206 results filtered with: Politics - history
- Books
Die Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas in der Gegenwart : Sitten, Institutionen und Ideen seit dem Secessionskriege / von Claudio Jannet und Dr. Walter Kampfe.
Jannet, Claudio, 1844-1894.Date: 1893- Books
Patricians, power, and politics in nineteenth century towns / edited by David Cannadine.
Date: 1982- Books
El médico político : estudios biográficos sobre la influencia del médico en la historia política de Hispanoamérica y Filipinas / Francisco Guerra.
Guerra, Francisco.Date: 1975, ©1974- Books
Politics in the ancient world / M.I. Finley.
Finley, M. I. (Moses I.), 1912-1986.Date: 1983- Books
Lord Winstanley.
Date: 1993- Books
- Online
Cabala sive Scrinia sacra; mysteries of state and government: in letters of illustrious persons and great ministers of state. As well forreign as domestick, in the reigns of King Henry the Eight, Q: Elizabeth, K: James, and K: Charles: wherein such secrets of empire, and publick affairs, as were then in agitation, are clearly represented... To which is added several choice letters and negotiations, no where else published.
Date: 1663- Books
Das Konzept der Rassenhygiene : Aufstieg und Niedergang einer Wissenschaft / Georg Lilienthal.
Lilienthal, Georg.Date: 1996- Books
The municipal government of Bristol, 1851-1901 / by David Large.
Large, David.Date: 1999- Books
Notice sur Jean Le Bon, médecin du cardinal de Guise / [Auguste Benoit] ; suivi de la prosopopée "le Rhin au Roy", 1568 [par Jean Le Bon].
Benoît, Auguste.Date: 1971- Books
When bodies remember : experiences and politics of AIDS in South Africa / Didier Fassin ; translated by Amy Jacobs and Gabrielle Varro.
Fassin, Didier.Date: [2007], ©2007- Books
L'Etat et la santé : la politique de santé publique ou "police médicale" dans les quatre départements rhénans, 1794-1814 / Calixte Hudemann-Simon.
Hudemann-Simon, Calixte.Date: 1995- Books
Monarchy and incest in Renaissance England : literature, culture, kinship, and kingship / Bruce Thomas Boehrer.
Boehrer, Bruce Thomas.Date: [1992], ©1992- Books
Science, Cold War and the American state : Lloyd V. Berkner and the balance of professional ideals / Allan A. Needell.
Needell, Allan A.Date: 2000- Books
Urban politics in Victorian England : the structure of politics in Victorian cities / Derek Fraser.
Fraser, Derek.Date: 1979- Books
Instrucción reservada que dio el Virrey don Miguel José de Azanza a su sucesor don Félix Berenguer de Marquini / prólogo y notas de Ernesto de la Torre.
Azanza, Miguel José de, 1746-1826.Date: 1960- Books
"Primum humanitas, alterum scientia" : die Wiener Medizinische Schule im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Politik / Felicitas Seebacher.
Seebacher, Felicitas.Date: 2000- Books
The body politic : corporeal metaphor in revolutionary France, 1770-1800 / Antoine de Baecque ; translated by Charlotte Mandell.
Baecque, Antoine de.Date: 1997- Books
Memoirs : a twentieth-century journey in science and politics / Edward Teller ; with Judith L. Shoolery.
Teller, Edward, 1908-2003.Date: 2001- Books
Genèse du pouvoir charismatique en basse Casamance (Sénégal) / par Jean Girard.
Girard, Jean.Date: 1969- Books
Z historie českých medických plesů / Ludmila Hlaváčková.
Hlaváčková, Ludmila.Date: 1999- Books
British public opinion : a guide to the history and techniques of political opinion polling / Robert M. Worcester.
Worcester, Robert M.Date: 1991- Books
From contested duties to disputed rights : the social politics of fertility regulation in Chile, 1964-1989 / by Jadwiga E. Piper.
Pieper, Jadwiga E.Date: 2000- Books
The age of William III & Mary II : power, politics, and patronage, 1688-1702 a reference encyclopedia and exhibition catalogue / edited by Robert P. Maccubbin & Martha Hamilton-Phillips.
Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
- Online
Memorials of London and London life, in the XIIIth, XIVth, and XVth centuries : Being a series of extracts, local, social, and political, from the early archives of the City of London, A.D. 1276-1419 / Selected, translated, and edited by Henry Thomas Riley ... Published by order of the Corporation of London, under the superintendence of the Library Committee.
City of London (England). Corporation.Date: 1868- Books
Health policy and medical research : Hepatitis B in the UK since the 1940s thesis submitted for degree of PhD registered at London School of Tropical Medicine, University of London, January 1995 / Jennifer Margaret Stanton.
Stanton, Jennifer Margaret.Date: 1995