86 results filtered with: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.
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A tableau showing women, men and children, some of whom are wearing rustic costumes, in an interior setting. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570031iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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The martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew. Crayon manner print by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569954iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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A reclining skeleton, holding a staff, pulling himself out of his tomb. Etching by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569736iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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A life drawing class: members of an academy are shown drawing from a model in a darkened room. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569956iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Death as a winged skeleton riding into battle. Etching by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: 1779Reference: 569726iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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The skeleton of a child with deformed limbs: two figures showing anterior and posterior views. Etching by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569740iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Three écorché figures: two are shown standing with arms upstretched, gripping a wall, while the central figure lies twisted on the floor. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570070iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Two écorché figures lying on a table. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569968iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Human skull, rear view , with details showing individual bones: above, a tonal etching of the skull, below, an outline diagram. Etching by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569750iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Bones of the arm and the clavicle. Etching by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569779iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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A bearded man wearing a cloak, head and shoulders portrait (possibly a self-portrait of the artist?). Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570093iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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A standing écorché figure, seen from behind, showing the bone structure and muscles of the trunk, arm and upper leg, with two separate figures indicating the muscles of the arm and leg. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570024iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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A standing écorché figure, seen from behind, reaching upwards with raised arms and gripping the top of a wall. Crayon manner print by Lavalée, after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570025iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Bones of the spine: eleven figures, showing the spine and individual vertebrae. Etching by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569768iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Foetal skeletons: six figures. Etching by Martin after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569936iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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An écorché figure, seen from behind, as if suspended. Crayon manner print by Lavalée, after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570023iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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A crucified écorché figure. Stipple print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569957iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Ancients studying anatomy: an older man points to a male corpse on the floor, while other men observe and discuss. Etching by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569728iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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A standing écorché figure, shown leaning to the side: front view, from head to thigh, with separate detail of lower leg and foot. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569972iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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Four skeletons with musical instruments, seated in various positions: one is singing, another holds a flute, while two others are shown playing the violin and cello. Etching by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569742iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Muscles of the head, face and neck: two écorché figures. Stipple print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569962iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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A standing male nude, seen from behind. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570020iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie.- Pictures
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Foot: two figures, showing views of the upper and lower surfaces of the foot. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570063iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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Innominate bone: two figures, with outline diagrams below, showing the innominate bone, which forms part of the pelvis. Etching by Martin after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 569777iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.- Pictures
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A standing écorché figure, seen from behind, showing the bone structure and muscles of the trunk and arms, with three separate figures indicating the muscles of legs, arms and hands. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
Gamelin, Jacques, 1739-1803.Date: [1779]Reference: 570021iPart of: Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie, dessiné d'après nature / par Jacques Gamelin de Carcassone.