362 results filtered with: Balneology
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A treatise on the Bath waters. Pt. I / by George Smith Gibbes.
Gibbes, George Smith, 1771-1851.Date: 1812- Books
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De la nature et de l'usage des bains / par Henri-Mathias Marcard ... traduit de l'allemand par Michel Parant.
Marcard, Heinrich Matthias, 1747-1817.Date: An IX (1801)- Books
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Systematisches Lehrbuch der Balneotherapie / von Julius Braun.
Braun, Julius, 1821-1878.Date: 1869- Books
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A short dissertation on the Jamaica bath waters : to which is prefixed, an introduction concerning mineral waters in general : shewing the methods of examining them, and ascertaining their contents / by Thomas Dancer, M.D.
Dancer, Thomas.Date: MDCCLXXXIV [1784]- Books
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Authentic documents relative to the miraculous cure of Winefrid White, of Wolverhampton, at St. Winefrid's Well, alias Holywell, in Flintshire, on the 28th of June 1805 : with observations thereon / by the R.R. J--- M-----.
Milner, John, 1752-1826.Date: 1806- Books
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A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind / By James Cowles Prichard.
Prichard, James Cowles, 1786-1848.Date: 1835- Journals
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Jahrbuch für Balneologie, Hydrologie und Klimatologie.
- Books
Estudio sobre las aguas de Tehuacán (Estado de Puebla) / [Eduardo Armendaris].
Armendaris, Eduardo.Date: 1902- Books
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A handbook of climatic treatment including balneology / by William R. Huggard.
Huggard, W. R. (William Richard)Date: 1906- Journals
Journal of balneology and climatology.
- Books
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Wiesen as a health resort in early phthisis : with directions for clothing, diet, and exercise in the Swiss Alps during winter / by A.T. Tucker Wise.
Date: 1883- Books
Internationaler Ärztlicher Fortbildungskursus : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Balnealogie und Balneotherapie / veranstaltet und herausgegeben vom Stadtrad Karlsbad ; in diesem Auftrage redigiert von Edgar Ganz.
Date: 1928- Books
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Hidro-analise des minerales chaudes & froides de la ville imperiale d'Aix La Chapele : divisé en deux parties ... / par J.F. Bresmal, Docteur en Medecine.
Bresmal, Jean-François, approximately 1660-1724.Date: MDCCIII [1703]- Books
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A plain elementary explanation of the nature and cure of disease : predicated upon facts and experience ; presenting a view of that train of thinking which led to the invention of the patent, portable warm and hot bath / by Samuel K. Jennings.
Jennings, Samuel K. (Samuel Kennedy), 1771-1854.Date: 1814- Books
Cenni generali su la necessità di preparare alle fumigazioni solforose gli ammalati, e sul vario loro trattamento / del medico Dr. Pietro Trezzolani.
Trezzolani, Pietro.Date: 1821- Archives and manuscripts
Sea Air, Voyages, Mountain climates etc 1898-1900
Date: 1899-1940Reference: PP/FPW/B.291/1Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
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Amusemens des eaux d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Ouvrage utile à ceux qui vont y prendre les bains, ou qui sont dans l'usage de ses eaux. Enrichi de tailles-douces, qui représentent les vues & perspectives de cette ville, de ses bains & fontaines, églises & édifices publics / Par l'auteur des Amusemens des eaux de Spa [i.e. C.L. von Pöllnitz].
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von, 1692-1775Date: M.DCC.XXXVI- Books
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Heart disease, blood-pressure, and the Nauheim-Schott treatment / by Louis Faugeres Bishop.
Bishop, Louis Faugères, 1864-1941.Date: 1909- Books
Analisi delle acque minerali di S. Casciano : de' bagni e dell' uso di esse nella medicina / di Annibale Bastiani.
Bastiani, Annibale.Date: 1770- Books
A handbook of climatic treatment including balneology / by William R. Huggard.
Huggard, William R. (William Richard)Date: 1906- Books
- Online
Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Heilquellenlehre : nach dem neuesten Standpunkte der physikalischen und physiologischen Wissenschaften, so wie nach eigenen artzlichen Erfahrungen systematisch bearbeitet / von August Vetter.
Vetter, Friedrich Wilhelm August, 1799-Date: 1838- Books
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A descriptive, historical, chemical and therapeutical analysis of the Avon sulphur springs, Livingston County, N.Y : with directions for their use / by Samuel Salisbury.
Salisbury, Samuel, 1806-1850.Date: 1845- Books
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Observations on the Ballston waters.
Hosack, David, 1769-1835.Date: [1810?]- Books
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The spas of Europe / by Julius Althaus.
Date: 1862- Books
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A chemical and medical report of the properties of the mineral waters of Buxton, Matlock, Tunbridge Wells, Harrogate, Bath, Cheltenham, Leamington, Malvern, and the Isle of Wight / by Charles Scudamore.
Scudamore, Charles, 1779-1849.Date: 1820