. Fick und W. Uhthoff.
Axenfeld, Th. (Theodor), 1867-1930.Date: 1898- Books
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Das Geschwür der Hornhauthinterfläche (Ulcus internum Corneae) : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der angeborenen Hornhauttrübungen sowie des Magalothalmus und Hydrophthalmus / von Eugen v. Hippel.
Von Hippel, Eugen.Date: 1900- Books
Pathology of the eye. No. 3, On some of the changes produced in the coats of the eye by inflammation / by Alexander Watson.
Watson, Alexander, 1799-1879.Date: 1831