4 results filtered with: International behavioral sciences series
- Books
The psychology of set / Dmitrii Nikolaevich Uznadze.
Uznadze, D. N. (Dmitriĭ Nikolaevich)Date: 1966- Books
Sleep therapy in the neuroses / by B. V. Andreev ; translated from the Russian by Basil Haigh.
Andreev, B. V. (Boris Vladimirovich)Date: 1960- Books
The pathology of thinking / by Blyuma Vul'fovna Zeigarnik ; foreword to the English edition by A.R. Luria.
Zeĭgarnik, B. V. (Bli︠u︡ma Vulʹfovna), 1900-1988.Date: 1965- Books
Oligophrenia : mental deficiency in children / by M.S. Pevzner.
Pevzner, M. S. (Marii︠a︡ Semenovna)Date: [1961]